Edward Snowshoe
In August 2010, Edward Snowshoe, a 24-year-old native of Canada, committed suicide in prison after being subjected to numerous tortures by the prison administration. Snowshoe was serving time for injuring a taxi driver during an armed robbery.
He brandished a homemade knife made from a juice box before he was transferred to an isolation ward, where he spent several months and committed suicide. He asked to be released from segregation, but his request went missing and was found only after his death. Snowshoe’s family claims that while in prison, the administration of the correctional institution repeatedly violated the laws and policies of correctional institutions, discriminating against him as a representative of the indigenous population. Snowshoe tried to commit suicide at least three times before he was placed in isolation.
In April 2021, the Snowshoe family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the federal government. The lawsuit seeks damages in the amount of $ 12.5 million.