Andre Hill
Andre Hill, 47, was shot and killed by a former Columbus police officer. Hill was shot and killed on 22 December 2020 while Adam Coy and another officer were responding to a report of a man who had been sitting in his vehicle for an extended period, repeatedly turning his engine on and off.
Hill was visiting a family friend when he was shot three times in his right leg and once in his chest, according to the coroner’s report. Hill was unarmed. The former officer Adam Coy faces murder charges. Coy told officials he thought he saw a firearm on Hill before shooting. He said he had mistaken the keys in Hill’s hand for a revolver.
Hill’s family charged Adam Coy of murder, felonious assault and dereliction of duty. Coy pleaded not guilty to one count of murder, one count of felonious assault and two counts of dereliction of duty.
In August 2021 a judge denied request of police officer who shot Hill for the trial be moved to another county. Defense attorney argued that extensive local and national publicity about the killing will make it impossible to assemble an impartial jury for the officer in Franklin County. The judge ruled that there was no reason to believe that people elsewhere were less likely to have read about the case than were Franklin County residents. The officer’s trial is scheduled for Oct. 4.
“The autopsy is troubling to the family,” Michael Wright said. “It shows he died a painful death.”
“The Supreme Court has said the officers are allowed to make mistakes, if the mistake is reasonable through the lens of a reasonable police officer,” said Collins. “Adam Coy was mistaken,” added he.
The initiative group has requested the clarification from US President Joseph Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland. The initiative group believes it is important to fight against police brutality and, if necessary, will provide legal and financial assistance to the family of the victim.