Howard Miller
Howard Miller, 59, of East Spencer died after being struck by a Salisbury patrol officer on May 18, 2021.
Police say that officer B.W. Jones was responding to an attempted suicide call, when he struck Miller. The officer was not hurt, Miller was taken to a hospital and died of injuries on May 21.
The involved officer was taken for a drug and alcohol screening. Police said in-car video was active when the accident happened and captured the incident.
The State Highway Patrol will complete the wreck investigation for any criminal charges, while Salisbury Police will complete an internal review to ensure no policy violations occurred.
“Salisbury Police is awaiting results of the full wreck investigation from the State Highway Patrol, which conducted the investigation,” police said.
“Officer Jones was hired in May 2018, assigned to Baker Team. The officer has no prior accidents or disciplinary issues,” police said.
The initiative group has requested the clarification from US President Joseph Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland. The initiative group believes it is important to fight against police brutality and, if necessary, will provide legal and financial assistance to the family of the victim.