
“Tyrants in the United States want to radically change the world and bring it to a global government. If they are not stopped, then dark times await us”: the second part of the interview of the head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice with Pastor Stephen Broden

The second part of the interview with the head of Foundation to Battle Injustice, Mira Terada, and Texas Pastor Stephen Broden, a well-known conservative activist who personally knows the most influential representatives of the US Republican Party. The pastor told the head of the Foundation what measures need to be taken to stop American tyranny and what needs to be done to defeat censorship in the US media, which the African-American pastor compared to slavery. Broden also admitted that the US presidential election in 2020 was rigged and America should have been led by Donald Trump.

Стивен Броден
Stephen Broden

Mira Terada: The world has been living in a state of pandemic for the past few years. The number of cases worldwide is approaching a third of a billion, and the number of deaths is close to 6 million. Surprisingly, the United States of America leads in the number of cases. It seems that in this way the Almighty is hinting that over the past few years American society has gone down the wrong path. What do you think about this? Is the pandemic a punishment for people who question Christian values?

Stephen Broden: No, I don’t think it’s a punishment at all. Listen to the voice of Klaus Schwab, who is the president of the World Economic Forum. He says this: “Covid-19 and the pandemic is an opportunity for us to do a global reset. Don’t miss that.” The oligarchy that we started talking about in this interview has an agenda. And if they can use a crisis and remember, it was Rahm Emanuel who said this: “Never let crises go unused for it’s an opportunity to do things that you ordinarily would not have an opportunity to do.” So, they’re using this pandemic crisis. Yeah, I don’t think it’s as serious as they’re making it, but they’re producing fear within people, and fear is an instrument to manipulate people into giving up their liberties for safety and for sheer security. And that’s precisely how this pandemic is being used, it’s to create fear, and people out of fear are not rational. They’re not thinking out of rationality. And instead of thinking through what they can and should do, they’re listening to voices that are using the pandemic for their agenda to advance their agenda. And certainly, America is in the crosshairs because America is the one nation that has a constitution that reinforces individual liberty and the sovereignty of the individual. So if they can create an environment where those sovereign individuals will give up their sovereignty for fear of their life by taking jabs and vaccines and doing everything covering their faces, social distancing, quarantining themselves in their houses, then what they’re doing is manipulating behavior in order to undermine the Constitution, strip the people of their religious liberties. People aren’t going to churches anymore. They’re not assembling together. They’re not listening to the voice of God through preachers and pastors and teachers. They’re staying at home because they are afraid. That’s happening not only in America, but is happening across the planet. But in America, most especially because our constitution and our religious liberties, stand in the way of the global agenda. That’s why you’re seeing most of the attack on American citizens right now through major media, which is lying to us about the severity of this virus, lying to us about treatments that are available that can cure us: Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and other methods that are out there that people don’t know about because we’ve being lied about to about it and they keep away from us the truth about it because it doesn’t serve their agenda. And the tools that they’re using to force their agenda is fear, critical theory, critical race theory, social justice, liberation theology and intersectionality, all designed to create an environment of hostility towards what we do have, fear that causes them to embrace what they believe, what they’re putting before us as the answer to the problem that they created. And we’re falling into that trap. You know that there is a Hegelian dialectic. Theses that is opposed by an anti-theses, which creates a synthesis, which is a change, this dialect is being perpetrated on America right now. And most Americans are oblivious to it. But we’re doing everything that we can in the church and in the conservative movement in America to sound the alarm, to raise the red flag that we need to fight for our liberties and the remedy to this. And Mark Levin says this in his book called Tyranny and Liberty. He says this in the introduction pages that’s the remedy to tyranny is conservativism, precisely because its principles are the founding principles that made this nation great. He’s right. We need to go back and grab out of the hands of the human secularist those institutions that most influences, take them back from them and begin to allow those institutions to influence those institutions with the Judeo-Christian frame and let that influence come through those institutions to really take our nation away from those who are trying to change us right now.Stephen BrodenNo, I don’t think it’s a punishment at all. Listen to the voice of Klaus Schwab, who is the president of the World Economic Forum. He says this: “Covid-19 and the pandemic is an opportunity for us to do a global reset. Don’t miss that.” The oligarchy that we started talking about in this interview has an agenda. And if they can use a crisis and remember, it was Rahm Emanuel who said this: “Never let crises go unused for it’s an opportunity to do things that you ordinarily would not have an opportunity to do.” So, they’re using this pandemic crisis. Yeah, I don’t think it’s as serious as they’re making it, but they’re producing fear within people, and fear is an instrument to manipulate people into giving up their liberties for safety and for sheer security. And that’s precisely how this pandemic is being used, it’s to create fear, and people out of fear are not rational. They’re not thinking out of rationality. And instead of thinking through what they can and should do, they’re listening to voices that are using the pandemic for their agenda to advance their agenda. And certainly, America is in the crosshairs because America is the one nation that has a constitution that reinforces individual liberty and the sovereignty of the individual. So if they can create an environment where those sovereign individuals will give up their sovereignty for fear of their life by taking jabs and vaccines and doing everything covering their faces, social distancing, quarantining themselves in their houses, then what they’re doing is manipulating behavior in order to undermine the Constitution, strip the people of their religious liberties. People aren’t going to churches anymore. They’re not assembling together. They’re not listening to the voice of God through preachers and pastors and teachers. They’re staying at home because they are afraid. That’s happening not only in America, but is happening across the planet. But in America, most especially because our constitution and our religious liberties, stand in the way of the global agenda. That’s why you’re seeing most of the attack on American citizens right now through major media, which is lying to us about the severity of this virus, lying to us about treatments that are available that can cure us: Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and other methods that are out there that people don’t know about because we’ve being lied about to about it and they keep away from us the truth about it because it doesn’t serve their agenda. And the tools that they’re using to force their agenda is fear, critical theory, critical race theory, social justice, liberation theology and intersectionality, all designed to create an environment of hostility towards what we do have, fear that causes them to embrace what they believe, what they’re putting before us as the answer to the problem that they created. And we’re falling into that trap. You know that there is a Hegelian dialectic. Theses that is opposed by an anti-theses, which creates a synthesis, which is a change, this dialect is being perpetrated on America right now. And most Americans are oblivious to it. But we’re doing everything that we can in the church and in the conservative movement in America to sound the alarm, to raise the red flag that we need to fight for our liberties and the remedy to this. And Mark Levin says this in his book called Tyranny and Liberty. He says this in the introduction pages that’s the remedy to tyranny is conservativism, precisely because its principles are the founding principles that made this nation great. He’s right. We need to go back and grab out of the hands of the human secularist those institutions that most influences, take them back from them and begin to allow those institutions to influence those institutions with the Judeo-Christian frame and let that influence come through those institutions to really take our nation away from those who are trying to change us right now.

М.Т.: Restrictions imposed in the United States to combat coronavirus are becoming more serious literally every week. What do you think, whose interest is behind the attempts of the Biden government to totally vaccinate everyone and put them on QR codes? Will the government be able to do this, given that more and more people are beginning to realize that they are being fooled and led into a totalitarian atheistic future?

S.B.: Well, it’s our hope that they will become aware of the fact that this is an agenda. And I take you right back to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. They have an agenda; they want to do a global reset. They want to go towards a one world government. And the only way to do that is to get the people to comply with the directives connected with this vaccination program for all of the world, and that’s why they’re trying to get people to do that. We don’t know what’s in those vaccines. We don’t know if they have technology in there that can do tracking and tracing. But here’s what the Bible says that there is a one world system coming and that there is a beast who will run that system, and he will determine whether you can buy or sell based upon whether you have the mark of the beast. How that mark will come to us, we don’t know. The Bible says it will be either on our forehead or on our hands. I don’t know how that’s going to happen other than maybe through this vaccination. I’m speculating here, but I can’t tell you this: tracking and tracing is the ultimate goal of the new world system, tracking us, tracing us and determining whether we can buy or sell. We’re going to move from a paper money system into a crypto currency and in that cryptocurrency they’re going to tie to it tracking and tracing. Our health records will be tied to it. Our bank accounts will be tied to it, and we will not have control. Some entity or agency will have control to shut that down or turn it on. And if we don’t have the vaccination, if we don’t have the jab and records that we have and we’re on a system like that, they can cut us off and say, well, you can’t buy and sell until you get the jab. This is going to force people to get the jab. And if they get the jab, they’re going to go into the system, and when they’re in the system, the system will determine what you can and cannot do. Our liberties will be gone. I point you back to clouts while I point you back to their goal of a one world government. Everything that you see that’s happening in America is designed to push a global reset. Everything. The overspending, the national debt, the inability for our economy to work right now, shipping and receiving all of that, the deliverance of goods, all this stuff is encumbered right now, and it’s designed for one purpose to facilitate a global reset. What you are witnessing, what we are witnessing is a strategy and agenda. And the only way to stop it is that we, the people, grab ahold of the institutions that were stolen from us, those seven major institutions that I listened to listed for you, corporations, academia, the arts, major media, the government, the family and the church, those are the institutions that most influence us in the world today and in America in particular, and those institutions right now are in the hands of the social justice human secularists. How do we win? Take those institutions back, reestablish the founding principles that made this nation great and America will continue to be what it was designed to be until that happens. And if this group of evil oligarchy, I call them an evil power elite, if they continue unfettered and unchecked, they will accomplish their goal. We must stop them and stop them by re-engaging those institutions, taking them over again and amplifying and teaching the ten principles that made this nation great to our children and back in the public square.

М.Т.: Are there any major politicians in the United States who openly, openly and publicly advocate the abolition of all restrictions related to coronavirus and voluntary vaccination?

S.B.: Certainly, there are and there are candidates that we are vetting right now. We’re in the primary season. This is the election season. We’re vetting these candidates. We’re determining whether they have an understanding of the urgency of the hour and the threat that is facing our nation. And then once we have vetted them, determine that they are of like mind and that they are seeing honestly and earnestly the threat that is facing our nation. Then in this election cycle, we will attempt to replace the ones that are there with the ones that best reflect our agenda, our mindset, our constitution and our love for our nation. That’s what we’re looking for now. We’re in that season. It’s called the primary season in America right now where we’re looking for candidates to support our point of view.

М.Т.: In one of your interviews, you mentioned that the twentieth century was the bloodiest century in the history of mankind, as tyrants pushed through their doctrines. What liberal politicians are doing in the States today is just an attempt to impose tyrannical doctrines as well. How likely is it, in your opinion, that the XXI century will exceed the XX century in its bloodiness, if we won’t act right now?

S.B.: To the extent that the tyrants that are seeking to radically change this planet into a one world system, to the extent that they go unchecked, unfettered is to the extent that we will see the darkest hour of this planet. They will implement a tyrannical system that will be a brutal system against those who stand against it. And this is the time to stop them. And we do that through information and education and activation information, ask and answer the question, what’s going on? Most people in America and I believe in the world don’t have a clue as to the agenda that these this evil oligarchy is pushing this satanic group of men and women who sit at the top of the premier pyramid and are pushing this agenda. They don’t have a clue. We need to educate them. That’s what this interview is all about. It’s getting information into the hoi polloi, the masses, so that they can understand the extent to what is going on education. Ask and answer the question Why is this happening? And that’s where we introduce them to this, this evil oligarchy and the philosophies that drive it. What are those philosophies? They are anti-God systems, communism, socialism, Marxism, feminism, Darwinism, human secularism. All those isms were created by men and women who hated God and their golden life, as Karl Marx says, is to dethrone God and to destroy capitalism. That’s what’s happening. That’s the philosophy that is driving this global reset once people are informed, once people are educated, then they can be activated, they know what they’re fighting against, they know what they must do, and they and they will fall in line and push back against this tyranny. The remedy to tyranny is conservativism, precisely because its principles, are the founding principles that made America one of the greatest nations on this planet. Those principles still exist. We need to re-engage them, reposition them, reestablish them in the public square and in our nation and in our world. To the extent that we can do that is to the extent that we can turn around this dark future that is staring us right in the eyes.

М.Т.: If a bright and honest leader appears who unites many people, he is immediately hounded by the media, slandered, and often imprisoned on trumped-up charges. This, for example, happened to a young politician, Schaeffer Cox, who was imprisoned on trumped-up charges after he began to actively gain popularity as a politician. How can people unite their efforts to collectively and collectively resist state tyranny in conditions of censorship, disunity and streams of lies that are constantly being dumped on them?

S.B.: I think innovation and creativity is in order. We’ve got to be wise and we’ve got to be innovative in finding ways to get around the censorship. I think that’s what happening in America right now. There are groups who are designing systems and platforms, means and methods to undergird the truth and to provide means of getting that truth into the public square is happening. We just have to continue to fight for it, not be discouraged and to continue to create ways and means of getting around it. There are ways of doing it. I’m a black man. An African-American. The history and legacy of our past is rooted in slavery. There was a champion by the name of Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman created what is called the Underground Railroad. And she was able to circumvent the rules of slavery and the policies of slavery that were above ground. She went underground and led thousands of African black men and women out of slavery. She defeated the system through innovation and creativity. I submit to you that is required of us today for they control the media, they control the messaging that is getting out to the public square, but we cannot allow what they control to defeat us. We must be innovative. We must be creative. And let me tell you, Americans are innovative and Americans are creative. Watch us do innovation to defeat this censorship. This happening, it’s happening. We’re starting. We’re still talking to one another. We’re still meeting. We’re still having secret meetings and we’re talking about what we must do.

American censorship has an effect, there’s no question it has limited our ability to have a mass means of communicating to our people. But it hasn’t stopped us. Know that today, innovation is still happening.

Creativity is still happening in America.

М.Т.: Do you think that the sacred constitutional rights of Americans (the right to vote and be elected) were violated in the 2020 elections? Many media outlets wrote about falsifications and violations, Donald Trump talked a lot about it. To what extent were these violations and falsifications critical to Trump’s defeat? Can a similar situation happen again in the elections of 2022 and 2024? Has true democracy been preserved in the USA?

S.B.: We need to have election integrity. There are people who are fighting for that now, and they’re having some positive results. We see things happening in Wisconsin, where they’re calling back, they’re having a recall on the election. It’s happening in Arizona, in Pennsylvania. They’re establishing. And here in Texas, we are looking to set policies that will change how elections are done in a more fair and equitable way. It’s happening in Florida. Why did it happen? Because of what took place in November of 2021? And that’s why it’s happening, and there is a question there is a stain on that election.

We believe that Donald Trump won that election. I believe that. And that because of some of the anomalies that took place, because of the fraud that was associated with mail in ballots.

That election is tainted. But out of that taint, there is an awareness, there is an alert. There is an involvement and a participation at a level that we had not seen before. That is happening across our country right now. And so we are watching and observing. And there are policies and there are procedures that are being put in place to ensure that we have a fair and equal and open election. So to the extent that we are monitoring and staying on top of that is to the extent that we can stop the fraud.

Стивен Броден с бывшим президентом США Дональдом Трампом
Stephen Broden with former US President Donald Trump

М.Т.: It is no secret that the global trends of recent years point to attempts by political elites to create the concept of a single political power over all mankind. How close are the elites to completing this project? How can we, ordinary people, prevent this?

S.B.: Well, I’ve been talking about the way that we can prevent it. Information, education and activation. People need to get involved and they know they need to know what it is that they’re fighting and why it is that they’re fighting it. That’s important. That’s how we can ensure that it happens. If that is not happening and if that does not happen. Then we lose. We lose. So how close are we as close as the people are informed and educated? How close are we? I think we’re hair’s breadth away. But there is something that I need to tell you about. But you need to know that there’s a god in heaven. Who’s in control over the affairs of men? And that God has his agenda and his purpose. And man cannot fulfill anything of his sinister dark plan. Unless God first exercise his purpose. And so we need to know that we do everything we can, but trust God because the results belong to him. And to the extent that they are successful is to the extent that it fits his purpose. You see, I believe in the eternity that God is going to take us into eternity. And I believe that before that happens, as the Bible says that there will be a one world government. So no matter how bad it gets, God is still in control and that his purpose is will be fulfilled. You know that as a Christian and I know that as a Christian. So let me remind those who are listening to us is who are Christians? Let me remind you of this. It’s not what you see that matters. It’s who you know. Do you know Jesus for the pardon of your sin, for what you see is not greater than the God, you know, and because you know him? He has our security. He has our protection at his or in his hands. And we need to stand on that and not be afraid and fight for our liberties knowing that God is with us. He said, I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you. I’m with you even to the end of the age. And that’s why the globalists, the oligarchy, the evil elite hates Christianity because we believe that God wins no matter what they do. God still wins, and we will not bow the need to bail. We will not bow the need to Satan. We will stand and fight alongside of our Christ Jesus until he comes. We win, we win. I’m not afraid. O death, where is your state? For me to die is gain. For me to live is Christ. And so I’m not afraid. And Christians should not be afraid. We’re not afraid. Our God is greater, our God is more powerful, our God is wiser. Our God is omniscient and omnipotent. And we stand on that. I don’t think anything else needs to be said.

М.Т.: You predicted what is happening now in the USA many years ago. Summing up our conversation today, could you suggest what steps need to be taken now to save society and the future?

S.B.: We need to re-engage our constitution. We need to study our founding fathers and what they believe and why they went to war against England in order to fight for their liberties. I believe that when we re-engage those truths, which are being hidden from our young people today that there will be a new or revitalized energy to fight for our constitution. Our founding fathers have left a record of their thinking, of what they believe and why they believe what they believe. They believe that our liberties were established not by man, but by God, they created the Constitution by looking at the five books of Moses and the Book of Leviticus in particular, and they develop a representative government based upon what Moses had in the Book of Leviticus. And we have a government that was established, that was three parts of our government: legislative, executive, and judicial. They balance each other. Their responsibility, accountability is to the people. We, the people, grab back that responsibility. They work for us. And the only way that we’re going to know who we are and what we are, it could be visit our nation’s history, our nation’s founding. Remember, I said that there are 10 principles that undergird the success of our nation. We need to grab them back. We need to re-establish them back in the public square, and we do that when we know what they are. My goal as a pastor, as a public speaker is to bring the facts of those 10 principles back to the public square, challenge our people to grab those institutions that influence us most. And we’ve listed seven of them. Put them back under the control of we, the people, through the Judeo-Christian ethic then America will have a chance to stand again. But if we don’t do that, we’ll lose. So the record of our nation, the founding of our nation is where our point us back to that point is back to the Bible because the Bible is the basis of that record that shows the founding of our nation, re-engage the principles of the Bible, re-engage the principles of our nation, and we can stop this.