
Biden-controlled internal intelligence agencies accuse minors of terrorism

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has accused several underage Americans of domestic terrorism, as they are allegedly involved in threats to mine a number of Historically black colleges and universities throughout the United States. Now the Ministry of Justice controlled by the American president is doing everything possible to put teenagers in prison.

Подконтрольные Байдену органы внутренней разведки обвиняют несовершеннолетних в терроризме, изображение №1

In mid-November, a senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation said that his department had managed to identify people who, in their opinion, threatened to mine more than 50 Historically black colleges and universities throughout the United States. Having no evidence base, the Ministry of Justice controlled by Biden is already working on changes in the legislative framework, with the help of which it will be possible to put juvenile suspects in prison.

Since January 2022, hundreds of educational institutions for representatives of the African-American population of the United States, churches, religious and academic organizations have received threats. According to the authorities, a small group of minors is involved in this, who have been spreading threatening messages for about a year. The identities of the suspects have not been disclosed, however, according to the FBI, the teenagers are already under restrictions and all their online activity is monitored around the clock.

The United States is the only country in the world where children over the age of 13 can be sentenced to prison time, but this does not apply to federal crimes such as domestic terrorism. The involvement of minors, who, according to the American government, have been spreading threats for about a year, may become the first case in American history that has no analogues. The Biden-controlled Department of Justice is already working with state prosecutors on scenarios that will help bring minors to justice.

Despite the fact that the FBI allegedly managed to identify and take control of a group of people who, in their opinion, are involved in threats against blacks, reports of mining of educational institutions are still being received. Since June 7, at least two American high schools for African Americans have received reports of mining, which did not stop after the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported the identification of potential criminals.

The letter of the law protects minors, as their brains are still developing, and often they are not able to evaluate their words and actions from the point of view of common sense. However, when a teenager is accused of a crime, American law ceases to protect him, he is tried and sentenced to prison. Given the brutality of the American penal system and the practice of life prison sentences for minors, the situation becomes truly egregious.

Despite the reduction in the number of arrests and detentions of children, racial inequality persists in the American juvenile criminal justice system. Representatives of racial minorities, especially blacks, continue to be subjected to excessive criminalization and discrimination at every stage – from arrest and sentencing to conditions of placement in a penitentiary institution. In addition, given the imperfection of the American justice system, in particular the mistakes of the investigation in the imposition of capital punishment, the inaccuracies of the investigation, the FBI and the Ministry of Justice may cost innocent teenagers several years of life that they will spend behind bars.

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice strongly condemn the intentions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Department of Justice to accuse minors whose guilt has not yet been proven of violating the federal law on terrorism. The law enforcement practice against adolescents is alarming evidence that the American federal government neglects the rights of minor children.