Mira Terada, the head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, contacted Amy Gonzalez, who was convicted and sentenced to life in prison on charges of cybercrime. The convict told the whole truth about the monstrous cruelty of the American femida and the absurd inhumanity of punishment (life imprisonment) for a crime she did not commit.

Amy Gonzalez is a wife, mother and nurse from Texas, who has worked in the intensive care unit and hemodialysis for more than 26 years. She has a 14-year-old daughter, a 27-year-old stepson and a husband. In 2016, she, along with her brother and mother, was sentenced to life in prison for a crime committed by her father.
This case became a precindent in the United States when the defendant was convicted and sentenced under the federal Cybercrime Act. On February 11, 2013, Tomas Matusevich, Amy’s father, shot dead his former daughter-in-law Kristina Belford and her friend as they entered the New Castle County Courthouse for a hearing on child support. The man later committed suicide, and the district attorney charged Matusevich’s widow and their two children, Gonzalez and her brother David, accusing them of organizing a campaign to harass and stalk Belford and their daughters. A Delaware jury found them guilty on various charges, including cybercrime, conspiracy and harassment. They were sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.
The American media did everything possible to demonize Amy Gonzalez in the eyes of a Western audience, exposing her family as monsters. Thanks to the efforts of the human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, it was possible to contact Amy, who told in detail about the absurd investigation and the groundless arguments given by the prosecution.

My sister – in – law, Christine Belford Matusiewicz, obtained an order for Protection from Abuse against my brother, David Matusiewicz, on January 2, 2006 after she abruptly stopped taking her prescribed psychological medication. The PFA petition stated David was hearing voices, could predict the future and also threatened to kill Christine and dispose of her body where nobody would find it, amongst other “claims”. Due to this PFA, David was escorted from his Optometric practice in Newark, Delaware by 5 police officers to undergo an emergency psychological evaluation by Dr. Cuba at the Mobil Crisis Center. Dr. Cuba evaluated and cleared David of any mental health issues. Dr. Cuba noted that David was in shock over being escorted for this emergency psychological evaluation. Dr. Cuba also disclosed in his progress notes that he was more concerned regarding Christine’s need for a psychological evaluate due to her sudden erratic behaviors and abrupt cessation of her psychological medications.
While Christine knew that David was at this evaluation, she went to pick up their three daughters, Laura, Leigh and Karen, who were at their grandparent’s, Lenore and Thomas Matusiewicz’s home. Christine made up a story that she needed to pick up the children to take to see her mother, Kathleen Belford, who was supposed to be in the hospital on her “death bed”, according to Christine. The fact that Kathleen Belford was never in the hospital was later verified by Lee when she called all New Castle County Hospitals, called Kathleen’s ex-husband, Jim Belford and when Kathleen Belford herself called Lee to say that she was never in the hospital. Kathleen knew that something was wrong with Christine since Christine called her mom 14 times that day when she rarely called her mom at all.
After calling our mother, Lee, to notify her of David’s emergency psychological evaluation and to secure a ride home for him, Lee informed me of the strange situation that just occurred with Christine. I immediately realized that Christine was running with the girls so I told my mom to call 911 immediately while I gathered my newborn, Tatiana, to take her to Delaware to hire a Private Investigator to find Christine and my nieces. Lee was told all that could be done was a safety check if the van was spotted.
My father, Tom, went to David and Christine’s home, as recommended by Dr. Cuba, to remove any weapons from the home that Christine may use to harm the children or herself.
Christine decided to send my nieces back to Lee and Tom that night, meeting in the Bear, Delaware State Police Barracks parking lot, escorted by 2 individuals unknown to the children. The following morning, I went to Dave and Christine’s home to retrieve all the necessities needed for my nieces that did not accompany them that night such as food, formula, diapers and clothing. I found the kitchen phone ripped out of the wall and Christine’s Paxil on the kitchen counter and scattered on the floor.
During the week of January 2, 2006, Christine called my aunt, M’Linda Kula, stating, ” I love my ex-husband, but he had no money. David has wealth, but I don’t love him. When I take over his business, his home, his children and put him in prison, I will then have his wealth and my ex-husband.” (Notarized letter from M’Linda Kula included). This call was recorded and transcribed by the Mike O’Rourke Agency.
On January 3, 2006, Lee and Tom went to the Family Court in Delaware for an Ex Parte Order for Temporary Emergency Custody of my 3 nieces, which was denied by Commissioner Mayo.
On January 5,2006, Christine decided she wanted the girls back. State Trooper William Thompason called Lee from the Smyrna, Delaware Police Station stating that if Lee and I didn’t bring the children to the Police Station in 30 minutes we would be charged with kidnapping. After we got to the Police Station, we tried to explain to Trooper Thompson that Christine abruptly stopped taking her Post-Partum Depression medications and was acting completely irrational. We explained that Christine was supposed to be escorted from her home in Middletown Delaware for an emergency psychological evaluation. Trooper Thompson informed us that Christine was in his presence for 2 hours and was acting fine so he decided to let her leave with the children even though she was frantically running around yelling and screaming that she thought she saw David’s truck. Christine proceeded to drive around in circles on Route 300 with the girls in the van with the Trooper watching. His reply to my asking the question if that was acting normal was, ” Christine got to the paperwork first.”
Due to this PFA, David had to move in with his best friend, Dr. Mike and Tracy Bruno because he was not allowed to be near his wife, his children or his home. He couldn’t stay at our parents’ home because Christine would bring the girls there when she couldn’t’ take care of them.
Before the PFA hearing started, M’Linda Kula witnessed James Belford, Christine’s father, call Christine a “cold heartless bitch” before he left her to attend the court proceeding alone David Scott Osburn and Stephanie Records Cowden, employees at the Vision Center of Delaware, were present in court to testify regarding Christine’s recent unusual behaviors to include wearing seductive clothing at the office rather than the required scrub uniforms and Christine kissing David Scott at the office. Officer Stampler, who took the initial complaint for the PFA, testified that he didn’t believe Christine’s claims were true, but thought this was her way to get a divorce. Christine’s PFA and David’s counter PFA were both dismissed by Commission Mayo.
After the PFA hearing we went back to David and Christine’s home finding Christine’s pills scattered all over the kitchen floor and upstairs’ bathroom, a hole in the living room wall and a cracked dining room window, we decided it was safer to take my nieces to Lee and Tom’s home.
David was arrested in front of his daughters at Lee and Tom’s home, due to an unknown contingency PFA, when the Police asked David to turn over his gun collection that Tom previously removed from Christine and David’s home at the advice of Dr. Cuba. Tom was keeping the gun collection somewhere David didn’t have access to, so they arrested him and released him the following day after Tom brought the gun collection to the Police department. This arrest was expunged.CUSTODY OF THE GIRLS
Private Investigator, Mike O’Rourke was hired by David’s lawyer, Mark Sisk to follow Christine when my nieces were in her care. His Private Investigator, Mr. Phillips, recorded a video of Christine dragging my Autistic niece, Leigh, by her arm across the road 7 times. He attested to this fact in his transcripts.
After the PFA hearing, Christine gave guardianship of Katy Moffa (the daughter she shared with her first husband, William Moffa, Jr.) to Jennifer and Alex Pugliese (Christine’s ex sister-in-law, Katy’s aunt) and sole custody of Laura, Leigh and Karen to David so she could find out what was REALLY wrong with her, as she stated.
In the middle of 2006, Christine decided that she wanted joint custody of the children. David took Laura to see a psychologist because Laura didn’t want to go with Christine and for night terrors also. The Psychologist evaluating Laura said that it was “not unusual for a child to not want to go with the stricter parent.” David was actually the stricter parent.
While I babysat my nieces in their Delaware home during one of the court appearances between Christine and David, Laura disclosed to me that she “had a secret with mommy and had to do things to mommy to make her feel good.” and that if she ever told anyone, «Mommy would go to jail.”
Lee and I started noticing that Laura was oddly wearing 2 shirts and 2 pair of panties ONLY during visits with her mother. During another incident at Laura’s home, while Laura was in the bathtub, I heard her moaning and talking about the “G spot.” When I questioned who taught her that, she replied, “mommy.”
During an incident at the Vision Center of Delaware, Laura became overly upset with my husband, Juan, when he was checking our daughter, Tatiana, to see if she needed a diaper change. Laura became very protective of Tatiana and started yelling at Juan. Later, after calming Laura down, Laura told Juan that she and mommy had a secret and if she ever told anyone, «Mommy would to jail.”
My nieces lived with David, but Christine was granted visitation. Due to Christine’s unpredictable behavior, we made sure that there were always 2 adults present and we also started to audio record the exchange of these visits. The children would run away and cry that they didn’t want to go with Christine. Due to the children not wanting to go with her, Christine stated that she previously spoke with her lawyer, Tim Hitchings and the Psychologist, Dr. Samuel Romirowsky, who both told her that, “children shouldn’t be forced to go anywhere they don’t want to go.” This incident is recorded on tape. This was sent to my lawyer, Jeremy Gonzalez Ibrahim and Randall Chase of Associated Press. This was not used as evidence in our case.
Christine also disclosed to her Psychologist, Dr. Marc Richman that while in the office of Leigh’s Pediatrician, Dr. Blalock, one of the staff members threatened to call Child Protective Services due to the way Christine was handling Leigh. Christine replied to the staff member that she obviously didn’t know that she was Dr. Matusiewicz’s wife. The call to CPS was never made.
In my mother’s medical progress note dated May 18, 2006, with Dr. Poorwah Kenkre, it states that “her daughter in law stopped taking her psychiatric meds. Daughter in law behaves erratically and there is some concern re: Bipolar disease or Multiple Personality Disorder. She has access to a gun and has said that she could “really get to her ex-husband by hurting the children.” It also states how “Lee gets scared and frightened when her daughter in law comes to pick up the children…” (see attached copy of progress note).SAFE FROM ABUSE IN CENTRAL AMERICA
When David asked his attorney, Mark Sisk, what he would do in this situation, he responded that he would take the kids and leave the country. No Judge in Delaware is going to take the children from their mother under any circumstances. In August 2007, David and Lee left with my nieces to Central America rather than going on the 2-week vacation to Disney as we were told. After the girls didn’t show up for school, Christine notified the Police. Detective Jeffrey Shriner came to interview me at my home in NJ.
In August 2007, Tom moved to Edcouch, TX and Juan, Tatiana and I moved to Tx in February 2008. U.S. Marshals came to my place of employment at KNAPP Medical Center in 2008 to question me again. Christine was awarded sole custody of the children by Judge Mark Buckworth while they were all in Central America.
After being on America’s Most Wanted due to absconding with the children for 19 months, Lee and David were arrested on March 13, 2009 in Nicaragua and my nieces were returned to Christine. David was charged with International Parental Kidnapping and Bank Fraud (David forged his wife’s signature to obtain a second mortgage on his home since her lawyer never drew up the papers the Judge ordered turning the home over to David). After obtaining Attorney’s Heriberto Medrano (TX) and John Malik (DE), David served 4 years in prison and was ordered no contact with his children. After obtaining Attorney’s Demetrio Duarte (TX) and John Malik (DE), Lee was charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child and served 18 months and was also ordered no contact with the girls.
Prior to Lee and David ever leaving the country with the children, I confided in my best friend and several Nursing colleagues regarding Christine’s chaotic behavior and suspected abuse of my nieces.
I gave statements regarding suspected abuse of Laura witnessed by myself and my husband to Attorney Mr. Medrano via email. Due to being distracted by my 4-year-old daughter, I forgot to include the “G Spot” incident which the government used against me in court for not including it in the email.
Even though Tom and I did not ever have a NO CONTACT order with Laura, Leigh and Karen, we decided to be safe and hire Attorney, Amy Butler in Delaware to help with visitation because Christine’s past behaviors were so unpredictable, we were afraid of her. We spent $7,000.00 on Attorney’s fees only to have the case dismissed by the Judge.
Throughout this time that my nieces were back in Christine’s care, I sent greeting cards to Laura, Leigh and Karen ONLY. Both Christine and my nieces would send me cards.
DYFS was contacted by Tom, Lee, David and myself. The Family Court, Federal Court and the government believe that these complaints of abuse were made up as the reason David and Lee left the country with the children since they say we didn’t complain to DYFS or others prior to the kidnapping. That is untrue. Dave and Peggy Mitchell, Commissioner Kenny and Dr. Poorwah Kenkre were some of the people we spoke with regarding OUT suspicions. Due to lack of trust with DYFS, we unfortunately didn’t go to the authorities with these Suspicions Not contacting the authorities with my suspicions prior to the kidnapping IS THE ONLY THING I AM GUILTY OF.
Christine’s chaotic behavior turned our world upside down. Our family was trying to figure out the mental stability of Christine after abruptly stopping her psychological medication, trying to raise 3 little girls ages 6 months to 3 years old, learning that Leigh at age 2 was being diagnosed with Autism during this time and help David run his household and Optometric practice. Lee and Tom had to move in with David to be there to help while I would pack up my newborn daughter after getting out of work from 7PM to 7AM shift in ICU to travel 1.5 hours from NJ to Delaware to go to David’s home to help care for his children, home, etc. These are not excuses to why I didn’t contact authorities, these are the facts. Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a manual.
Unite 4 Justice’s, CEO Doug Millar, recommended that we put our story on the Internet to try to get attention to help Christine get the proper diagnosis and treatment, get the children safe from abuse and to help secure David’s Parental Rights that were now in jeopardy.
I placed the video from 2006 obtained by Private Investigator, Mr. Phillips of the O’Rourl Agency, hired by David’s lawyer showing Christine dragging my Autistic niece, Leigh by her arm across the road 7 times on YouTube, (verified by his transcripts). I also placed on You Tube the Polygraphs that Lee and I both took on January 8, 2011 to prove our beliefs of sexual abuse of my niece, Laura by her mother, Christine. I sent these Polygraphs to media personnel asking for help for my nieces. I attempted to contact 3 Forensic Psychologists via email to help get the proper diagnosis and treatment for my sister-in-law and help for my nieces from abuse. Reaching out to social media asking for anyone that could help my sister-in-law get the proper mental health diagnosis and treatment, trying to prevent 3 little girls from any further abuse by their mother and to try to maintain David’s Parental Rights resulted in this Cyber Stalking charge against my family and I. Lee and Tom were also guests on Doug Millar’s Crusade Radio Talk Show.
Writing Lee’s experiences with Christine, Laura, Leigh and Karen was suggested to her as a cathartic experience during her incarceration. Her writing was published on the website jonbenetstruecasehistory.com titled, “Grandmother’s Impossible Choice.” The story ended asking any Pro Bono lawyers that could help to contact her.
In August 2011, due to David’s felony conviction, the state of Delaware and Christine pushed to have David’s Parental Rights terminated. Dr. Marsha Orlov, the Psychologist that Tom hired to evaluate Laura for sexual abuse informed our family that whenever she would broach the topic of sexual abuse with Laura, Laura changed the subject and that was indicative of sexual abuse. Unfortunately, Dr. Orlov’s sister was hospitalized and Dr. Orlov testified from her sister’s hospital bedside without her notes rather than asking for a postponement of his testimony. Dr. Orlov didn’t make the court aware of the fact that Laura changed the subject regarding sexual abuse.
We found an Attorney from Georgia, Dave Oles, who specialized in Father’s Rights so we contacted him to help David continue to have the right to parent his children.
On Tatiana’s 6th birthday, on November 3, 2011, Laura called Tatiana and left a message on my cell phone voice mail.
We received a card from Christine saying that it was alright to -contact my nieces and that they were allowed to contact me as well.
Shortly after receiving the “okay to contact letter”, Christine sent a certified letter stating that she didn’t want Juan, Tatiana or myself contacting her or the girls. Since I never received an actual no contact order from the courts, I continued to send cards to Laura,
Leigh and Karen ONLY as before, especially since Laura herself reached out to contact us. I was afraid of Christine’s mental instability to send anything to her or contact her in any way. I did want to make it clear to my nieces that I loved them and would always be there for them for anything they needed.
Before Thanksgiving 2011, Lee sent Christina a letter to let her know that Lee and Tom would be travelling to the East coast to celebrate the holidays with our family there. The letter was in reference to a kindergarten CD of Christine’s firstborn, Katy, along with her favorite aunt’s handmade afghan that Christine left behind at the house in Delaware when she moved out. Lee said that prior to Lee and Torn leaving for the East coast, if Christine didn’t respond then Lee would burn the items because 6he didn’t want to leave a personal CD of a child lying around. Lee thought these were very sentimental to Christine and would want then back. Christine didn’t write back, so Tom asked Private Investigator Mike O’Rourke to accompany him to drop these items off at Christine’s house. Lee waited in their car at the subdivision entrance while Mike O’Rourke and Tom drove in Mike’s car to Christine’s house.
Due to this incident, Lee was given an additional charge of Interstate Stalking even though she NEVER went to Christine’s house. Why would you bring a witness with you to stalk someone, especially a Private Investigator?
Christine was not home, but the “babysitter”, (as he called himself), her newest boyfriend Francis Schaal was there. Francis asked Mike O’Rourke and Tom to leave and they left.
After this incident, Tom asked my best friend to ride past Christine’s house in Delaware to see if there were any 4 sale signs (in fear that Christine would try to leave with the kids again) and license plate numbers of vehicles in order to run a background check on Francis Schaal, who was caring for the children, to make sure he was not a pedophile.
Cindy Bender, David’s high school girlfriend, chose to befriend Christine after the children were returned to her from Central America. Cindy, WITHOUT ME EVER. ASKING HK& TO DO THIS, sent me updates about Christine, Laura, Leigh and Karen, such as pictures via email. I forwarded these pictures and updates to David, Lee and Tom. Who wouldn’t want to see pictures of their children?
Cindy sent me an update regarding Christine’s latest man in her life (which I didn’t ask her for). I replied that we were learning to predict Christine’s next moves, meaning that according to Christine’s diary that she left behind when she moved out of the home in Delaware, she needed something new in her life or she would get depressed. I was only referring to her predictable pattern with needing frequent men in her life.MENTAL ANGUISH LAWSUIT
Christine filed a “mental anguish” lawsuit against Lee, Tom, David and myself. Her lawyer. James Woods, stated Christine dropped the lawsuit with prejudice “out of the kindness of her heart.” Ironically, Lee and Tom just claimed bankruptcy prior to the dismissal of this lawsuit.DAVID RELEASED PROM PRISON
In 2012 David was released from prison and moved in with Juan, Tatiana and I in Edinburg, TX. We received conflicting rules from Mrs. Pena, the Probation Officer, and Mr. Garcia from the half-way house regarding my gun or liquor in the home so we were told that they had to be removed prior to David moving in with us, which was done. David and my husband, Juan had a dispute and David moved in with Lee and Tom in October 2012. Tom was an avid gun collector since childhood. Tom told us he removed all of his gun collection to a storage facility. We found after the shooting, after the FBI searched their home, that there were still guns left behind.
David’s child support was never recalculated according to his Job change from Optometrist to waiter. Child support intervened taking his entire paycheck making it unable for him to make his half way house payment, David and Christine had mediation via phone without coming to an agreement. David received a NOTICE TO APPEAR at court in Delaware on February 11, 2013. The government said that David could have appeared at court via telephone as THEY SAY HE WAS TOLD.
On February 2, 2013 our family spent a beautiful day at South Padre Island, TX. On February 4, 2013 Lee, Tom and David left for NJ so David could attend court and they could all visit family. They took two vehicles just in case Christine tried to have David arrested for child support as she previously had her first husband, Bill Moffa, Jr. While checking on try parent’s home, while they were travelling to NJ, I found the normal things that my father would leave upon travelling. This included a letter regarding Che house, animals, combinations to the safe along with a Veteran’s Administration Book. In this letter, my dad wrote, ” all of my guns take them. Protect them they will be your only freedom in the coming years under what was once my government. When government takes your grandchildren away it ceases then being your government. VA books important for you. Hopefully we can end this BS now – up to Dave.” The government decided that this letter was his “suicide note.” Nothing was in ANY WAY alarming me of a potential homicide or suicide.
On February 10, 2013, I received an email from Tom thanking me for watching their home, etc. and that Lee and Tom would watch our home when Juan, Tatiana, Christopher and I went on vacation in the summer, signed, “see you soon. “
I was at work as a RN in the Hemodialysis department at Doctor’s Hospital at Renaissance in Edinburg, TX on the morning of February 11, 2013 when my husband, Juan, kept calling and texting me that I needed to go home now. He wouldn’t tell me over the phone what was the matter, so I started screaming at him because I got scared that something happened to our daughter, Tatiana. He told me that Tatiana was fine, but instructed me to call my aunt (Cioci) Gloria Kula. Cioci Gloria told me that the media was reporting that David shot and killed Christine and then he committed suicide at the Delaware courthouse. I was devastated and shocked at this news. While crying in front of my patients and co-workers, my nursing friend, Rose notified our Nurse Manager that I had a family tragedy and needed to go home. My relief arrived after 2 hours and I drove myself home while calling Dr. Antonio Wong to order MO something for Anxiety due to this tragedy. I couldn’t breathe and was having anxiety attacks.
After I got home, I Attempted to call my parents and the Delaware Police to find out what happened. I finally got ahold of Mike O’Rourke at 6 pm Chat night, who Informed me that my father shot and killed my sister-in-law, her friend, Laura Mulford, before shooting and killing himself. David was arrested immediately even though he was at the courthouse getting ready for his court proceeding in one of the courtrooms, not in the area of the shooting. He was arrested once Detective Shriner found out the victim was Christine. They arrested him on a probation violation for not having permission to stay at Dave and Peggy Mitchell’s home in Elkton, MD. The night before court there was a prediction of a bad storm so Instead of having to travel 2 hours to the court they chose to stay 15 minutes away. David was also violated for not disclosing that he was travelling to the East coast with Lee and Tom on the travel plans form.
Lee was not at the court since Peggy Mitchell suggested that due to Lee’s health issues she should stay at their home and David and Tom would pick her up after court to drive back to TX. Lee voluntarily went to the police station after learning of this tragedy from Dave and Peggy Mitchell to answer any questions she could.
The media arrived at my home that night and I asked them to respect my daughter because I did not want her to find out this tragedy through the media. She was extremely close to her Pop Pop and would be devastated.
The FBI came to my home around 11pm and my husband, Juan, and I made statements. I informed them that I was shocked and taking Xanax.
During the interview on February 11, 2013, I asked the FBI where my nieces were. Their response was that they were with “special people that handle this situation.”
On February 12, 2013 I wrote out a check to the Delaware courts and filled out paperwork to petition for custody of my 3 nieces. I spoke with Niki Hannevig (Unite 4 Justice) and my Uncle Tom Kula to get their input regarding how to proceed with obtaining custody of my nieces so they wouldn’t go into Foster Care. My husband and I discussed raising my 3 nieces along with our daughter.
The custody petition was dismissed because I am not their parent, so I petitioned for permanent guardianship, which was also dismissed due to David’s TPR- I was no longer considered a blood relative. My Aunt and Uncle, Tom and M’Linda Kula were going to petition also, but they wanted to see what would happen with my petition first. My Uncle Tom, Niki Hannevig or I did not do any research via the Internet regarding custody or guardianship until AFTER the shooting. This fact contradicts the government’s theory that after Tom shot and killed Christine, I would be awarded custody of the girls. I consulted with Attorney Albert Greto and David Shamers in Delaware, recommended by Mike O’Rourke, regarding obtaining guardianship. They told me that the state of Delaware would not release the children Co move with me to TX because the state of Delaware would lose money. I still chose to petition for guardianship. I could not give up on my nieces safety or happiness, so I tried to fight the system for their benefit.
After my mother, my Aunt and Uncle, M’Linda and Tom Kula Interviewed with CEO, Doug Millar, of Unite 4 Justice, Crusade Radio Talk Show verbalizing their beleifs that David was arrested at the urging of Beau Biden, the Attorney General of Delaware, this is what happened next…
On August 1, 2013, FBI agent, John Whardle, called me to “pick up a package released from Delaware’.’ On August 5, 2013, Mr. Whardle called to confirm the date and have me also bring my mother on August 8, 2013 since “some things may be from her home in TX”.
On August 8, 2013, Lee and I were both surprisingly arrested and charged with Cyber Stalking and Conspiracy in addition to Interstate Stalking for my mother. David was supposed to be released from prison, but instead he was re-arrested as well.CONVICTED AND SENTENCED
On July 10, 2015 we were found guilty after undergoing a 25-day Jury trial.
On February 12, 2016 Lee was sentenced at her hospital bedside to LIFE IN PRISON after being emergently transferred from FDC Philadelphia to Thomas Jefferson University hospital on January 31, 2016 and only 10 days after she had brain surgery to remove brain tumors that the Bureau of Prisons were negligent in finding. The inhumane audio version of her sentencing is on the Internet.
On February 18, 2016 David and I were both also sentenced to LIFE IN PRISON. We all filed a direct appeal to our conviction and life sentences. Sadly, Lee passed away in prison on May 6, 2016.
My father suffered from a meningioma in the left frontal lobe of his brain, diagnosed after a motor vehicle accident in 1990. This is the area of the brain that controls memory, critical thinking, decision making, judgment and aggressive behavior. At the time of his autopsy in 2013, the brain tumor measured to be approximately the size of a golf ball. Could this brain tumor have contributed to his brutal actions? We may never know. I do know that this was a man whose favorite Bible verse was Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
As I stated in the very beginning, this case is so important to all of us and the potential of our Freedom of Speech being taken away. The reversal of previous rulings is so imperative! We cannot let this be taken lightly because once Precedence is determined, there is no going back.
Help me to ensure that the outcome of this Very Important Precedential Case is ruled in favor for ALL AMERICANS and our Freedom of Speech will be something we can still enjoy and laws put in place enforcing Cyber Stalking correctly, not flagrantly!
Amy Gonzalez