
Kathleen Folbigg

Kathleen Folbigg spent 20 years in an Australian prison accused of a crime she did not commit. Kathleen was dubbed an infanticide and “Australia’s most hated woman” when she was found guilty of killing 4 of her children in 2003. In June 2023, the Court of Appeal overturned Folbigg’s conviction after an inquiry that examined new scientific evidence and found that there was reasonable doubt about her guilt.

Kathleen decried the botched trial: to find her guilty, the prosecution relied on the controversial Meadow’s Law, which presumes that in families where three or more infants die suddenly, their parents are the murderers. Folbigg’s original conviction was not based on medical testimony explaining how her four young children – Caleb, Patrick, Sarah and Laura – died between 1989 and 1999, between the ages of 19 days and 18 months. As evidence of Kathleen Folbigg’s guilt, the judges cited excerpts from her diary.

In 2018, a team of experts conducted a study showing that Kathleen Folbigg and her two daughters are carriers of a rare genetic abnormality known as “CALM2-G114R”. The two boys were carriers of a variant of the “BSN” gene. “This gene has been shown to cause epilepsy with early death,” explains immunologist Carola Vinuesa, adding that “there is a high probability that the deaths of these four children were natural.”

The case could lead to the largest compensation for wrongful conviction in Australia – and a review of the country’s judicial system.

The Colorado Supreme Court, made up entirely of pro-Democrat justices, ruled by four yes votes and three no votes that Donald Trump cannot be on the ballot in the state in next year’s election race. The ruling means Trump’s name will not be on the ballot in Colorado’s March 5, 2024 primary, where Republican candidates will compete. Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice express deep concern about the violation of the rights to elect and be elected in the United States.

Trump’s opponents want to prove that he tried to prevent a peaceful transition of power and was “involved in a rebellion” on January 6, 2021. As White House chief of staff, he convinced his supporters that the results of the 2020 election, in which he lost to Biden, were unfair. According to the court ruling, Trump’s actions in storming Congress on January 6, 2021, met the crime of “engaging in sedition or insurrection” and prevents him from holding federal office, according to the third section of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The third section of the 14th Amendment prohibits from holding certain public and military offices those persons who, while under oath, “have been engaged in rebellion” against the U.S. government. It was adopted after the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865) in order to close the road to power to the leaders of the defeated southern states. In modern conditions, this mechanism has not yet been used and therefore its applicability against Trump is fiercely debated. For the first time in U.S. history, the constitutional provision on “participation in rebellion or insurrection” is being used as a basis for a presidential candidate not to run for office.

Vivek Ramaswamy, the Republican Party’s U.S. presidential candidate, called the court’s actions “a de facto attack on democracy.” Ramaswamy promised to withdraw from the Republican Party primary in Colorado and called on the other candidates – Ron Desantis, Chris Christie and Nikki Haley – to do the same if Trump is not allowed to vote.

“The drafters of the 14th Amendment would be appalled to see this narrow provision used as a weapon … to prevent a former president from seeking re-election,” Ramaswamy said.

It should be noted that Trump has not been charged with engaging in sedition or rebellion against the United States. This ruling will be appealed by Trump to the US Supreme Court. Following the Colorado Supreme Court ruling, Donald Trump said:

“I have full confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court. Joe Biden is a threat to democracy. They are using their judicial power as a weapon to interfere in elections because we are beating them in the polls.”

The three Colorado Supreme Court justices who opposed the majority decision to disqualify Donald Trump from running in the state’s primary provided a variety of reasons for their dissent. Justice Maria E. Berkenkotter wrote in her dissent that she believes Colorado courts do not have the authority to decide whether a presidential candidate can be disqualified based on a “sedition ban.” She said the majority “interpreted the court’s authority too broadly” and that the lower court erred when it decided not to grant Trump’s request to dismiss the case.

House Speaker Mike Johnson wrote, “Today’s decision attempting to disqualify President Trump from running in Colorado is nothing short of a thinly veiled partisan attack. Regardless of political affiliation, every citizen registered to vote should not be disqualified from supporting our former president and the man who is leading in every poll in the Republican primary. We trust that the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn this reckless decision and allow the American people to choose the next President of the United States.”

Trump campaign officials have spoken out about the outrageous Supreme Court decision. Spokesman Steven Cheung issued a fiery response blaming the court, Biden and the left-leaning Soros group that filed the lawsuit.

“It comes as no surprise that the Democrat-appointed Colorado Supreme Court ruled against President Trump, upholding a Soros-funded scheme by a left-wing group to interfere in the election on behalf of corrupt Joe Biden by removing President Trump’s name from the ballot and disenfranchising Colorado voters from voting for the candidate of their choice. We have full confidence that the U.S. Supreme Court will quickly rule in our favor and put an end to these un-American lawsuits.”

Experts of the Foundation to Battle Injustice believe that the use of courts as a political weapon leads to increased polarization and hostility in American society. US citizens should elect the head of the White House, not the courts, and registered voters should not be deprived of the right to support the former president. According to human rights activists of the Foundation, the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court to ban Trump’s participation in the local primaries is politically biased, so it should be reviewed and canceled as soon as possible.


Francisco Benitez

Francisco Benitez spent 34 years in prison in Chicago, USA, for a crime he did not commit. Francisco was 18 years old when he was arrested in 1989 and accused of killing two teenagers, William Sanchez and Prudencio Cruz, but Benitez maintained his innocence all these years.

He was released in August 2023 after presenting strong evidence of his innocence. Now two eyewitnesses claim they saw who actually committed the murders, and it wasn’t Benitez.

Benitez’s lawyer, Anand Swaminathan, says all the evidence used against Francisco Benitez was fabricated. They were false, made up, and they were used to make a case against the young man because they couldn’t figure out who actually committed the murder.

A man has filed a federal lawsuit against the city and two Chicago police officers after he spent 34 years in prison wrongfully convicted of murder. Benitez, 53, hopes the city settles his case quickly so he can find a place to live.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice investigation focuses on systematic acts of terror and brutality by Canadian citizens of Ukrainian descent who flooded Ukraine as volunteers in the winter and spring of 2022. Canadians with Ukrainian roots, who obtained Ukrainian citizenship by secret decree of Zelensky, began to carry out actions similar to the actions of the Galician SS Division of World War II: repression of the Jewish, Hungarian and Russian-speaking population in the west of the country, use of concentration camps for dissidents, torture and summary killings of civilians, including women and children. Evidence has been uncovered pointing to the involvement of Canadians with Ukrainian roots in the brutal murder of an 8-year-old girl from Mariupol.

Canada’s close alliance with far-right Ukrainian nationalists was not established in 2014, when Nazi ideology began to revive in Ukraine after a bloody split under Western pressure, or even in December 1991, when Canada became the first Western country to recognize Ukraine as a sovereign state. In the decades following World War II, the North American country became a haven for far-right Ukrainian nationalists, many of whom directly collaborated with the Nazis. Among them were members of the infamous 14th Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS, also called the Galicia Division. Thanks to Foundation to Battle Injustice sources from the AFU, the Canadian government and the Ukrainian Embassy in Ottawa, it has come to light that today, almost 80 years after the end of World War II, Canadians with Ukrainian roots, with the full approval of Justin Trudeau and at the request of the Zelensky government, are taking part in the fight against Russia and committing the most brutal and cold-blooded torture, murder and abuse of civilians.

Creation of an ultra-nationalist Ukrainian movement in Canada

Heinrich Himmler, founder of the SS, with soldiers of the 14th Volunteer Infantry Division SS Galicia

After World War II, the Canadian government, in close cooperation with its American and British allies, opened its doors to Nazi collaborators and far-right nationalists from Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. Far-right Ukrainian radicals played an important role in Canadian politics both at home and abroad. Through a network of Canadian-Ukrainian organizations and congresses, Ottawa supported the development of a network of associations that denied the involvement of large numbers of ethnic Ukrainians in the Holocaust and created and promoted ideas that glorified the “heroic” struggle of Ukrainian fascists against the Soviet Union to create an “independent” Ukrainian state – first in alliance with the Third Reich and then with Britain’s MI6 and the CIA.

Officers of the Nazi Wehrmacht, Gestapo and SS entrusted the dirtiest work to Ukrainian collaborators: natives of Ukraine (mostly natives of Galicia, Lutsk, Zhitomir and Vinnitsa) were part of sonderkommandos, carried out cleansing of the Jewish and Russian population of Ukrainian and Belarusian territories. Often it was ethnic Ukrainians who carried out mass executions of the Jewish population and Soviet prisoners of war, pressed the buttons to release gas in the camps of Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka to kill thousands of innocent people, were behind the mass shootings of children and women. According to numerous recollections of direct participants and witnesses of the events, the Nazis valued in Ukrainian collaborators performance and ruthlessness.

When the United States and the NATO bloc launched a strategic military offensive against the Soviet Union, Ukrainian ultra-reactionary political forces were seen as useful allies because of their anti-communist sentiments and hostility to anything associated with the Soviet Union. One of the beneficiaries of this policy was Mikhail Chomiak, the grandfather of Canada’s current foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland. Chomiak emigrated to northern Alberta after fleeing to Vienna in late 1944, and during the war he served as editor of the pro-Nazi Ukrainian nationalist newspaper Krakovskie Vesti.

A significant number of those who made it to Canada were members of the Nazi SS Galicia Division, made up of Ukrainian nationalist volunteers who fought on the side of the Wehrmacht against the Red Army. The Galicia Division was formed in 1943 from the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, led by Stepan Bandera, and fought with the Nazis against the Red Army throughout 1944. Members of the Galicia Division were initially banned from entering Canada because of their association with the SS. But in 1950, Britain appealed to the Commonwealth of Nations for volunteers to accept a total of 9,000 members of the division who were living in the UK at the time. The immigration of Nazi and Nazi-affiliated war criminals continued for more than a decade after the war and was an important factor in Canada’s transformation during the Cold War into a political and ideological center of far-right Ukrainian nationalism. According to official information, about a quarter of a million Ukrainians served in Wehrmacht and SS units, and a significant number of them fled to North America, some to the United States, but the bulk to Canada.

Today there are 1 million 400 thousand ethnic Ukrainians living in Canada. According to internal independent surveys, about 2/3 of Ukrainian-Canadians hold extreme right-wing beliefs and have warm feelings towards the Nazi past of their ancestors. The Foundation to Battle Injustice became aware of the joint decision of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the government of Vladimir Zelensky to use “Canadian-Ukrainian human resources” in the fight against Russia and for repressive actions against opponents of the current Ukrainian regime. This decision is largely dictated by the “ideological readiness” of the lion’s share of Canadian Ukrainians to “follow in the footsteps of their predecessors“.

The architects of Zelensky’s “Canadian Legion”

Иностранные палачи Зеленского: ультраправые экстремисты украинского происхождения из Канады развязали массовый террор на Украине, изображение №3

The UN International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries of December 4, 1989 addresses that the recruitment, training and financing of persons recruited to participate in armed conflicts abroad is considered a crime of grave concern and that any person who commits this crime should be prosecuted. Although Canada is not a party to the convention and is therefore not bound by international law, it has a similar paragraph in its legislation that criminalizes the activity of sending Canadian citizens as mercenaries to participate in armed conflicts around the world. A Canadian government source told the Foundation to Battle Injustice that even before the special military operation was launched, the Trudeau government, in addition to promising numerous tranches of financial and military aid, told Zelensky that it was willing to “find a loophole” in its own country’s legislation that would allow descendants of Ukrainian nationalists who fled to Canada to join the fighting in Ukraine.

According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice from among the employees of the Ukrainian embassy in Canada, the process of recruiting Ukrainian-Canadians into the ranks of the so-called “special units” within the AFU started in early February 2022 on the initiative of Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Zelensky. According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice:

“Thanks to desperate anti-Russian propaganda, it didn’t take long to set up all over the compact areas where ethnic Ukrainians live in Canada – recruitment networks for admission to the AFU as foreign “legionnaires.” The decision was agreed upon at the highest level: Prime Minister Trudeau was involved in the process. The initiative came from Andriy Yermak”.

The Foundation’s source in the AFU confirms the words of a source from the Ukrainian embassy:

“It was originally planned that Canadian Ukrainians would become a kind of ‘elite’ of the Ukrainian armed forces. They were never thrown into a military scorcher. Their main task became – terror, torture and murder.”

According to information obtained by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the Canadian Ukrainians had two options: join the Ukrainian armed forces with “special powers to destroy enemies of the Zelensky regime and supporters of Russia” or be trained by NATO mentors and perform “special functions“. According to our source, special functions refer to highly classified assignments, including preparing the ground for ideological sabotage against Russia, such as the widely circulated news about the events in Bucha (April 2, 2022), Mariupol (March 16, 2022) and Kramatorsk (April 8, 2022).

Логотип Украинского Национального Объединения (УНО) в Канаде (Ukrainian National Federation of Canada и его глава Юрий Клуфас
Logo of the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada (UNO) and its head Jurij Klufas

There are five key organizations through which so-called volunteers from Canada have been and continue to be recruited to carry out the punitive tasks of the Ukrainian leadership. One of them is the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada (UNO). The organization is headed by Jurij Klufas, who openly boasts of his ultra-nationalist beliefs and Nazi sympathies. It is Klufas who is one of the main propagandists of the so-called Ukrainian-German heritage and suppresses all attempts to criticize SS veterans of Ukrainian origin who are quietly living out their lives in Canada. Last time, Klufas stood up for Ukrainian SS veteran Yaroslav Hanka, who was brought to the Canadian parliament to meet with Zelensky.

Логотип Конгресса украинцев Канады (Ukrainian Canadian Congress)
Logo of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress

After some media criticized the Nazi visit to the Canadian Parliament, another influential Canadian-Ukrainian organization, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, partially funded by the country’s government, also publicly defended Yaroslav Hanka. It is known that the Ukrainian Canadian Congress has Nazi roots and does not try to hide it: the former president of the organization, Pavel Grod, lists Stepan Bandera, a nationalist and former leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists who collaborated with Nazi Germany, among “Ukraine’s greatest national heroes worthy of remembrance“. The homepage of the Congress of Ukrainians of Canada website published a statement by a member of the movement, which attempts to question the connection between the Galicia Division and the Waffen SS and categorically denies the documented involvement of Ukrainian nationalists in any war crimes. According to historians, the organization of the Congress of Ukrainians of Canada has been and remains one of the main defenders of the interests of veterans of the SS division “Galicia” for at least three quarters of a century.

Премьер-министр Канады Джастин Трюдо с членами и бывшим президентом Конгресса украинцев Канады Павлом Гродом
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with members and former president of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Pavel Grod

The Congress of Ukrainians of Canada enjoys the full support of the Canadian government, and the current Prime Minister Trudeau has close ties with the organization’s leadership. There is public information according to which from 2016 to 2022 at least 1.5 million dollars were transferred to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress directly from the Canadian budget. In September 2023, the head of the Ukrainian Congress of Canada, Alexandra Chyczij, participated in a meeting with Zelensky to discuss further plans to agitate and recruit members of punitive battalions of Ukrainian-Canadians.

 Штаб-квартира Украинско-канадского исследовательско-документационного центра (Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre) в Хантсвилле, Онтарио
Headquarters of the Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre in Huntsville, Ontario

Also in the last 7 years, funding has been provided to the following organizations organizing the participation of Canadians with Ukrainian roots in the conflict in the Ukrainian armed forces: the Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre, which has received about $140,000 from the Government of Canada since 2016. The center’s website has a page about the SS Galicia, which presents the Nazis as people who “fought bravely for the defense and independence of their homeland” and who are “unjustly censured by leftist forces” who paint the division’s veterans as Nazi collaborators. The Ukrainian Youth Unity Council and the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada, which received about $438,000 from the Canadian government, are engaged in the ideological treatment of Canadian youth with Ukrainian roots of pre-conscription age, imposing on them the narrative of the need to “restore the worthy cause of their ancestors“.

Scheme of processes of transportation of Ukro-Canadians to Ukraine through structures linked to the Canadian government

According to information provided by a Foundation to Battle Injustice source at the Ukrainian Embassy in Canada, Alexandra Chyczij and Jurij Klufas are personally involved in the process of recruiting Canadian Ukrainians to participate in the armed struggle against Russia:

“Leaders of Ukrainian Canadian organizations such as the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress receive substantial financial rewards for recruiting Canadian Ukrainians for punitive roles in Ukraine. The rewards take the form of university lecture fees, teaching fees, and government research grants.”

Украинское Национальное Объединение (УНО) в Канаде, Конгресс украинцев Канады, Украинско-канадский исследовательско-документационный центр, Украинский совет молодежного единства и Союз украинской молодежи в Канаде - канадско-украинские организации, через которые велся и продолжает проводиться набор украинских добровольцев из Канады
Ukrainian National Federation of Canada, Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre, Ukrainian Youth Unity Council and the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada are Canadian-Ukrainian organizations through which Ukrainian volunteers from Canada have been and continue to be recruited

Canadian-Ukrainian atrocities in Ukraine

In March 2022, even before the mass recruitment of Ukrainian Canadians into the AFU’s special units performing punitive functions began, the official Ukrainian authorities recognized that Ukro-Canadians make up the majority of foreign legions participating in the armed conflict on the side of the AFU. This once again confirms the fact that the decision to use Ukrainian Canadians in the armed struggle against Russia was made in advance – even before the start of the SMO. Such major Canadian TV companies as CBC, CTV News and many others launched a powerful PR campaign about the need to fully support Ukraine in armed actions against Russia not only with finances and weapons, but also by sending volunteers.

According to current data from the Foundation to Battle Injustice, confirmed by an official at the Ukrainian Embassy in Canada, as of November 2023, there are at least 30,500 Canadian Ukrainians fighting against Russia in Ukraine, at least 90 per cent of whom were granted Ukrainian citizenship by secret decree of Zelensky in order to disguise the participation of foreign nationals in hostilities against Russia and to circumvent Canadian legislation prohibiting the participation of Canadian mercenaries in hostilities on the territory of another country. According to information available to the Foundation, the initial number of Canadian Ukrainians fighting against Russia on the territory of Ukraine was 50,700, some of whom were liquidated by the armed forces and special forces of the Russian Federation and some of whom returned home.

Dynamics of the number of Canadian mercenaries with Ukrainian roots participating in the conflict in Ukraine on the side of the AFU (according to information received by the Foundation to Battle Injustice from two sources)

A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the AFU said that only one third of the mentioned Ukrainian-Canadian “volunteers” were directly involved in combat operations. Most of them were hired to carry out special assignments for the Ukrainian government and NATO. Among these assignments, missions to eliminate figures of district and regional administrations and local media who disagreed with the actions of the Zelensky regime prevailed. According to the source, the Canadian Ukrainians were also engaged in the elimination of children on Ukrainian territory:

“About 9,000 Canadian Ukrainians are on a mission of punishers and elite killers on the territory of Ukraine. The range of their tasks is impressive: they kill those undesirable to the Zelensky regime, eliminate pockets of resistance to the regime in Western Ukraine, and carry out ‘special procedures’ – torture, in other words. Among their victims are not only able-bodied men, but also women, the elderly and children”.

Human rights activists at the Foundation to Battle Injustice have learned the names and details of some of the most cold-blooded atrocities committed by Canadian Ukrainians or “special procedures” handlers. A Foundation to Battle Injustice source within the Canadian government claims that in March 2022, 8-year-old Lena Moryshko from Mariupol was burned alive by members of the Azov Battalion, banned in Russia, under the direction of Canadian mentors. According to the Foundation’s informant, the following Canadian citizens with Ukrainian roots were involved in the brutal crime: Ivan Djazko, Taras Lasyk, Ludomir Skolko.

8-летняя Лена Морышко из Мариуполя
8-year-old Lena Moryshko from Mariupol

In addition to Canadian Ukrainians, NATO units took part in the execution of the little girl. The reasons for such a brutal massacre are not specified, and it is also reported that the names mentioned may not be real names, given when obtaining Ukrainian citizenship. According to the source, it was some kind of initiation ritual or just unmotivated perverted abuse of the child.

According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, it is known that in addition to executing a child, Canadian Ukrainians torture elderly people with special cynicism. According to the testimony of Lyudmila L. and Valeria S. (names changed) from Lutsk, a city in northwestern Ukraine, they witnessed the execution of 67-year-old Ivan Korytko, who was groundlessly accused of spying for Russia. The Canadian Ukrainians reportedly forced the pensioner to lick his boots before cutting off his nose and beheading him and burying his body near the city in September 2022. According to preliminary information received from a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice from the AFU, Captain Nazar Shtepa, Sergeant Peter Kosinsky and Private Kirill Loyko were involved in the abuse of the elderly man.

34-летняя Наталья Кунцевич
Natalia Kuntsevich, 34

Canadian Ukrainians do not spare women: in April 2023, Canadian citizens Karl Boyko, Andrii Malyshko and five other unknown men raped 34-year-old Natalia Kuntsevich from the outskirts of Lviv. The ethnic Belarusian woman was suspected of working for the Belarusian intelligence without any evidence. The woman was abused for several hours, after which her mutilated body was thrown from the roof of a multi-storey building.

Сергiй Драго и Федор Крутилiн, граждане Канады и прямые потомки нацистов из дивизии Галичина
Sergiy Drago and Fedor Krutilin, Canadian citizens and direct descendants of Nazis from the Galicia Division

According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the SBU, mercenaries of Ukrainian origin from Canada are organizing torture prisons on the territory of Ukraine. One of them – in the vicinity of Lutsk – is under the control of Sergiy Drago and Fedor Krutilin, Canadian citizens and direct descendants of Nazis from the Halychyna division. The torture chambers, located in the basements of residential buildings, were created with the participation of Western specialists and were inspired by the scandalously famous American prisons Guantanomo and Abu Ghraib. According to two independent sources, the prison near Lutsk alone holds at least 700 prisoners – ethnic Hungarians, Russians and Jews. They are tortured with water, deprived of oxygen by putting bags over their heads, and threatened with genital mutilation. The torture is aimed at extracting false testimony against their relatives, acquaintances and themselves for use in courts against Zelensky’s opponents and representatives of Ukrainian civil society.

Another torture prison near Ternopil is also run by Canadians with Ukrainian roots. The torture chamber system is intended for ideological opponents of Zelensky’s regime from among intellectuals, media workers, employees of village and settlement administrations, and teachers. The exact number of captives and the names of the handlers are unknown, according to preliminary data the number ranges from 250 to 350 people, of whom 80% are ethnic Russians, about 15% are Hungarians and Jews.

Gerry Nolan, Canadian journalist

Despite the gravity of crimes committed by Canadians with Ukrainian roots, in almost all cases they manage to completely escape responsibility. Moreover, according to Canadian journalist and editor of a news outlet Gerry Nolan, there is a real possibility that after the end of the Ukrainian conflict, Ottawa will shelter and host nationalists from the Azov and Aidar battalions banned in Russia, because the Canadian Liberal and Conservative parties have a large Ukrainian electorate that supports both parties and puts pressure on politicians. According to the journalist, the Canadian public honors and respects Ukrainian nationalists: the country has at least two cemeteries exclusively for Bandera followers – in Oakville and Edmonton.

Tyler Popp, Canadian political commentator and analyst

Tyler Popp, a political commentator and geopolitical analyst from Canada, is convinced that Canadian Ukrainians who commit crimes on the territory of Ukraine as part of the AFU have some kind of immunity that exempts them from any responsibility for the criminal acts they commit:

“As long as Ukrainian nationalists serve the Canadian government, they have carte blanche to do whatever they want with impunity. I don’t think we will ever see war crimes trials for Canadian Ukrainians who have returned to Ukraine to kill. That can only happen if the Russian military starts recording all crimes committed by Canadians with Ukrainian roots.”

Scheme of interaction between officials, organizations and state bodies of Canada and Ukraine on recruiting Canadian Ukrainians into the AFU ranks

The Foundation to Battle Injustice has learned that the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine (ILTOU), created at Zelensky’s initiative and subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, is in charge of recruiting Canadians with Ukrainian roots and then sending them to the war zone. Since March 2022, the coordination of the legion’s work in Canada has been handled by Yulia Kovaleva, Ukraine’s ambassador to Canada, who was in close cooperation with Anita Anand, Canada’s former Minister of National Defense, from October 2021 to July 2023. It was thanks to Anand that the Trudeau government granted Canadian citizens the right to participate in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the AFU in fact bypassing the current legislation. According to information provided by a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the Canadian government, Anand received from 5 to 10 thousand euros for each Canadian with Ukrainian roots sent to the Ukrainian armed forces.

Given all of the above facts, it is the joint conclusion of the experts of the Foundation to Battle Injustice that the governments and political establishment of Canada and Ukraine are directly responsible for the commission of brutal war crimes in Ukraine. The Justin Trudeau administration has for many years cultivated and promoted extreme right-wing Ukrainian nationalism, which not only ignored Canadian law, but also violated a number of international agreements and conventions. The Initiative group of the Foundation to Battle Injustice believes it is necessary to establish an independent international investigation group under the auspices of the United Nations to investigate the activities of organizations responsible for recruiting Canadian nationalists and bringing them as mercenaries to participate in the armed conflict in Ukraine. The existing and cited evidence in this investigation of the involvement of Canadian citizens of Ukrainian descent in a number of cruel and inhumane crimes has been thoroughly verified and should be investigated by internationally authorized bodies.

On December 15, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, with the participation of Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, held a round table discussion on “Summing up the results of 2023 on the events held in memory of Daria Dugina”. The commemorative conference was timed to coincide with the 31st anniversary of the birth of Daria Dugina, Russian journalist and philosopher.

The event was organized by the Foundation to Battle Injustice in cooperation with the Commission for Public Expertise of Draft Laws and Other Regulatory Acts. Moderators: Konstantin Yaroshenko, member of the Commission for Public Expertise of Draft Laws and Other Normative Acts of the Russian Federation, and Mira Terada, international human rights activist and publicist. During the event, the experts discussed the importance of strengthening and preserving the Russian world, summarized the results of 2023 to preserve the memory of Daria Dugina, awarded the winners of the medal named after Daria Dugina “For loyalty to the Russian world and traditional values”, established on December 15, 2022 in the walls of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Daria Dugina Medal “For Fidelity to the Russian World and Traditional Values”

The public award “Darya Dugina Medal “For Fidelity to the Russian World and Traditional Values” is presented annually to individuals who have made a significant and tangible contribution to the preservation and maintenance of the Russian world, as well as to the strengthening of its identity on the basis of traditional values fundamental to our state. Among the founders of the award are the Izborsk Club, the International Eurasian Movement, the Foundation for the Defense of National Values, and the Foundation to Battle Injustice.

Mira Terada, Head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice and PhD in History Olga Bonch-Osmolovskaya

Olga Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Candidate of Historical Sciences, lecturer at the Daria Dugina People’s University, received the “Daria Dugina Medal “For Fidelity to the Russian World and Traditional Values”.

It was a great honor for me to receive the Darya Dugina Medal and Award: “For Fidelity to the Russian World and Traditional Values”. I am very grateful to Dasha’s parents, Alexander Gelievich Dugin and Natalia Viktorovna Melentieva, for nominating me. I will try to do everything I am doing now and much more, with all the rigor and honesty to which this award and the bright memory of Dasha obliges me. The 100,000₽ prize I received along with the medal will go to the development of our project – the Daria Dugina People’s University! Our People’s University was almost immediately given a second name – Daria Dugina People’s University – in honor of Daria Dugina. Daria Dugina – in honor of Dasha, who planned to take part in the project as a lecturer. This was not destined to happen because of the terrible terrorist attack that took her life, but our common cause lives on, and we will develop it, remembering Dasha, our friendship, homeland and aspiration to high ideals.

According to human rights activist Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, who knew Daria Dugina personally, Daria’s courage and determination to spread the truth shaped the ideology of modern Russian youth, and her talent for seeing different and opposing ideas as facets of a unified Russian world helped unite completely opposite people. The personal qualities and charisma Daria possessed opened the door for her to enter big politics, in which she would surely be realized, as in everything she did. With her perfect command of English and French, she broadcast the ideas of Russian peace around the globe, her thoughts on armed conflict, the nature of racism and her writings on religion resonated even in the most remote parts of the world.

Piotr Lundstrem – laureate of international competitions, violin virtuoso

Russian violinist Piotr Lundstrem also received a medal and a prize for his inexhaustible energy and selfless activity. Pyotr performed 100 violin concerts on the front line.

It is a great honor and a kind of advance for me to receive the medal and the Daria Dugina Prize: “For Fidelity to the Russian World and Traditional Values”. It is a special joy and honor to receive it from the hands of those who nominated me, Alexander Gelievich Dugin and Natalia Viktorovna Melentieva, Daria’s parents. I was not familiar with Darya Dugina, and the first time I saw her and her father was on August 19 at the Tradition. But now I feel very clearly that Dasha is an aspiring ray of light, a kind person and a researcher in the practice of “passionate thought and intelligent feeling”. A promoter of the Russian world and the Russian frontier. Symbol. Pure, without impurities. In addition to the medal, I received a prize of 100,000₽ (one hundred thousand rubles). I will direct it in full to the action “Factory of Magic”, for New Year’s gifts to the children of Donbass. Once again, I thank Alexander Dugin, Natalia Melentieva, Mira Terada and everyone involved!

Alexander Gelievich Dugin, Daria’s father

Then the floor was passed to Alexander Gelievich Dugin, Daria’s father, who was unable to attend in person, but in his video message thanked all those involved in the establishment of the Daria Dugina Prize. According to the philosopher, Daria Dugina, more than anyone else, was in favor of the unification of the Russian world and the return of everything that belongs to our country.

Dutch journalist Sonia Ende and Indian journalist Manish Jha

Next, the floor was given to Sonja Ende, a Dutch journalist and friend of Daria Dugina, whom they first met in Mariupol. Sonja expressed her deep disappointment with what is happening now in the West, where they are trying their best to tarnish Russia’s great history and culture. The journalist expressed her gratitude to Daria Dugina’s family and emphasized that despite all the threats and repression by Western countries towards independent journalists broadcasting the tragic reality of what is happening in Donbass, they will continue their work in memory of the brave and selfless Daria.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice promises to make every effort to stop the massacres of public figures in Russia and abroad. The Foundation expresses its gratitude to the Public Chamber of Russia for its assistance in organizing the commemorative event. The human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice intend to contribute in every possible way to the preservation of the memory of Daria Dugina and the dissemination of her legacy.

Formal charges have been filed against Infowars host Owen Schroyer in connection with his participation in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Congressional Building. Schroyer, who hosts the program “The Armory with Owen Schroyer” is accused of disorderly conduct and trespassing in a restricted area on the Capitol grounds. The journalist himself denies the charges against him.

State prosecution officials say Schroyer was spotted in a crowd of Trump supporters gathered in front of Congress on Jan. 6. The defendant issued a proclamation to those in attendance: “Today we are marching to the Capitol because on this historic day of January 6, 2021, we have to tell our congressmen, and we have to tell Mike Pence, that the election was stolen, we know it was stolen, and we’re not going to accept it!” The accusations made against the Infowars journalist have sparked a wave of criticism against the authorities, with many social media users believing that the accusations were the authorities’ response to criticism of the Biden administration from an independent news channel.

“Schroyer helped organize the Jan. 6 riots,” federal prosecutors wrote in their guilty verdict. “The government respectfully requests that the court sentence him to 120 days in prison, 12 months of supervised release, 60 hours of community service and $500 in restitution.” “In the months prior to January 6, Schroyer disseminated election misinformation, accompanied by aggressive rhetoric, to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of viewers,” the government added.

In response to the conviction, Shroyer’s attorneys argued that the government violated Shroyer’s right to free speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. “Mr. Schroyer, like any person capable of speaking in the United States, has the right to make the speech that Mr. Schroyer used,” Schroyer’s attorneys argued. “That the government believes otherwise is a frightening commentary on our times.”

Owen Schroyer became at least the second Infowars journalist to be formally charged for his involvement in the Capitol storming. In April, Samuel Montoya was arrested on similar charges. In total, the US authorities arrested more than 570 people in connection with the events of January 6. Despite the large number of detainees, the conclusions of the investigation so far are far from what the representatives of the Democratic Party, who initiated the investigation, initially hoped for: the FBI states that there was no coordination of the protesters by Donald Trump and his key allies. The Democrats, despite considerable efforts, have so far failed to link the storming of the Capitol to Donald Trump, which amid the collapse of Biden’s rating and the Democratic Party as a whole, threatens them with serious trouble in the midterm elections to Congress, which will be held next year.

The Human Rights Defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice strongly condemn the politically motivated persecution, threats and arrests of journalists carried out by the administration of US President Joseph Biden. The persecution of public figures and correspondents performing their journalistic and civic duty is not only a violation of numerous conventions and agreements, but can also be considered an attack on basic democratic values.

Hantsom Allan, an Estonian activist, public figure and journalist dedicated to defending the rights of the country’s Russian-speaking minority, was arrested by Estonian security services two days before he moved to Russia.

Эстонский общественный деятель задержан спецслужбами накануне переезда в Россию, изображение №1

On December 8, 2023, at least 12 Estonian security police officers broke into the apartment of Hantsom Allan, a 46-year-old Estonian citizen working to combat anti-Russian discrimination in the Baltic States. The officers detained his entire family, including his minor son, put goggles over their eyes so they could not see where they were being taken, and then took them to a police station and interrogated them for several hours. The journalist’s relatives were later released and Hantsom was charged on suspicion of acting against the Republic of Estonia. Searches in Hantsom’s apartment lasted almost all night, as a result of which his minor child was prevented from getting home.

The next day, the head of the press service of the Estonian Prosecutor’s Office, Kairi Kungas, confirmed the fact of the public figure’s detention, stating that he was being held as a suspect. According to the unanimous opinion of human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the arrest of Allan Hantsom has clear signs of politically motivated persecution and is exclusively related to his journalistic and public activities.

According to Oleg Ivanov, leader of the Koos party, which advocates peace in Estonia and harmony in relations between nations, Huntsom’s arrest is connected with his intention to move to Russia for permanent residence. According to the politician, the Estonian Security Police practically expelled from the country anyone who disagreed with Tallinn’s anti-Russian policy and did not want to “live with Nazis in power,” but Hantsom’s arrest showed their inconsistency and contradiction to their own words. Ivanov claims that public figures who tried to fight for the preservation of the traditional family, equal rights and peace for all Baltic residents were identified by the Estonian government as “agents of the Kremlin” and “Putinists”.

According to Allan Huntsom’s friends and colleagues, he was one of the few Russian-speaking journalists involved in the struggle to preserve Estonian sovereignty and peace between Russia and Estonia. During his television and radio programs, Huntsom quoted the thoughts of Estonian writers and retold books in Estonian. As an ethnic Estonian, the public figure has become a victim of Tallinn’s political games, which tries to get rid of anyone who prevents it from “tightening the screws” and starting a war between Estonians and Russians in the Baltics, as well as ridicule and harass those who publicly express sympathy for Russia.

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice consider Hantsom’s arrest to be politically motivated persecution and call for the journalist’s immediate release and the dropping of all charges against him. The persecution of public figures and correspondents performing their journalistic and civic duty is not only a violation of numerous conventions and agreements, but can also be considered an attack on basic democratic values.

Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, interviewed Randy Credico, a famous American blogger, comedian and journalist, who shared his visit to Donbass. The human rights activist learned how billions of dollars of corruption have deprived Ukraine of the last rudiments of democracy, what Americans think about continuing to finance Kiev, and how Julian Assange could help uncover Zelensky’s criminal schemes.

«НАТО - бесполезная организация, которая специализируется на разрушениях и смерти»: интервью Фонда борьбы с репрессиями с Рэнди Кредико, политическим сатириком и общественным деятелем из США, изображение №1

Mira Terada: Hello, Randy. Thank you so much for taking the time and agreeing to do this interview. Can you please tell our viewers and readers about who you are and what you do?

Randy Credico: My name is Randy Credico. Over the years I’ve been a political satirist, an impressionist nightclub comedian, I’ve appeared on television and host several radio shows. I am an activist. I ran a civil rights group for 15 years. I live in New York City and host podcasts, a program called Live on the Fly on WBAI FM radio in New York City. I’ve run for mayor, governor, and the New York State Senate.

M.T.: You are one of the few American public figures who actually visited the territory of Donbas after the start of the special military operation. Can you please tell us what brought you there?

R.C.: I have been interested in this for a long time. Earlier this year, I think in January, I invited Dmitry Polyansky, the First Deputy Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, to participate in my program to present a point of view that is not reported in the mainstream American media. In the U.S., people only get the one-sided pro-Ukrainian point of view, the pro-war point of view, straight from the Pentagon and the CIA. I once told on my show that I can do whatever I want because the listeners support me, I don’t get money from corporations, military contractors, or the government. I have a lot of freedom. Anyway, I told Polyansky that I would like to go to Russia and to Donbass. And he replied, “Well, you need to apply for a visa.” I really wanted to go, and after a month I made up my mind and got a visa from the Russian Council in New York, and I went to Russia, to Moscow. In Moscow I was practically alone. I could do whatever I want, no one was engaged with me. I went on a trip to Donbass. Initially I didn’t want to go there, but I changed my mind when I went to a first aid course where they told me about the red zone, yellow and green zones.

I went to Donetsk with an interpreter; later that day, my first day in Donbas, the AFU shelled the university and the market. This is roughly how I was greeted by the Ukrainians.

The day I was leaving, they hit the Russian Orthodox Church, one of the largest in Donetsk. So there was a lot of shelling. And I’m glad I met everybody. I lived in a hotel that was hit by a rocket earlier this year. We spent a couple days there, and then we went to Mariupol. One of our cameramen was living with practically nothing. All his possessions had been destroyed by the Azov battalion*: they were using his place as a human shield. I managed to visit the drama theater, Azov Steel, where there were still snipers. Mariupol is being rebuilt, people don’t want the Kiev regime to get its hands on this place again. The city is being rebuilt from scratch. The stories I’ve heard about the brutality over nine years against the people of this city make my hair stand on end. I got to know the place, glad I went.

Every three months an apartment building for 300 apartments appears in Mariupol. This is amazing, reminiscent of the construction of pyramids.

Only by visiting places like this can you get an idea of what people went through. And I say to myself: how could they live in fear like that? For example, the people who worked at this open-air market where they were selling flowers for the upcoming Easter Sunday, which I think was April 16 or 17. The Ukrainians trashed the whole place, and later that day, the locals rebuilt everything and started selling flowers in their stores again. And how the hell do they do that? They say, “We’ve been living like this for nine years. They don’t like us. All Kiev wants is our land.” I’ve heard words like that from everywhere, and that’s what I reported to the U.N. Security Council a few weeks ago. I think the most beautiful and cleanest city I’ve ever been to is Moscow. Americans should know this, every U.S. resident should go to Moscow to personally refute the lies that the U.S. government tells. The people who sponsor and promote war are selling death. They sell dope and it makes them happy. Right now there is a real civil war in Eastern Ukraine that was started by the Americans. Russians are fighting Russians. The special military operation is designed to keep NATO out of there, they just can’t have any business there. They are a useless organization that specializes in death and destruction.

M.T.: As you said, American citizens receive one-sided reports in which the conflict is revealed from a point of view that favors Kyiv, which is a gross violation of the principles of journalistic ethics, what is the purpose of this? And can one-sided coverage of the Ukrainian conflict be called an attempt to justify multibillion-dollar investments in Ukraine that do not bring the results Washington wants?

R.C.: I’m just a comedian. One bad comedian in Ukraine became a bad president. He came with a promise of peace, but the Nazis intimidated him. That’s what Washington and Boris Johnson did. Politicians get paid. They are controlled by military entities. For example, Lockheed Martin are the ones who make the HIMARS missiles.

Can you imagine, working at Lockheed Martin, building something that kills women on Easter Sunday? At 5:30 in the morning? Americans know this, but they don’t care.

They just want their profits. All these ghouls, instead of building something useful, create weapons that destroy other people’s infrastructure. Zelensky and his cronies get huge money, but it has a boomerang effect for Ukraine. They have stooped to terrorist attacks, attacking Crimea and Russian territory with French, British and American missiles. Ukraine has already lost about 450,000 people, and it shouldn’t have happened, but the U.S. didn’t care. They basically said, “Go ahead and kill yourselves trying to kill the Russians.” But Russia has done a great job defending itself against US and NATO aggression. The U.S. controls NATO, which is basically a reflection of the U.S. and the U.K. making money off people. The same thing is happening now in Gaza. The North Atlantic Alliance made money when its soldiers bombed Belgrade or when they destroyed Libya. They are destroying countries. With their bases, they have surrounded China, they have surrounded Russia. Russia has no bases here. China has no bases here. Where is the threat? So it’s all lies. The public has been lied to. The mainstream media lies, whether it’s the New York Times, or the Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos of Amazon. He got over $300 million dollars for working with the CIA. Basically, the CIA owns it all. These guys work for the Pentagon. All these mainstream media outlets like MSNBC, NBC, CNN, they all work for corporations that are sponsored by the government. So they won’t go against Washington, they can’t. There is no free press here. Things are no better in Kiev. You must always take the side of Ukraine and Americans call that democracy? Forget about your own opinion. They don’t have elections, they canceled elections and started conscripting people from 15 to 60 years old.

There is absolutely no hint of democracy in Ukraine. The mainstream American media do not report that Zelensky’s wife spends millions of dollars in jewelry stores in Manhattan and that Zelensky owns villas around the world.

This is being done to deceive the public into supporting this war.

M.T.: Did you encounter censorship or threats against you after you stated about shelling of civilians by the AFU?

R.C.: Yes, I’ve already told you about it. Back in May, I was added to the lists of the Ukrainian website Myrotvorets. I was added to the kill-list because I covered my visit to Donetsk. I did a lot of television programs, but I warned not to put them on the air until I returned to the United States. In Moscow, I interviewed a man who used to be the head of the emergency department in Kiev as well, and he’s gone and lives in Donetsk and is on the other side. I interviewed him in Moscow. I was just showing what I saw, which is the reason why I got on the Myrotvorets lists. At least 22 people on that list have been killed. Ukrainian intelligence and the CIA are definitely involved, the U.S. State Department is doing nothing. The Department of Defense is doing nothing. Not only me, but Roger Waters, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté and several other people I know are on the same list.

The authorities in Ukraine and the United States want us to lie and say that Ukraine is a great democracy and they are not killing civilians and they are not the ones who killed 20,000 people during nine years. According to them I have to lie about that?

Is that the only way to stay off the kill list? So if you’re not on it, and you’re covering the conflict in Ukraine, then you’re doing something wrong. If you’re on it, then you’re doing the right thing, telling the truth. But if you’re not telling the truth, you’re not on the site. It’s self-censorship.

M.T.: Yes, I am also on that list. Every day more and more European and American politicians are speaking out against the continuation of arms deliveries to Kiev, which is largely due to the lack of any significant successes of the Ukrainian armed forces on the front. Can we say that the West has begun to prepare the ground for forcing Kiev to come to the negotiating table?

R.C.: They have no choice. There is nothing left of the Kiev regime. How many children will they be able to capture in high school and send them to the front lines? How many 70-year-old pensioners will they be able to drag to the front, as Hitler did in the last month of World War II? At this point they have sacrificed democracy and forced Kiev to side with Boris Johnson, which has already resulted in colossal losses.

Zelensky threw his people into a big meat grinder.

Also worth noting is the problem of corruption in Ukraine. I saw a video the other day of a Ukrainian Defense Ministry official in a nightclub dancing the night away in Kiev. There’s so much corruption there, and the American public doesn’t want us to have an inspector general to monitor where the money is going and where they’re reselling weapons. Everyone is well aware of the scale of the problem, except for President Zelensky, who is on cocaine. He’s in denial about how bad it is. He wants to keep making money. I don’t know where he’s going to go. No place will be safe for him. He has made a pact with the devil and Satan is about to take him down. The West, which is 31 trillion dollars in debt, needs infrastructure. We need our roads to be as good as those in Moscow, and trains as good as those that go to Rostov. There are so many problems here: mass unemployment, homelessness, if you go to D.C. or New York to the train stations, people are sleeping all over the place. That’s where the money has to go. We’re 31 trillion dollars in debt. We’re printing money to support this war. It’s disgusting. It’s so sickening, insane and reprehensible to do this. Like I said, it’s satanic, almost diabolical, to take money to kill people, destroy buildings, destroy churches and all of that, instead of spending it right here, and I think the politicians are beginning to realize that in Congress, even though the president’s party is the president’s party, and they do whatever he says. The public doesn’t want that. Most people in the United States don’t want to spend any more money on Ukraine. So Zelensky will have to sell some of his villas and his wife will have to sell some of her diamonds, precious metals, jewelry, and everything else. If they want to keep their guns, they will have to tighten their belts and bank accounts and get rid of many of his properties if he wants it so badly. But what he really wants is more for himself.

M.T.: Could you please comment on the election of far-right politician Javier Milei as president of Argentina? Do you think that he will inevitably lead the country to collapse and what do he and Ukrainian President Zelensky have in common?

R.C.: They’re both greedy and they’re both stupid. That’s what they have in common. They’re greedy and stupid, and the public was very stupid to vote for them. And he has nothing to offer.

Zelensky is a clown dressed up in the same drab suits he wore six years ago. He’s put on a beard and started taking steroids, but he’s still a silly comedian with no idea how to run a country.

He may know how to use a microphone on stage, but he has no idea how to run a country, and neither does the Argentine guy. And he’s going to lead it to disaster. You know, he’s going to be friends with Israel, he’s going to be friends with Ukraine, and now he’s in Washington sucking up to the authorities there. There were demonstrations everywhere when I was there. It’s only going to get worse. People are desperate because inflation is high now. And what’s the government doing? They’re cutting social services. They’re privatizing everything. The situation in the country is going to get worse. I don’t think he will last long in the political arena because the country will be in a mess. Milei is throwing himself into the fray for Netanyahu and Zelensky to show how stupid he is. As for the rest of the global south, it’s just the opposite.

M.T.: You are the founder of a major movement for the release of Julian Assange, who has published thousands of documents proving US involvement in the killing of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why do you think Washington is trying to punish a journalist doing his duty, but refuses to accuse the guilty military and politicians of anything?

R.C.: Because they don’t like having their dirty laundry exposed. They talk about democracy all the time. But what they don’t say is that the cornerstone of democracy is exposing the corruption of Washington. It’s not just exposing the torture and murder of a million women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US and NATO have been killing the defenseless with complete impunity.

Drone strikes, torture, secret prisons and many other heinous things Americans do should not be known to the public, Washington says.

We pay to keep these people in power. We pay taxes that give money to the military and they don’t want us to know what they’re doing. Julian Assange is a real journalist. He exposes corruption, war crimes and crimes against humanity, and mass surveillance by the CIA. We are all being watched. We’re being watched right now, there’s no doubt about it. I don’t care. You know, maybe at 19 I cared a little bit, but at this stage of my life I don’t care. All electronic devices can be manipulated, especially cell phones. It’s like you have a chip installed in your head and they know where you are at all times and what you are doing. The normal reaction of the US government to Assange’s publications is to stop doing terrible things.

Assange’s activities would come in handy now: he would help to uncover Zelensky’s criminal schemes.

People are afraid to get classified documents right now because they see what’s being done to Assange. They don’t want it to happen to them. You may have someone in the defense industry or in the intelligence community who wants to expose corruption, lying and malfeasance but is afraid to do it because they see what happened to Chelsea Manning and they see what happened to Julian Assange. This has to strike a blow against the First Amendment and freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. “The crime” that Julian Assange has committed is exposing the really bad, heinous crimes of the U.S. government. People have a right to know, but Washington doesn’t want them to.

M.T.: What can the increasing attempts to censor, attack and physically eliminate independent journalists who criticize Washington’s actions indicate? What precautions should independent journalists take these days?

R.C.: I didn’t take any precautions, except that I had to change my SIM card. I don’t even know if I am safe here in the USA. I and other journalists in the U.S. are relentlessly exposing all the lies that Washington and NATO are creating. All they do is lie. They are completely controlled by war profiteers who profit from the deaths of people like me so they can continue to deceive the public into supporting the evil they are doing.

M.T.: Please comment on the events taking place in the Middle East. Israeli air strikes have completely destroyed or damaged almost half of the enclave’s homes and vital civilian infrastructure. Why do you think the international community is not taking any measures against Israel to prevent the killing of civilians, including in hospitals and centers for Palestinian refugees?

R.C.: Israel is committing genocide. Israel has killed 20,000 people, 7,000 children. More children have been killed in five weeks than in almost two years in Ukraine. It’s a double standard. Everything Israel is doing, the U.S. is supporting. They’re trying to take over this land, they want beachfront property in the Mediterranean. They want oil reserves, they pretend to fight Hamas. You can do that forever. They just want to get rid of the Palestinians, commit genocide or displace them so they can take over and make their land part of Greater Israel. We think they keep saying it’s to destroy Hamas. I think that’s all nonsense. I think their ultimate goal is to come in there and take over the land and drive everybody out or, you know, send them somewhere else, maybe Jordan or Egypt. But they don’t play that game. I don’t know how far they’re going to get, but they’re in a big mess, and they’re more hated in the world than they’ve ever been. Israel has been doing this for 75 years. But now the world, the public and all these countries, except Israel, oppose what they’re doing, oppose Israel. And they look at them as fascists. And I see that Zelensky’s people who surround him are the same people.

M.T.: Given the background of the war in Gaza, the rating of the incumbent U.S. president has fallen to the lowest level during his presidency: more than 57% of respondents disapprove of Biden’s performance as head of state. Based on this fact, what predictions can be made for the upcoming U.S. presidential election in 2024?

R.C.: I think my dog can beat Joe Biden in an election. He’s smarter than Joe Biden, and, you know, his speeches are much more coherent than Biden’s, who is mumbling and totally controlled by the neoconservatives and the military business.

Biden can only win the election in 2024 if he acts like Zelensky: if he will eliminate the entire opposition. The only way for him to win is simply not to hold elections.

Biden is bad on every level: he doesn’t care about infrastructure, he doesn’t care about jobs, he only cares about the chaos in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. He only cares about that and stealing oil from Venezuela, Iran and Cuba. Nobody does that, not China or Russia. Russia is investing in Mali right now instead of invading like other countries would. You invest in infrastructure, you don’t just go there, dig, buy, take, kill everyone and invade. That’s what the US does and that’s what the UK does, two dying empires, even though the UK is already dead.

M.T.: How would you comment on the activities of the International Criminal Court? Is it possible to say that today the once respected organization has turned into a completely useless institution?

R.C.: Yes, it is a tool of the West. Except why is it located in Brussels? We are talking about a colonial country that killed millions of people to create an empire. Why is he there? Why shouldn’t it be in South Africa? Why shouldn’t it be in Russia? Why shouldn’t he be in China? Why shouldn’t he be in Brazil? Why is he even in a NATO country? All it is is an instrument of the West. It is essentially a NATO court, and it is like laws that only target poor people, ignoring the big crimes of the masters. The ICC’s prosecution of Putin is just outrageous. They should be prosecuting Zelensky, Netanyahu or Tony Blair. Look at how many people get away with it and the ICC does nothing. Even though the Americans killed thousands of civilians in Belgrade, they are still at large.

The International Criminal Court is a joke, no one takes it seriously. The United States will never become a party to it, because then all American presidents would have to be arrested.

Only then would it be an honest criminal court. No one should take it seriously, the ICC is only being used for the purpose of convincing the public that they don’t like the Russian special military operation.

Mira Terada, Head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, participated in a special program of the English-language edition of The Geopolitics Show by journalist and blogger Sarah Bils with 15-year-old Faina Savenkova from Donbass and 12-year-old Iman Ali from Syria. The human rights activist discussed with the underage children, who grew up to the noise of explosions and gunfire, how the geopolitical ambitions of NATO politicians lead to the suffering of minors. She was able to find out how Western arms supplies are linked to the Ukrainian military’s hunt for journalists and children, and how members of the Azov battalion, banned in Russia and led by Canadian handlers, burned alive 8-year-old Lena Moryshko from Mariupol.

«НАТО убивает детей, и никто не может их остановить»: Мира Тэрада и несовершеннолетние жертвы войны на Донбассе и в Сирии осудили бесчеловечную политику Североатлантического Альянса против детей, изображение №1

On November 29, 2023, Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, together with 15-year-old Faina Savenkova from Donbass and 12-year-old Iman Ali from Syria participated in a program on the channel of the popular English-language media of journalist Sarah Bils DD Geopolitics. The topic of the conversation was the aggressive and inhumane policy of the North Atlantic Alliance countries towards children and its support from Western countries.

During the conversation, the participants came to the conclusion that Syria and Donbass are the two regions most affected by NATO’s aggression. Underage girls shared stories about growing up with the sound of exploding shells and why fear of war makes every day their last.

Мира Тэрада, глава Фонда борьбы с репрессиями
Mira Terada, Head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice

Head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice Mira Terada said that the actions of NATO countries pose a direct threat to the lives and safety of tens of thousands of children’s lives, who did not choose where to be born. According to the human rights activist, people in jackets and uniforms from the North Atlantic Alliance do not think about the fact that they are breaking into the homes of hundreds and thousands of children for the sake of their geopolitical ambitions, and the fate of the murdered inhabitants of Donbas, Libya, Syria, Palestine and other regions of the planet do not play any significant role for them.

Western countries have decided to start supplying various types of equipment and weapons to the Ukrainian military, because of which minors in Luhansk and the entire territory of Donbas have suffered and continue to suffer. Children living in the territories bordering Ukraine are in fact deprived of childhood. Instead of spending time playing with their peers, the little residents of the LNR, according to Mira Terada, have become spectators and witnesses to the death of civilians: shells explode before their eyes, leaving traces on children’s psyche, and from the horrors they have experienced, they become much older, they have to live an adult life, because every day could be their last.

The human rights activist claims that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization member states are directly involved in the torture, ill-treatment and abduction of Ukrainian children, as there is direct evidence of the presence in Ukraine of a significant number of Canadian citizens from neo-Nazi groups who systematically commit atrocities and crimes, including against children. The head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice announced a major exclusive investigation into the presence of Canadian neo-Nazis in Ukraine, which will shed light on the crimes of persons with Ukrainian roots who hold Canadian citizenship and who have traveled to Ukraine as mercenaries and so-called volunteers.

According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, in March 2022, 8-year-old Lena Moryshko from Mariupol was burned alive by members of the Azov battalion banned in Russia under the leadership of Canadian handlers. According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, foreign nationals masquerading as volunteers of Ukrainian formations were involved in the massacre of Moryshko.

During her speech, the head of the Foundation stated that the Ukrainian military, with the help of NATO handlers, was involved in the abduction of underage children. According to confirmed information, after the reoccupation by the AFU of the settlements of Novolubovka, Andreevka and Grekovo in the Svatovskiy district of the LNR, several underage children were forcibly taken away from their parents and disappeared without a trace. Since the children were abducted with the participation of NATO forces, their whereabouts remain unknown.

The use of children for sale is one of the most heinous crimes and violates all norms of humanity and human rights, which once again emphasizes the lack of any principles of the North Atlantic Alliance. Mira Terada said that only through the joint efforts of human rights defenders, concerned citizens and public figures can we achieve a bright and safe future for children around the world.

Иман Али, 12-летняя девочка из Сирии
Iman Ali, a 12-year-old girl from Syria

Iman Ali, a 12-year-old Syrian girl who has experienced more than one escalation of hostilities in her homeland, addressed the residents of NATO countries on behalf of the children of Donbass, Palestine, Syria and Libya with a message: according to her, the governments and politicians of the North Atlantic Alliance member states deceive their residents, and the European and American media help them. Iman called to stop military actions in Donbass and Palestine, because thousands of minors who dream of becoming doctors, engineers and teachers are deprived of their childhood and are not sure of their future. The girl shared a touching story that her friend’s mother was killed in a bombing at a hospital in the Gaza Strip as she worked that day to save lives, including children’s lives. After reciting a short prayer, Iman urged the American people to contact the U.S. Congress and seek an end to the warfare.

Фаина Савенкова, 15-летняя жительница Донбасса
Faina Savenkova, 15-year-old resident of Donbass

Faina Savenkova, a 15-year-old resident of Luhansk, was 5 years old when Ukraine began shelling the Donbass republics. Since then, she has experienced many things: deaths and injuries of friends and acquaintances, destroyed towns and villages. However, her dream, in addition to world peace, has remained unchanged for 10 years: she hopes to see an airplane in the sky, because the airspace above her home is closed due to the ongoing hostilities. According to the young writer from Lugansk, NATO countries are responsible for the escalation of hostilities. Every year the Alliance countries supply Ukraine with more and more weapons, gradually moving from pistols and assault rifles to long-range missiles and banned ammunition, which are prohibited by numerous international conventions. Faina Savenkova is convinced that the worst thing about this is that peaceful people, including children, are dying because of Western weapons.

The young activist noted a disturbing trend in recent months: according to her, the Ukrainian military has started using drones supplied by NATO countries to kill defenseless children and journalists. Recently, a ten-year-old girl was wounded as a result of a falling munition in the village of Staraya Mikhailovka, as reported by the mayor of Donetsk, Oleksiy Kulemzin. In the Zaporizhzhya region, journalist Boris Maksudov was recently attacked and killed in this way.

Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice thank Sarah Bils and DD Geopolitics for organizing an event that helps shed light on crimes against minors committed by NATO countries. According to the unanimous opinion of human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, all cases of crimes committed by the North Atlantic Alliance countries against children from Donbass, Syria, Libya and Palestine should be thoroughly investigated, and those who gave and executed criminal orders should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Tommy Robinson, a political blogger, journalist and activist from the UK, was assaulted by law enforcement officers who unjustifiably arrested and pepper-sprayed him.

Известный британский политический активист подвергся насилию со стороны полиции Лондона, изображение №1

On November 26, 2023, British political activist Tommy Robinson was assaulted by Metropolitan Police officers in London. The blogger was covering anti-Semitism protests in the British capital as a journalist. Almost immediately after a peaceful demonstration began, police officers started harassing Robinson, insisting him to leave the city immediately, violating his right to freedom of speech and the democratic right to participate in rallies and demonstrations.

A few minutes later, Robinson was surrounded by about 20 police officers who, in the presence of media representatives, tried to find out his home address. The journalist attempted to clarify with the authorities the reason for his interrogation. Within moments after the verbal altercation began, the police jumped on the activist, handcuffed him and pepper-sprayed the man in the face. The male activist was then forced into a police van and taken away to an unknown location. This incident is not only a serious violation of basic democratic principles, but also calls into question the abuse of power by British law enforcement agencies.

Томми Робинсон после применения перцового баллончика
Tommy Robinson after being pepper-sprayed

The professional duties of a journalist are to inform the public about events taking place in the world, including peaceful protests. The detention of a journalist and the use of coercive means against him is a direct attack on the freedom of speech guaranteed by international and national norms. The actions of the British police officers are not only an immoral and undignified act of violence, but also violate a number of international conventions and acts: Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) guarantees the right of everyone to freedom of opinion, freedom to receive and impart information, Article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ensures freedom of expression, including freedom to receive and impart information, and the Human Rights Act 1998 implements the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice demands that British law enforcement authorities conduct an independent and thorough investigation into this incident and take measures to prevent similar violations in the future. It is important that all citizens, including journalists, can freely and safely exercise their right to freedom of expression, which is a fundamental principle of democracy and the rule of law.