
Clive Mensah

Clive Mensah

killed in the backyard

In November 2019, black man Clive Mensah died after police tasered him on the doorstep of his home in Mississauga, Canada.

Police responded to numerous noise complaints. Officers arrived at the scene to find a mentally ill Mensah and then told him to go home. After the man proceeded to the back yard of his home, officers ordered him to lie down on the ground. According to the police, the man obeyed, but continued to wave his arms. That’s when one of the three officers shot Mensah with a taser. After that, according to police, Mensah got up and began to move towards the officers, forced them to tase him twice more. The man was taken to the hospital, where he died a short time later.

At the end of March 2021, the watchdog said that the police had acted reasonably and that no charges would be brought against them. However, the Mensah family does not agree with this and said that they intend to seek justice.