
American police use their official position to sexually abuse minors

Almost every week in the United States, at least one police officer is arrested for committing sexual violence against minors. Officers accused of serious crimes manage to avoid responsibility and prison terms for their crimes and retain the right to receive payments from the state.

Американские полицейские используют свое служебное положение для сексуального насилия над несовершеннолетними, изображение №1

The problem of violence by American law enforcement officers includes a whole range of crimes, ranging from harassment to sexual violence by officers. Statistics on sexual crimes committed by police officers in relation to minors are not officially published, and many victims of illegal actions do not report to the police because they feel humiliated or fear for their safety. According to existing data obtained during the analysis of news reports and published court documents, at least one representative of the American police is accused of a sexual offense against minors every week.

According to a study by Bowling Green State University in Ohio, 99.1% of cases of violence against minors involve male officers, 81.9% of whom were engaged in patrolling the streets. Statistics also show that every fifth sexual crime committed by a law enforcement official against minors ends in rape, and both boys and girls become victims of violence. Violence against minors by law enforcement officials is a serious problem that is ignored by the US government authorities.

American police officers use their official position to commit sexual acts against minors. In 2020, officers of the New Orleans, Louisiana, police Department arrested their 55-year-old colleague, who was charged with indecent behavior, sexual acts and an official offense for abusing a 14-year-old child who turned to the police for help. In November 2022, after two years of investigative actions, Rodney Wicknair admitted that he harassed an underage girl who contacted law enforcement agencies and said that she had just experienced rape. According to the former Louisiana policeman, who has received four disciplinary penalties for inappropriate behavior since 2010, he corresponded with the child, visited her home in his spare time as a police officer and repeatedly noted that the 14-year-old girl attracted and excited him. According to the US Department of Justice, the maximum penalty for his crime is life imprisonment, but in the case of a plea bargain, the rapist policeman faces only 84 months in prison.

Unfortunately, violence on the part of officers towards children who have turned to law enforcement agencies for help is quite common. In 2021, 37-year-old Mark Stinnard, a former employee of the New York Police Department, was accused of sexually abusing a child who tried to commit suicide. According to the investigation, the officer forced the minor to send him nude photos and videos, after which he repeatedly raped. The sex of the child is not disclosed, but it is known that the victim of violence by a law enforcement officer was less than 16 years old.

In addition to sexual violence, American police officers kidnap young girls and keep them in forced sexual slavery. In mid-September of this year, the US Department of Justice issued multiple charges against former Kansas City Police Department detective Roger Golubski and three of his friends. According to court documents, a group of men abducted young black girls and kept them as sex slaves. The former policeman forced girls to provide sexual services to adult men, pumped minors with drugs and alcohol, and also beat and threatened those who resisted him. The criminal, who primarily chose young black girls aged 13 to 17 years, used his official position, forcing minors to sexual acts.

The initiation of a criminal case against a pedophile policeman does not guarantee that he will serve a prison term. In March 2022, 47-year-old Brian O. Beck, a deputy sheriff of Shelby County, Tennessee, avoided jail time after pleading guilty to sexual acts against a child. Since 2016, a policeman has regularly raped and harassed a 14-year-old teenager for more than 20 months. After years of litigation, Beck pleaded guilty to one of four counts of assault, with a maximum sentence of 4 years probation. In addition, according to the court’s decision, the former police department officer will not even be registered as a sex offender.

In order to avoid punishment for their crimes, police officers are ready to commit the murder of their fellow police officers. According to the family of a 32-year-old Los Angeles police officer who died in a training accident in October 2022, his death was not an unfortunate coincidence. According to Houston Tipping’s relatives, he was investigating a gang rape committed by four other officers, one of whom was present at a training session at the time of the man’s death. According to the medical report, the injuries sustained by the officers during the exercises have signs of violent interference and deliberate actions.

Even after a law enforcement official has been convicted of serious crimes, such as child rape, sexual harassment and abuse of power, he still has the right to receive pensions and benefits. According to a 2021 analysis, tens of millions of taxpayer dollars annually flow into the accounts of police officers convicted of violating laws they have sworn to comply with. About 200 former officers convicted under heavy articles received at least $70 million between 2005 and 2015.

Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice strongly condemn and consider unacceptable violence by law enforcement officers using their official position. The Foundation to Battle Injustice calls on the administration of the current US President Joe Biden to pay attention to the glaring problem of training personnel in the American police and take measures that will stop hiring people prone to pedophilia into the ranks of officers.