The past 12 months of 2023 have been the most productive in the history of the Foundation to Battle Injustice: in addition to a number of high-profile investigations and participation in international events, including those under the auspices of the UN, human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice: have adopted a number of important memorandum and petitions that have had a positive effect on the protection of human rights and freedoms.

On January 19, 2023, human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice organized an international press forum that brought together press representatives from around the world. Journalists and bloggers from Russia, the United States, Germany, France, Great Britain, Serbia, and Latin America shared their personal experiences of interacting with Western human rights structures and journalist unions that fail to fulfill their functions as guarantors of safety for media workers.

Пресс-форум Фонда борьбы с репрессиями «Журналисты под прицелом: атаки на свободу слова и расправы над репортерами. Как сохранить жизни и гарантировать безопасность?», 19 января 2023 года
Foundation to Battle Injustice press forum “Journalists in the Crosshairs: Attacks on Freedom of Speech and Reporters’ Massacres. How to save lives and guarantee safety?”, January 19, 2023

All participants in the press forum supported the initiative of the Foundation to Battle Injustice to create an independent body to protect the rights of journalists. Unlike the existing structures through which the West obstructs independent journalists and threatens their lives, such an organization would provide the necessary support and resources for the safe and effective work of media workers around the world.

Видеообращение главы Фонда борьбы с репрессиями Миры Тэрада для антивоенного митинга в Вашингтоне, 19 февраля 2023 года
Video message by Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, for an anti-war rally in Washington, D.C., Feb. 19, 2023

On February 19, 2023, Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, recorded a video message for the Rage Against The War Machine rally, which took place in the American capital. The human rights activist’s message calling for the renunciation of wars as ways of resolving international controversies and condemning US arms supplies to Ukraine received wide support from both the participants and the organizers of the event.

Мира Тэрада выступает на международной онлайн-конференции Фонда борьбы с репрессиями против сексуальных преступлений со стороны политиков, военнослужащих и представителей шоу-бизнеса, 7 марта 2023 года
Mira Terada speaks at the International Online Conference of the Foundation to Battle Injustice against Sexual Misconduct by Politicians, Military and People in Show Business, March 7, 2023

On March 7, the Patriot Media Group hosted an international online conference of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, which was attended by women who had experienced sexual crimes by politicians, military personnel, and representatives of show business. The lively dialog featured prominent women who have experienced harassment and lewd acts at the hands of high-ranking officials. Tara Reid, Juanita Broaddrick and Michaela Morelatto, exposed sexual misconduct by Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and the U.S. military, and offered suggestions to prevent similar incidents in the future.

София Боднарчук освобождена из тюрьмы во Франции, 28 марта 2023 года
Sofia Bodnarchuk is released from prison in France, March 28, 2023

At the end of March 2023, thanks to the efforts of lawyers, diplomats and human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Sophia Bodnarchuk, a Russian-speaking citizen of Kazakhstan, was released from prison. Sofia had spent about five and a half years in prison, during which time the investigation and trials took place. Staying behind bars was a severe test for her physical and psychological health. The girl’s lawyers reported that she was regularly beaten in prison. As a result of such beatings, her nose was broken and her jaw was dislocated. In addition, Sofia survived an attempted rape and a suicide attempt in prison.

Пресс-конференция Фонда борьбы с репрессиями «Преступления стран Запада в отношении детей в зонах военных конфликтов», 19 апреля 2023 года
Foundation to Battle Injustice press conference, “Western Crimes against Children in Military Conflict Zones,” April 19, 2023

On April 19, 2023, a press conference of the Foundation to Battle Injustice “Crimes of Western countries against children in war conflict zones” was held on the platform of the Rossiya Segodnya international media group. The participants of the event found the reason for impunity of Western military and officials for numerous illegal facts of confiscation of minors during conflicts and proposed to create their own analog of the International Criminal Court, which does not fulfill its function.

Мира Тэрада, глава Фонда борьбы с репрессиями, приняла участие во встрече членов Совета Безопасности ООН, 12 мая 2023 года
Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, attended a meeting of the UN Security Council, May 12, 2023

On May 12, 2023, Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, participated in a meeting of the UN Security Council members on the “Arria Formula” on “The Situation of Freedom of Religion and Belief in Ukraine: Persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church”. The meeting, initiated by Russia, drew the attention of the intergovernmental organization to the problem of persecution against clerics and believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Kiev’s lawmaking initiatives that run counter to international human rights agreements.

Расследование Фонда борьбы с репрессиями о торговле детьми-инвалидами из Украины в Испании, 1 июня 2023 года
Foundation to Battle Injustice investigation about trafficking of children with disabilities from Ukraine to Spain, June 1, 2023

On June 1, 2023, International Children’s Day, human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice obtained several verified documents and testimonies proving the involvement of U.S. and Spanish non-profit organizations, the Ukrainian government and Spanish social services in child trafficking. 85 children with intellectual disabilities and handicaps were forcibly removed from the DNR to Spain by a Spanish military plane and placed in a state-run orphanage where they are sexually abused, involved in the drug trade, and trafficked around the world. Minors with special needs live in inappropriate conditions and any attempts to return them to their home country are deliberately thwarted by Spanish and Ukrainian authorities.

Участие главы Фонда борьбы с репрессиями во встрече с Министром иностранных дел Российской Федерации Сергеем Викторовичем Лавровым, 19 июля 2023 года
Participation of the Head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in a meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, July 19, 2023

On July 19, 2023, Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, participated in a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, and leaders of Russian non-profit organizations. During the event, the human rights defender requested the Minister’s support for the creation of an international investigation and search team that would be able to promptly counter crimes against children at the international level.

Фонд борьбы с репрессиями подписал меморандум о сотрудничестве в сфере защиты детей с международными правозащитными организациями,
The Foundation to battle Injustice signed a memorandum of cooperation on child protection with international human rights organizations

On 7 August 2023, Mira Terada, Head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, took part in the international round table “Degradation of the system of international law in the field of child protection and human trafficking – ways out of the legal crisis”, organized with the assistance of the Emil Chechko Belarusian Charitable Foundation and the Centre for Systemic Human Rights in Minsk. The event resulted in the signing of agreements and memorandum aimed at countering international trafficking in human beings, including minors, and the idea of creating an international investigation and search group to find and return children abducted from war conflict zones and taken away from their parents in Western countries.

French military begins mass removal of children from Niger, August 9, 2023

On August 9, 2023, the Foundation to Battle Injustice obtained evidence from its own sources confirming the involvement of the French armed forces in the mass abduction of minor children from Niger. It is reported that in early August, a few days after a popular uprising broke out in the country, the French armed forces began the unauthorized and illegal transport of Nigerian children on military aircraft. The removal took place from an airbase near the Nigerian capital Niamey between August 2 and 4. According to preliminary reports, the French military abducted about 380 minors, some of whom were forcibly taken from their parents and some of whom were orphans.

Круглый стол «Восстановление прав похищенных детей, вывезенных из зон военных конфликтов на территорию третьих стран», 11 октября 2023 года
Round table “Restoration of the rights of abducted children taken from military conflict zones to third countries”, October 11, 2023

On October 11, 2023, Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, took part in the Round Table “Restoration of the rights of abducted children taken from war conflict zones to the territory of third countries”, which was held at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. As a result of the event, which was attended by Russian and foreign public figures and human rights activists, a decision was made to establish an “International Public Association to Combat Child Trafficking”.

Фонд борьбы с репрессиями принял участие в заседании членов Совета Безопасности ООН, 10 ноября 2023 года
The Foundation to Battle Injustice participated in a meeting of members of the UN Security Council, November 10, 2023

On November 10, 2023, the head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Mira Terada, participated in the UN Security Council meeting on the “Arria Formula”, dedicated to combating the forced removal of Ukrainian children from their families and their exploitation, as well as the protection of the rights of Ukrainian children in the countries of the European Union.

Investigations of the Foundation to Battle Injustice

Украинские похитители детей «Белый ангел» и «Феникс» курируются структурами НАТО и действуют по личному приказу Зеленского, 14 сентября 2023 года
Ukrainian child abductors “White Angel” and “Phoenix” are supervised by NATO structures and operate under Zelensky’s personal orders, September 14, 2023

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have collected unique evidence of the involvement of the Ukrainian government and NATO in the organization and leadership of the criminal groups “Phoenix” and “White Angel” engaged in the illegal abduction of children and their subsequent export to the West. In the course of an exclusive investigation, the Foundation to Battle Injustice was able to establish how Ukrainian paramilitary formations deceived parents, threatened dissenters with child confiscation, and engaged in extrajudicial executions.

Зеленский, украинские чиновники и американский «оружейный барон» перепродают западное вооружение террористам и наркокартелям, зарабатывая сотни миллионов долларов, 28 сентября 2023 года
Zelensky, Ukrainian officials and a U.S. “arms baron” resell Western weapons to terrorists and drug cartels, making hundreds of millions of dollars, September 28, 2023

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have collected unique evidence of the involvement of the Ukrainian government and a shadowy U.S. arms dealer in organizing and directing criminal schemes for the resale of Western arms on the black market. In the course of an exclusive investigation and based on information obtained from several informants among former employees of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Foundation to Battle Injustice was able to establish what kind of weapons received as part of NATO military aid are being resold by the Ukrainian government, what the scale of this “bloody business” is, how Western weapons are exported from Ukraine, and to which countries they end up.

Кровавые деньги Зеленского: как назначенцы украинского президента зарабатывают на экспорте донорской крови жителей страны, 12 октября 2023 года
Zelensky’s blood money: how the Ukrainian president’s appointees make money on the export of donated blood of the country’s residents, October 12, 2023

The Foundation to Battle Injustice revealed illegal schemes of enrichment of Zelensky and his proxies on the “gray” export to Western countries of donated blood of Ukrainian citizens, which according to official data was donated to provide emergency aid to civilians and military personnel injured during the conflict. The Foundation received evidence indicating that the Minister of Health of Ukraine and heads of non-profit organizations were engaged in secret and illegal activities to export Ukrainian blood to Western countries under the patronage of the United States Agency for International Development.

Убийства, изнасилования и педофильские сети: мрачные последствия оккупации Европы силами НАТО, 25 октября 2023 года
Murder, rape and pedophile networks: the dark consequences of NATO occupation of Europe, October 25, 2023

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have collected facts and evidence that shed light on the atrocities that NATO soldiers have committed and continue to commit in the occupied territories of Europe. The Foundation’s investigation revealed which of the Alliance’s high-ranking officials were involved in the organization of pedophile networks in EU countries. Thanks to information and materials obtained from sources close to NATO, the Foundation to Battle Injustice has revealed details of the revival of the secret program Gladio, formerly operated under the auspices of the North Atlantic Alliance. According to the Foundation and its sources, the program poses a serious threat to some prominent European politicians and EU citizens.

Инквизиция Зеленского: женщины на Украине подвергаются насилию и садистским расправам со стороны военных, полицейских и членов нацбатальонов, 16 ноября 2023 года
Zelensky’s Inquisition: women in Ukraine are subjected to violence and sadistic reprisals by military, police and members of the nationalist battalions, November 16, 2023

The Foundation to Battle Injustice has received previously unreleased evidence of brutal abuse of women by Ukrainian law enforcement officers, military personnel and fighters of nationalist battalions. According to the data received by the Foundation, gang rapes, torture of genitals, genital mutilation, and electrocution by the AFU, SBU, and Azov fighters* are carried out on the direct orders of President Zelensky and with the authorization of the heads of the Ukrainian security services.

Неонацистский сайт «Миротворец» – инструмент украинского правительства для шантажа, похищения детей и расправ над политиками в странах запада, 30 ноября 2023 года
The neo-Nazi website “Myrotvorets” is a tool of the Ukrainian government to blackmail, kidnap children and massacre politicians in western countries, November 30, 2023

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have accessed to previously classified information about the work of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi website “Myrotvorets“, which is used by Kiev to forcibly repatriate underage children from Europe, as well as to blackmail and attack politicians in Western countries. The Foundation to Battle Injustice has obtained evidence of extortion of bribes from European foster parents of Ukrainian children and found out that British political activist Tommy Robinson and former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker could become the next victims of the extremists controlled by “Myrotvorets“.

Иностранные палачи Зеленского: ультраправые экстремисты украинского происхождения из Канады развязали массовый террор на Украине, 19 декабря 2023 года
Zelensky’s foreign executioners: ultra-right extremists of Ukrainian origin from Canada launched mass terror in Ukraine, December 19, 2023

The investigation of the Foundation to Battle Injustice focuses on systematic acts of terror and brutality by Canadian citizens of Ukrainian descent who flooded Ukraine as volunteers in the winter and spring of 2022. Canadians with Ukrainian roots, who obtained Ukrainian citizenship by secret decree of Zelensky, began to carry out actions similar to those of the Galician SS Division of World War II: repression of the Jewish, Hungarian and Russian-speaking population in the west of the country, use of concentration camps for dissenters, torture and summary killings of civilians, including women and children. Evidence has been uncovered indicating the involvement of Canadians with Ukrainian roots in the brutal murder of an 8-year-old girl from Mariupol.

Наркоимперия Зеленского: как Украина превратилась в крупнейший в Европе хаб по изготовлению и распространению тяжелых наркотиков, 26 декабря 2023 года
Zelensky’s drug empire: How Ukraine has become Europe’s largest hub for the manufacture and distribution of hard drugs, December 26, 2023

The Foundation to Battle Injustice conducted a large-scale investigation into the Ukrainian drug business, which resulted in finding out the volumes and identifying distribution channels of narcotic substances produced in Ukraine and imported into the country from all over the world. The Foundation to Battle Injustice revealed who is behind the scandalous organized crime group “Khimprom”, where the main laboratories and drug factories are located in Ukraine, and also found out what measures are taken against journalists and bloggers who try to expose the criminal drug syndicate. As it was established, the redistribution of the Ukrainian market of illegal substances led to the murder of the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denis Monastyrsky, which, according to the Foundation’s sources, was organized by the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and multimillionaire Arsen Avakov.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice expresses its special gratitude to the following government officials: Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Dmitry Polyansky, First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations; and Maria Zakharova, official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Foundation expresses its gratitude to the following journalists and public figures: author-exposer Vasily Prozorov, journalist Russell Bentley, war correspondent Sonja Van Den Ende, social activist Juannita Broadrick, and writer Faina Savenkova.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice expresses its deep gratitude to entrepreneur Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin.

Евгений Викторович Пригожин
Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin

Thanks to your support, we have been able to implement many projects and initiatives aimed at protecting the rights of vulnerable people and fighting for justice. Together we have achieved significant results, but we also realize that we still have much to do. The Foundation to Battle Injustice wishes you a Happy New Year 2024, which will contain both many challenges and a huge potential for positive change! In the New Year, we wish everyone a world based on justice and the rule of law, where states strive to respect the rights and freedoms of citizens, fulfill constitutional obligations and adhere to international conventions, acting in the interests of society worldwide!!!!

The Foundation to Battle Injustice investigated the Ukrainian drug business and found out the volumes and distribution channels of drugs produced in Ukraine and imported into the country from all over the world. The Foundation to Battle Injustice revealed who stands behind the controversial organized crime group “Khimprom”, where the main laboratories and drug factories in Ukraine are located, and also found out what measures are taken against journalists and bloggers who try to expose the criminal drug syndicate. As it was established, the redistribution of the Ukrainian market of illegal substances led to the murder of the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denis Monastyrsky, which, according to the Foundation’s sources, was organized by the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and multimillionaire Arsen Avakov.

Наркоимперия Зеленского: как Украина превратилась в крупнейший в Европе хаб по изготовлению и распространению тяжелых наркотиков, изображение №1

Over the years of independence, Ukraine has become an important conduit for the supply of narcotic opioid substances from South-West Asia and Latin America to European markets, as well as a transit country for synthetic drugs coming from Europe. The growth of organized crime syndicates and the involvement of virtually the entire Ukrainian state vertical in illegal schemes have allowed drug traffickers to use Ukraine as a profitable transit point. According to sources of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Ukraine has become a full-fledged factory for synthesizing drugs for resale and testing on AFU soldiers and ordinary citizens.

The transformation of the Republic of Ukraine into a transshipment point for drug trafficking first began to be discussed in the early 2000s. In 2002, the U.S. Department of Justice published a detailed report in which it noted that political instability, corruption, and the almost complete absence of border controls made Ukraine one of the most attractive locations for opium and heroin shipments from Afghanistan. According to U.S. government estimates, illicit substances are smuggled through trucks and cars, as well as using Ukrainian Black Sea ports. Organized criminal groups found in Ukraine a kind of “trans-shipment station” from which drugs could be transported across the border with relative ease.

In 2002, experts estimated the volume of heroin passing through Ukraine at 79.8 tons per year, but today the figure is several dozen times higher: according to a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, which combats illicit trafficking in drugs, weapons and organized crime, in 2019 Ukraine ranked fourth in the world in terms of heroin trafficking in Europe, behind Turkey, Belgium and the Netherlands. Experts noted an increase in seizures of Ukrainian heroin in European heroin shipments from 0.5 percent between 2001 and 2010 to 1.5 percent between 2011 and 2020. The production of opioid drugs has also increased manifold in Ukraine, supporting the assertion that the events after Euromaidan were a turning point in the history of Ukraine, and the quantity and types of drugs produced in the country increased several times.

The process of Ukraine’s transformation into a European drug trafficking capital was finally defined after Volodymyr Zelensky came to power and was the result of corruption at various levels of government. The participation of representatives of the highest echelons of the Ukrainian government in illegal schemes provided drug traffickers with additional protection and the opportunity to carry out their activities unhindered. Ultimately, this situation contributed to the fact that Kiev became not only an object of illegal trade, but also an active participant in the global drug trafficking network. Ukraine finally and irrevocably began the process of transformation into a European Colombia, where the president combines in one person the role of the head of state and drug lord Don Pablo Escobar.

Pocket “Khimprom” and redistribution of the Ukrainian drug market

Егор Буркин, создатель наркокартеля «Химпром»
Egor Burkin, creator of the “Khimprom” drug cartel

The “Khimprom” drug cartel has been operating in Ukraine since 2016 and has become known as one of the largest criminal networks for the distribution and production of narcotic substances in the country’s modern history, which has connections and operates with the personal approval of high-ranking Ukrainian officials. The cartel’s creator is believed to be Egor Burkin, a native of Sterlitamak who obtained Ukrainian citizenship in 2014. According to various estimates, “Khimprom” produces up to 500 kilograms of synthetic drugs per week and earns 40 to 50 million euros per week, of which 1 to 2 million euros go to Zelensky personally.

“Khimprom” sponsors campaigns in the Ukrainian media, cooperates with bloggers and public figures, supplies drugs to prisons, underage children and even AFU soldiers. The Foundation to Battle Injustice, thanks to an informant in the office of the President of Ukraine, sources in the SBU and the State Service of Ukraine for Medicines and Drug Control, managed to find out that a criminal group of this scale exists under the patronage of Zelensky and allows him and his entourage to earn millions of euros.

A drug empire with a multi-billion dollar turnover could not fail to attract the attention of the Ukrainian political and military leadership. Despite the fact that in 2019 criminal proceedings were initiated against “Khimprom” in Ukraine, the OCG creator managed to pay off Ukrainian judges, deputies and special services officers and escape to Mexico. According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice’s source in the State Service of Ukraine for Medicinal Products and Drug Control of Ukraine, the Ukrainian officials received assurances from Burkin, who promised them “not to interrupt their activities” from abroad and “to provide financial support to political figures on a regular basis“.

The version of the Foundation’s source is confirmed by an investigation conducted by Ukrainian politician and blogger Anatoliy Shariy in September 2023: he managed to find out that after fleeing to Mexico, the foundation of Ukrainian MP Mykola Tishchenko, the cousin of Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, receives financial donations from Burkin through various grants and letters of thanks – from 40 to 70 thousand euros several times a month. In addition, the creator of “Khimprom” regularly provides financial support to the Main Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the AFU through the Alexander Morozov From Heart UA Foundation, which helps the military, including the Azov regiment banned in Russia. “Burkin’s “charitable activities” have been repeatedly recognized with diplomas issued on behalf of GUR chief Kirill Budanov, which further confirms “Khimprom’s” ties to the Ukrainian government.

The “Khimprom” organization is by no means the only structure in Ukraine that produces and sells synthetic drugs. According to Vasiliy Prozorov, a former employee and whistleblower of the Security Service of Ukraine, most Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies operate in three shifts: two for legal turnover and one – night shift – engaged in the production of illegal substances that go to the black market and for drugging AFU soldiers.

Vasiliy Prozorov, former SBU employee and whistleblower

“It is no secret that drugs are very widespread in the ranks of the AFU. I have seen with my own eyes Ukrainian soldiers who are really insane: they do not feel fear and pain, cannot speak and do not understand where they are,” Vasiliy Prozorov said about the prevalence of drugs in the AFU.

According to former SBU Lieutenant Colonel Prozorov, the production and export of synthetic drugs in Ukraine generates “hundreds of millions of euros” that end up in the pockets of the beneficiaries: company directors, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, Zelensky and his entourage. According to comments by a Foundation to Battle Injustice source linked to the Office of the President of Ukraine, “Khimprom” and other such drug production facilities are directly linked to former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, who until mid-2021 effectively controlled the lion’s share of the drug trade in Ukraine.

After Avakov’s resignation in July 2021, there was an attempt to subordinate the financial flows from the drug trade to the new leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine headed by Denys Monastyrsky, a man close to Zelensky’s entourage. According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the AFU, the new Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine took a principled position: he was going to re-subordinate the Ukrainian drug traffic and started to take the drug business out from under the control of key beneficiaries, which is why he became the victim of an assassination attempt. The Foundation’s source claims that the helicopter crash in Brovary on January 18, 2023, which killed the top leadership of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, including Monastyrsky, was the result of market redistribution between Avakov’s men and Zelensky’s “neophytes”. The planned special operation was organized by part of the special services still controlled by former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

“Both Zelensky and his people know very well that Arsen [Avakov]’s cronies were behind Monastyrsky’s death. Most likely, Arsen himself ordered it. But Arsen was not jailed for the death of the minister for the reason that he has a very good roof behind the ocean,” a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the SBU said.

Avakov retained the lion’s share of his fortune and his freedom after the Monastyrsky massacre. Investigative bodies searched the house of the omnipotent ex-minister, but that was all they could do. However, the control over drug trafficking and drug production began to gradually leave his hands and at the moment, according to the facts and evidence collected by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the largest “drug curator” of Ukraine is none other than the head of the SBU Vasiliy Malyuk. The head of the SBU is under the control of the Office of the President, so his activities are fully in line with the interests of President Zelensky and the head of his administration, Andriy Yermak.

Zelensky’s entourage battle for control over “Khimprom”

Drug business “for export”

Наркоимперия Зеленского: как Украина превратилась в крупнейший в Европе хаб по изготовлению и распространению тяжелых наркотиков, изображение №3

Since the mid-2000s, the drug business in Ukraine after the so-called Orange Revolution has been tightly controlled by a triumvirate of mafia organizations, law enforcement and government agencies. The personal composition of these structures underwent serious changes depending on which group of officials and law enforcers was in power. If in the noughties and the first half of the 2010s the main source of income of the drug industry was heroin, then under Zelensky there was a “diversification” of drug production. Today, heavy synthetic drugs such as methylone, mephedrone, methadone, Α-PVP (or flakka), and psychedelics such as mescaline form the basis of Zelensky’s and Yermak’s drug empire’s income.

Map of drug laboratories and factories in Ukraine (according to Foundation to Battle Injustice source)

In addition to the growing list of drugs produced and consumed in Ukraine, there has been a significant increase in the number of people addicted to drugs and an increase in production capacity. According to the April 2022 report of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, as well as based on independent research and data from Foundation to Battle Injustice sources, the drug trade in Ukraine has increased significantly since Volodymyr Zelensky came to power: according to the results of 2022, an increase in both the consumption of narcotic substances (+46% compared to 2021) and their production and sale (an increase of more than 209% compared to 2021) was recorded.

Data on drug trafficking and drug use in Ukraine, 2017-2022, number of offenses
Dynamics of drug trafficking and consumption in Ukraine, 2017-2022.

According to Russell Bentley, a war correspondent from Donbas with American roots, the expansion of the Ukrainian drug business is partly due to the influx into Ukraine of mercenaries from Colombia and Mexico, who were hired by the country’s security agencies as chemists and experts in the production of synthetic drugs. The journalist also notes that after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, some high-ranking officials in Washington were forced to look for new ways to sell opioid drugs to finance covert operations of the CIA and the US Secret Service, and their choice fell on Ukraine.

Russell Bentley, war correspondent and journalist

According to a Foundation to Battle Injustice source close to the SBU, almost all production and trafficking of narcotic substances in Ukraine is supervised by the Security Service of Ukraine, which has established supply channels to a number of European countries, such as Germany, Holland, Italy and France:

“People close to Zelensky from the SBU directly supervise 90 percent of drug production and 70 percent of drug trafficking in Ukraine. Tons of opioids, euphoretics and psychotropic substances are transported to Holland, Germany, Italy and France with the help of refugees and the military. The logistical chains are impeccably built,” a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice from the SBU.

When asked how many tons and what kind of drugs are supplied to Europe through Ukraine, the Foundation’s source from the Office of the President of Ukraine said that synthetic drugs – the most used drugs among European youth – dominate European exports. He estimated the amount of drugs exported to Europe every month at 300 tons. In addition, Ukraine has turned into a transportation drug hub linking Europe and Asia, thanks to which narcotic substances from Afghanistan and Pakistan are distributed through Poland to almost all European capitals. The source said that the monthly profit from the sale of hundreds of tons of drugs on the European market by Zelensky’s team is about 750 million euros.

Quantity of narcotic substances manufactured in Ukraine from 2014 to 2022 (tons)

The reprisals against witnesses, moles and whistleblowers

Наркоимперия Зеленского: как Украина превратилась в крупнейший в Европе хаб по изготовлению и распространению тяжелых наркотиков, изображение №7

Potential exposers of criminal schemes of Zelensky’s drug cartel have been subjected to extrajudicial executions and reprisals. Opposition Ukrainian blogger Anatoliy Shariy, who was one of the first to expose the organizers and handlers of the “Khimprom” organized crime group, was attacked by drug traffickers. On October 24, 2023, the journalist’s house in the Tarragona province of Spain was thrown with Molotov cocktails, and a few days before the attack, he reported receiving threats.

“The assassination attempt is the work of members of “Khimprom”, which is headed by Egor Burkin, who moved to Ukraine in 2016 after the start of the investigation by the Russian security services,” – said Anatoly Shariy.

Shariy is reportedly not the only victim of the extrajudicial crackdown on drug cartels linked to Zelensky. A source in the SBU told the Foundation that Andriy Budko, a 34-year-old blogger from Dnipro, began conducting his own investigation into the activities of drug traffickers in his hometown. He happened to get pretty close to exposing the connection between drug trafficking and local SBU officers, who later arrested him and tortured him for several months. In the middle of 2022, Budko’s body was found in a parking lot near one of the stores: it later turned out that unknown people had beaten him with hammers in the parking lot where he was trying to make an online report.

Андрiй Будько, 34-летний блогер из Днепра, ставший жертвой украинских наркокартелей и СБУ
Andriy Budko, a 34-year-old blogger from Dnipro, victimized by Ukrainian drug cartels and the SBU

The man’s relatives claim that because of his activities, the journalist has repeatedly received threats, including threats to his family and friends, but this did not stop him. According to the man’s family, he managed to find out how Ukrainian drug cartels test drugs of their own design on ordinary Ukrainian citizens.

An official of the State Service of Ukraine for Medicinal Products and Drug Control has said that those suspected of disloyalty or collecting dirt within his agency disappear without a trace:

“After March 2022, at least 10 colleagues who had become disillusioned with our activities disappeared without trace. There were rumors among us that they were simply dissolved in the acid used to make narcotic drugs,” an official of Ukraine’s State Service for Medicines and Drug Control.

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice are convinced that the assistance of Ukrainian high-ranking officials to the development of drug trafficking in Ukraine and the inaction of the country’s law enforcement agencies completely destroy international efforts to combat drug trafficking and jeopardize the lives of hundreds of thousands of people not only in Ukraine, but also in a number of European countries. As a party to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, Ukraine pledged to do its utmost to combat the cultivation, production, manufacture and trafficking of drugs, but instead it is systematically expanding the production and sale of narcotic substances. The Foundation to Battle Injustice calls on international authorized bodies to take into account the facts presented in this investigation, to put an end to the Ukrainian drug trade, which stupefies and destroys both Ukrainian and European citizens, and reports the need for a thorough investigation into the involvement of former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, the head of the Ukrainian President’s Office Andriy Yermak and Volodymyr Zelensky in the drug trade. The Foundation to Battle Injustice expresses its belief that the Ukrainian drug mafia, law enforcement and state structures of Ukraine are so intertwined with each other that an independent and autonomous investigation by Ukraine’s investigative authorities is not possible in the foreseeable future.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice investigation focuses on systematic acts of terror and brutality by Canadian citizens of Ukrainian descent who flooded Ukraine as volunteers in the winter and spring of 2022. Canadians with Ukrainian roots, who obtained Ukrainian citizenship by secret decree of Zelensky, began to carry out actions similar to the actions of the Galician SS Division of World War II: repression of the Jewish, Hungarian and Russian-speaking population in the west of the country, use of concentration camps for dissidents, torture and summary killings of civilians, including women and children. Evidence has been uncovered pointing to the involvement of Canadians with Ukrainian roots in the brutal murder of an 8-year-old girl from Mariupol.

Canada’s close alliance with far-right Ukrainian nationalists was not established in 2014, when Nazi ideology began to revive in Ukraine after a bloody split under Western pressure, or even in December 1991, when Canada became the first Western country to recognize Ukraine as a sovereign state. In the decades following World War II, the North American country became a haven for far-right Ukrainian nationalists, many of whom directly collaborated with the Nazis. Among them were members of the infamous 14th Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS, also called the Galicia Division. Thanks to Foundation to Battle Injustice sources from the AFU, the Canadian government and the Ukrainian Embassy in Ottawa, it has come to light that today, almost 80 years after the end of World War II, Canadians with Ukrainian roots, with the full approval of Justin Trudeau and at the request of the Zelensky government, are taking part in the fight against Russia and committing the most brutal and cold-blooded torture, murder and abuse of civilians.

Creation of an ultra-nationalist Ukrainian movement in Canada

Heinrich Himmler, founder of the SS, with soldiers of the 14th Volunteer Infantry Division SS Galicia

After World War II, the Canadian government, in close cooperation with its American and British allies, opened its doors to Nazi collaborators and far-right nationalists from Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. Far-right Ukrainian radicals played an important role in Canadian politics both at home and abroad. Through a network of Canadian-Ukrainian organizations and congresses, Ottawa supported the development of a network of associations that denied the involvement of large numbers of ethnic Ukrainians in the Holocaust and created and promoted ideas that glorified the “heroic” struggle of Ukrainian fascists against the Soviet Union to create an “independent” Ukrainian state – first in alliance with the Third Reich and then with Britain’s MI6 and the CIA.

Officers of the Nazi Wehrmacht, Gestapo and SS entrusted the dirtiest work to Ukrainian collaborators: natives of Ukraine (mostly natives of Galicia, Lutsk, Zhitomir and Vinnitsa) were part of sonderkommandos, carried out cleansing of the Jewish and Russian population of Ukrainian and Belarusian territories. Often it was ethnic Ukrainians who carried out mass executions of the Jewish population and Soviet prisoners of war, pressed the buttons to release gas in the camps of Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka to kill thousands of innocent people, were behind the mass shootings of children and women. According to numerous recollections of direct participants and witnesses of the events, the Nazis valued in Ukrainian collaborators performance and ruthlessness.

When the United States and the NATO bloc launched a strategic military offensive against the Soviet Union, Ukrainian ultra-reactionary political forces were seen as useful allies because of their anti-communist sentiments and hostility to anything associated with the Soviet Union. One of the beneficiaries of this policy was Mikhail Chomiak, the grandfather of Canada’s current foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland. Chomiak emigrated to northern Alberta after fleeing to Vienna in late 1944, and during the war he served as editor of the pro-Nazi Ukrainian nationalist newspaper Krakovskie Vesti.

A significant number of those who made it to Canada were members of the Nazi SS Galicia Division, made up of Ukrainian nationalist volunteers who fought on the side of the Wehrmacht against the Red Army. The Galicia Division was formed in 1943 from the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, led by Stepan Bandera, and fought with the Nazis against the Red Army throughout 1944. Members of the Galicia Division were initially banned from entering Canada because of their association with the SS. But in 1950, Britain appealed to the Commonwealth of Nations for volunteers to accept a total of 9,000 members of the division who were living in the UK at the time. The immigration of Nazi and Nazi-affiliated war criminals continued for more than a decade after the war and was an important factor in Canada’s transformation during the Cold War into a political and ideological center of far-right Ukrainian nationalism. According to official information, about a quarter of a million Ukrainians served in Wehrmacht and SS units, and a significant number of them fled to North America, some to the United States, but the bulk to Canada.

Today there are 1 million 400 thousand ethnic Ukrainians living in Canada. According to internal independent surveys, about 2/3 of Ukrainian-Canadians hold extreme right-wing beliefs and have warm feelings towards the Nazi past of their ancestors. The Foundation to Battle Injustice became aware of the joint decision of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the government of Vladimir Zelensky to use “Canadian-Ukrainian human resources” in the fight against Russia and for repressive actions against opponents of the current Ukrainian regime. This decision is largely dictated by the “ideological readiness” of the lion’s share of Canadian Ukrainians to “follow in the footsteps of their predecessors“.

The architects of Zelensky’s “Canadian Legion”

Иностранные палачи Зеленского: ультраправые экстремисты украинского происхождения из Канады развязали массовый террор на Украине, изображение №3

The UN International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries of December 4, 1989 addresses that the recruitment, training and financing of persons recruited to participate in armed conflicts abroad is considered a crime of grave concern and that any person who commits this crime should be prosecuted. Although Canada is not a party to the convention and is therefore not bound by international law, it has a similar paragraph in its legislation that criminalizes the activity of sending Canadian citizens as mercenaries to participate in armed conflicts around the world. A Canadian government source told the Foundation to Battle Injustice that even before the special military operation was launched, the Trudeau government, in addition to promising numerous tranches of financial and military aid, told Zelensky that it was willing to “find a loophole” in its own country’s legislation that would allow descendants of Ukrainian nationalists who fled to Canada to join the fighting in Ukraine.

According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice from among the employees of the Ukrainian embassy in Canada, the process of recruiting Ukrainian-Canadians into the ranks of the so-called “special units” within the AFU started in early February 2022 on the initiative of Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Zelensky. According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice:

“Thanks to desperate anti-Russian propaganda, it didn’t take long to set up all over the compact areas where ethnic Ukrainians live in Canada – recruitment networks for admission to the AFU as foreign “legionnaires.” The decision was agreed upon at the highest level: Prime Minister Trudeau was involved in the process. The initiative came from Andriy Yermak”.

The Foundation’s source in the AFU confirms the words of a source from the Ukrainian embassy:

“It was originally planned that Canadian Ukrainians would become a kind of ‘elite’ of the Ukrainian armed forces. They were never thrown into a military scorcher. Their main task became – terror, torture and murder.”

According to information obtained by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the Canadian Ukrainians had two options: join the Ukrainian armed forces with “special powers to destroy enemies of the Zelensky regime and supporters of Russia” or be trained by NATO mentors and perform “special functions“. According to our source, special functions refer to highly classified assignments, including preparing the ground for ideological sabotage against Russia, such as the widely circulated news about the events in Bucha (April 2, 2022), Mariupol (March 16, 2022) and Kramatorsk (April 8, 2022).

Логотип Украинского Национального Объединения (УНО) в Канаде (Ukrainian National Federation of Canada и его глава Юрий Клуфас
Logo of the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada (UNO) and its head Jurij Klufas

There are five key organizations through which so-called volunteers from Canada have been and continue to be recruited to carry out the punitive tasks of the Ukrainian leadership. One of them is the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada (UNO). The organization is headed by Jurij Klufas, who openly boasts of his ultra-nationalist beliefs and Nazi sympathies. It is Klufas who is one of the main propagandists of the so-called Ukrainian-German heritage and suppresses all attempts to criticize SS veterans of Ukrainian origin who are quietly living out their lives in Canada. Last time, Klufas stood up for Ukrainian SS veteran Yaroslav Hanka, who was brought to the Canadian parliament to meet with Zelensky.

Логотип Конгресса украинцев Канады (Ukrainian Canadian Congress)
Logo of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress

After some media criticized the Nazi visit to the Canadian Parliament, another influential Canadian-Ukrainian organization, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, partially funded by the country’s government, also publicly defended Yaroslav Hanka. It is known that the Ukrainian Canadian Congress has Nazi roots and does not try to hide it: the former president of the organization, Pavel Grod, lists Stepan Bandera, a nationalist and former leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists who collaborated with Nazi Germany, among “Ukraine’s greatest national heroes worthy of remembrance“. The homepage of the Congress of Ukrainians of Canada website published a statement by a member of the movement, which attempts to question the connection between the Galicia Division and the Waffen SS and categorically denies the documented involvement of Ukrainian nationalists in any war crimes. According to historians, the organization of the Congress of Ukrainians of Canada has been and remains one of the main defenders of the interests of veterans of the SS division “Galicia” for at least three quarters of a century.

Премьер-министр Канады Джастин Трюдо с членами и бывшим президентом Конгресса украинцев Канады Павлом Гродом
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with members and former president of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Pavel Grod

The Congress of Ukrainians of Canada enjoys the full support of the Canadian government, and the current Prime Minister Trudeau has close ties with the organization’s leadership. There is public information according to which from 2016 to 2022 at least 1.5 million dollars were transferred to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress directly from the Canadian budget. In September 2023, the head of the Ukrainian Congress of Canada, Alexandra Chyczij, participated in a meeting with Zelensky to discuss further plans to agitate and recruit members of punitive battalions of Ukrainian-Canadians.

 Штаб-квартира Украинско-канадского исследовательско-документационного центра (Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre) в Хантсвилле, Онтарио
Headquarters of the Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre in Huntsville, Ontario

Also in the last 7 years, funding has been provided to the following organizations organizing the participation of Canadians with Ukrainian roots in the conflict in the Ukrainian armed forces: the Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre, which has received about $140,000 from the Government of Canada since 2016. The center’s website has a page about the SS Galicia, which presents the Nazis as people who “fought bravely for the defense and independence of their homeland” and who are “unjustly censured by leftist forces” who paint the division’s veterans as Nazi collaborators. The Ukrainian Youth Unity Council and the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada, which received about $438,000 from the Canadian government, are engaged in the ideological treatment of Canadian youth with Ukrainian roots of pre-conscription age, imposing on them the narrative of the need to “restore the worthy cause of their ancestors“.

Scheme of processes of transportation of Ukro-Canadians to Ukraine through structures linked to the Canadian government

According to information provided by a Foundation to Battle Injustice source at the Ukrainian Embassy in Canada, Alexandra Chyczij and Jurij Klufas are personally involved in the process of recruiting Canadian Ukrainians to participate in the armed struggle against Russia:

“Leaders of Ukrainian Canadian organizations such as the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress receive substantial financial rewards for recruiting Canadian Ukrainians for punitive roles in Ukraine. The rewards take the form of university lecture fees, teaching fees, and government research grants.”

Украинское Национальное Объединение (УНО) в Канаде, Конгресс украинцев Канады, Украинско-канадский исследовательско-документационный центр, Украинский совет молодежного единства и Союз украинской молодежи в Канаде - канадско-украинские организации, через которые велся и продолжает проводиться набор украинских добровольцев из Канады
Ukrainian National Federation of Canada, Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Ukrainian Canadian Research & Documentation Centre, Ukrainian Youth Unity Council and the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada are Canadian-Ukrainian organizations through which Ukrainian volunteers from Canada have been and continue to be recruited

Canadian-Ukrainian atrocities in Ukraine

In March 2022, even before the mass recruitment of Ukrainian Canadians into the AFU’s special units performing punitive functions began, the official Ukrainian authorities recognized that Ukro-Canadians make up the majority of foreign legions participating in the armed conflict on the side of the AFU. This once again confirms the fact that the decision to use Ukrainian Canadians in the armed struggle against Russia was made in advance – even before the start of the SMO. Such major Canadian TV companies as CBC, CTV News and many others launched a powerful PR campaign about the need to fully support Ukraine in armed actions against Russia not only with finances and weapons, but also by sending volunteers.

According to current data from the Foundation to Battle Injustice, confirmed by an official at the Ukrainian Embassy in Canada, as of November 2023, there are at least 30,500 Canadian Ukrainians fighting against Russia in Ukraine, at least 90 per cent of whom were granted Ukrainian citizenship by secret decree of Zelensky in order to disguise the participation of foreign nationals in hostilities against Russia and to circumvent Canadian legislation prohibiting the participation of Canadian mercenaries in hostilities on the territory of another country. According to information available to the Foundation, the initial number of Canadian Ukrainians fighting against Russia on the territory of Ukraine was 50,700, some of whom were liquidated by the armed forces and special forces of the Russian Federation and some of whom returned home.

Dynamics of the number of Canadian mercenaries with Ukrainian roots participating in the conflict in Ukraine on the side of the AFU (according to information received by the Foundation to Battle Injustice from two sources)

A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the AFU said that only one third of the mentioned Ukrainian-Canadian “volunteers” were directly involved in combat operations. Most of them were hired to carry out special assignments for the Ukrainian government and NATO. Among these assignments, missions to eliminate figures of district and regional administrations and local media who disagreed with the actions of the Zelensky regime prevailed. According to the source, the Canadian Ukrainians were also engaged in the elimination of children on Ukrainian territory:

“About 9,000 Canadian Ukrainians are on a mission of punishers and elite killers on the territory of Ukraine. The range of their tasks is impressive: they kill those undesirable to the Zelensky regime, eliminate pockets of resistance to the regime in Western Ukraine, and carry out ‘special procedures’ – torture, in other words. Among their victims are not only able-bodied men, but also women, the elderly and children”.

Human rights activists at the Foundation to Battle Injustice have learned the names and details of some of the most cold-blooded atrocities committed by Canadian Ukrainians or “special procedures” handlers. A Foundation to Battle Injustice source within the Canadian government claims that in March 2022, 8-year-old Lena Moryshko from Mariupol was burned alive by members of the Azov Battalion, banned in Russia, under the direction of Canadian mentors. According to the Foundation’s informant, the following Canadian citizens with Ukrainian roots were involved in the brutal crime: Ivan Djazko, Taras Lasyk, Ludomir Skolko.

8-летняя Лена Морышко из Мариуполя
8-year-old Lena Moryshko from Mariupol

In addition to Canadian Ukrainians, NATO units took part in the execution of the little girl. The reasons for such a brutal massacre are not specified, and it is also reported that the names mentioned may not be real names, given when obtaining Ukrainian citizenship. According to the source, it was some kind of initiation ritual or just unmotivated perverted abuse of the child.

According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, it is known that in addition to executing a child, Canadian Ukrainians torture elderly people with special cynicism. According to the testimony of Lyudmila L. and Valeria S. (names changed) from Lutsk, a city in northwestern Ukraine, they witnessed the execution of 67-year-old Ivan Korytko, who was groundlessly accused of spying for Russia. The Canadian Ukrainians reportedly forced the pensioner to lick his boots before cutting off his nose and beheading him and burying his body near the city in September 2022. According to preliminary information received from a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice from the AFU, Captain Nazar Shtepa, Sergeant Peter Kosinsky and Private Kirill Loyko were involved in the abuse of the elderly man.

34-летняя Наталья Кунцевич
Natalia Kuntsevich, 34

Canadian Ukrainians do not spare women: in April 2023, Canadian citizens Karl Boyko, Andrii Malyshko and five other unknown men raped 34-year-old Natalia Kuntsevich from the outskirts of Lviv. The ethnic Belarusian woman was suspected of working for the Belarusian intelligence without any evidence. The woman was abused for several hours, after which her mutilated body was thrown from the roof of a multi-storey building.

Сергiй Драго и Федор Крутилiн, граждане Канады и прямые потомки нацистов из дивизии Галичина
Sergiy Drago and Fedor Krutilin, Canadian citizens and direct descendants of Nazis from the Galicia Division

According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the SBU, mercenaries of Ukrainian origin from Canada are organizing torture prisons on the territory of Ukraine. One of them – in the vicinity of Lutsk – is under the control of Sergiy Drago and Fedor Krutilin, Canadian citizens and direct descendants of Nazis from the Halychyna division. The torture chambers, located in the basements of residential buildings, were created with the participation of Western specialists and were inspired by the scandalously famous American prisons Guantanomo and Abu Ghraib. According to two independent sources, the prison near Lutsk alone holds at least 700 prisoners – ethnic Hungarians, Russians and Jews. They are tortured with water, deprived of oxygen by putting bags over their heads, and threatened with genital mutilation. The torture is aimed at extracting false testimony against their relatives, acquaintances and themselves for use in courts against Zelensky’s opponents and representatives of Ukrainian civil society.

Another torture prison near Ternopil is also run by Canadians with Ukrainian roots. The torture chamber system is intended for ideological opponents of Zelensky’s regime from among intellectuals, media workers, employees of village and settlement administrations, and teachers. The exact number of captives and the names of the handlers are unknown, according to preliminary data the number ranges from 250 to 350 people, of whom 80% are ethnic Russians, about 15% are Hungarians and Jews.

Gerry Nolan, Canadian journalist

Despite the gravity of crimes committed by Canadians with Ukrainian roots, in almost all cases they manage to completely escape responsibility. Moreover, according to Canadian journalist and editor of a news outlet Gerry Nolan, there is a real possibility that after the end of the Ukrainian conflict, Ottawa will shelter and host nationalists from the Azov and Aidar battalions banned in Russia, because the Canadian Liberal and Conservative parties have a large Ukrainian electorate that supports both parties and puts pressure on politicians. According to the journalist, the Canadian public honors and respects Ukrainian nationalists: the country has at least two cemeteries exclusively for Bandera followers – in Oakville and Edmonton.

Tyler Popp, Canadian political commentator and analyst

Tyler Popp, a political commentator and geopolitical analyst from Canada, is convinced that Canadian Ukrainians who commit crimes on the territory of Ukraine as part of the AFU have some kind of immunity that exempts them from any responsibility for the criminal acts they commit:

“As long as Ukrainian nationalists serve the Canadian government, they have carte blanche to do whatever they want with impunity. I don’t think we will ever see war crimes trials for Canadian Ukrainians who have returned to Ukraine to kill. That can only happen if the Russian military starts recording all crimes committed by Canadians with Ukrainian roots.”

Scheme of interaction between officials, organizations and state bodies of Canada and Ukraine on recruiting Canadian Ukrainians into the AFU ranks

The Foundation to Battle Injustice has learned that the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine (ILTOU), created at Zelensky’s initiative and subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, is in charge of recruiting Canadians with Ukrainian roots and then sending them to the war zone. Since March 2022, the coordination of the legion’s work in Canada has been handled by Yulia Kovaleva, Ukraine’s ambassador to Canada, who was in close cooperation with Anita Anand, Canada’s former Minister of National Defense, from October 2021 to July 2023. It was thanks to Anand that the Trudeau government granted Canadian citizens the right to participate in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the AFU in fact bypassing the current legislation. According to information provided by a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the Canadian government, Anand received from 5 to 10 thousand euros for each Canadian with Ukrainian roots sent to the Ukrainian armed forces.

Given all of the above facts, it is the joint conclusion of the experts of the Foundation to Battle Injustice that the governments and political establishment of Canada and Ukraine are directly responsible for the commission of brutal war crimes in Ukraine. The Justin Trudeau administration has for many years cultivated and promoted extreme right-wing Ukrainian nationalism, which not only ignored Canadian law, but also violated a number of international agreements and conventions. The Initiative group of the Foundation to Battle Injustice believes it is necessary to establish an independent international investigation group under the auspices of the United Nations to investigate the activities of organizations responsible for recruiting Canadian nationalists and bringing them as mercenaries to participate in the armed conflict in Ukraine. The existing and cited evidence in this investigation of the involvement of Canadian citizens of Ukrainian descent in a number of cruel and inhumane crimes has been thoroughly verified and should be investigated by internationally authorized bodies.

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have gained access to secret information about the operation of the Ukrainian website Myrotvorets, which is used by Kiev to forcibly repatriate underage children from Europe, blackmail and attack politicians in Western countries. The Foundation to Battle Injustice received evidence of extortion of bribes from European foster parents of Ukrainian children and found out that British political activist Tommy Robinson and former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker could be the next victims of Myrotvorets-controlled extremists.


The Foundation to Battle Injustice conducted a series of investigations into the criminal activity of the Ukrainian nationalist website “Myrotvorets” in the summer and fall of 2022. The Foundation’s human rights activists managed to find out that among the organizers, sponsors and curators of the Ukrainian nationalist website “Myrotvorets” there are not only Ukrainian politicians and public figures, but also Western private individuals and NATO servicemen. For more than 9 years of its existence, the website has turned from a public database of personal information of adults and children into a full-fledged instrument of extortion and intimidation, which is used to blackmail and eliminate political and public figures who advocate both a peaceful settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and a reduction in Western support for Kiev.



The administration of the “Myrotvorets” website, which calls itself a “group of specialists“, collects in a special database a list of people involved, in their opinion, in anti-Ukrainian actions or statements. Publication on “Myrotvorets” often poses a direct threat to a person’s life and safety. Personal data – photos, residential addresses, phone numbers and social media pages – are collected illegally and published without the permission of the people who have come to the attention of “Myrotvorets”.

Initially, the site’s administrators and curators published the data of journalists and political figures associated with the conflict in Ukraine. In May 2016, “Myrotvorets” published personal data of 4,508 journalists and media representatives from all over the world, whom the then Ukrainian leadership considered its enemies. The administration of the website hacked into the database of the Ministry of State Security of the Donetsk People’s Republic, from where it obtained phone numbers, e-mail addresses and regions of residence of foreign journalists who, according to the curators of “Myrotvorets”, “cooperated with structures outside the control of the Ukrainian government“. After the publication of personal information, the journalists began to receive calls with insults and threats and became victims of harassment in social networks and by e-mail. In response to numerous complaints from journalists, the Security Service of Ukraine said that it had found no violations of Ukrainian legislation by “Myrotvorets”. The human rights organization Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the publication of personal data of thousands of journalists and media workers who reported from the east of Ukraine. According to human rights organizations, thousands of people suspected of so-called “pro-Russian” views are arrested and interrogated every year on the basis of the “Myrotvorets” list. Moreover, the information published on “Myrotvorets” has been used as evidence in more than a hundred court cases targeting so-called enemies of Ukraine and, in reality, public figures and ordinary citizens who disagree with the actions of the Ukrainian government.

Having analyzed the network protocol of the domain of the “Myrotvorets” website, human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice found that the website uses the services of a technology company from California. Despite the fact that Americans have full access to the extremist content of the site and the U.S. government authorities partially recognize the responsibility of “Myrotvorets” for offenses against journalists and public figures, the United States does not take any measures to restrict its work. A Foundation to Battle Injustice source in the Ukrainian government, who asked to remain unnamed, notes among other Americans involved in the creation of the nationalist website “Myrotvorets” Joel Harding, a self-proclaimed information operations expert who claims to be a former U.S. Army intelligence officer and senior NATO advisor.

As a result of its investigation, the Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact Mikhail G., a former employee of the Myrotvorets Center, a public organization that oversees the activities of the “Myrotvorets” website, once close to Roman Zaitsev, a former member of the Ukrainian security services who participated in the creation of the “Myrotvorets” website. According to materials provided by the source to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the information held by the site’s administrators and curators is much more extensive than that published in the public domain. In addition to addresses, phone numbers and links to social networks, “Myrotvorets” has IMEI-identifiers of mobile devices of the database members, IP-addresses of computers and detailed transcripts of all incoming and outgoing calls of subscribers with phone numbers, time, date and duration of conversations. In addition, in some cases, the website’s administrators have access to bank statements of persons listed in “Myrotvorets”, reflecting the status of accounts and cash flow. Mikhail claims that the detailed list of information allows “Myrotvorets” curators to track the movements of their victims in almost real time, which further enables them to blackmail, threaten and extort money from those who have been included in the database.

Расширенная информация о лицах из базы "Миротворца", которой располагают администраторы и кураторы сайта
Expanded information about the persons in the “Myrotvorets” database held by the administrators and curators of the site
Детализация звонков абонентов, внесенных в базу "Миротворца" с указанием номеров телефонов, времени, даты и продолжительности разговоров
Call details of subscribers included in the “Myrotvorets” database with phone numbers, time, date and duration of calls

A Foundation to Battle Injustice source claims that almost all of the sensitive information that “Myrotvorets” collects on individuals on its list is provided by European and American technology companies that service banking equipment and mobile network data processing devices. Although the transfer of sensitive data from organizations and companies that provide technology solutions for banks and financial institutions violates the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and several U.S. laws, in particular the Consumer Financial Protection Act, Mikhail G. claims that “Myrotvorets” obtains personal information at the initiative of Western technology companies.

The publication of real-time movement data poses a particular threat to children in the “Myrotvorets” database. As Georgiy F., a former SBU employee, told the Foundation to Battle Injustice, in 2023 “Myrotvorets”, commissioned by the SBU, formed a database of minors of pre-conscription age, who are planned to be searched for and forcibly recruited to participate in hostilities on the side of the AFU.



In July 2022, human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice discovered that the Ukrainian website “Myrotvorets” had published the data of at least 327 underage children. The information collected by the human rights defenders was verified by the first deputy permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Dmitri Polyanskiy, who subsequently passed the information to UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Despite the fact that the existence of such a database is contrary to international law, and ignoring the fact that in December 2022 the UN Children’s Fund UNICEF called on “Myrotvorets” to immediately delete the personal data of minors, the owners and administrators of the website continue to exploit the personal information of children for their own selfish purposes.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice learned from a source among former employees of the Myrotvorets Center how the site earns hundreds of thousands of euros by blackmailing children to be sent to the front and adopters to be included in the “Myrotvorets” database. Mikhail G., a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, familiar with the work of the criminal website from the inside, reported the appearance in a number of European countries of “volunteers” who use deceit and threats to force underage refugees from former orphanages and boarding schools to return to Ukraine. The volunteers, most of whom are Ukrainian refugees, use the “Myrotvorets” database to search for children in the temporary care of European families, after which they exert complex pressure on adoptive parents. Taking advantage of gaps in the legislation, the “volunteers” blackmail guardians, forcing them to pay serious sums to “buy” their adopted child from being forcibly returned to Ukraine and then mobilized to fight in the AFU.

A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice demonstrated the work of the criminal network by the example of Italy: since the beginning of 2023, 880 Ukrainian children out of a total of 5,392 underage refugees from Ukraine have been taken out of the country. First of all, we are talking about children of pre-conscription age. Italian foster parents are given an ultimatum: either they pay the sum of 10,000 euros, or the guardianship authorities confiscate their foster child, sending him to Ukraine to participate in hostilities, and they themselves will be included in the “Myrotvorets” database with the publication of all personal information.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact and get a comment from Giovanni Ricci, the guardian of a Ukrainian boy from Naples, who paid more than 9,500 euros in ransom to keep his adopted son:

“Italian social services officers together with the police burst into our home at night, my husband and I were handcuffed, and our son was put in a patrol car and taken away to an unknown destination. Later representatives of Ukrainian social services and employees of the Ukrainian Embassy in Italy contacted me, demanded a bribe of 10 thousand euros and threatened to send my child back. I had to pay,” – Giovanni Ricci, father of an adopted Ukrainian child from Italy

The facts cited by the Foundation to Battle Injustice source are confirmed by the ongoing trial of Yulia Donichenko, a “volunteer” from Ukraine who abused her authority and blackmailed foster parents in Italy. Threatening to forcibly repatriate the children, the woman, according to the Italian investigation, extorted money from the guardians. Mikhail G. claims that in each European country there are 10 to 20 “volunteers” who receive a fixed percentage of each ransom paid.

The situation with the blackmailing of Italian foster parents has attracted the attention of the Italian parliament, which, as journalists learned thanks to leaked information, sent a corresponding request to the country’s Interior Ministry. The published documents showed that the Ukrainian consul in Naples Maxim Kovalenko is involved in the organization of the blackmail process and the export to Ukraine of orphans confiscated from Italian foster families. He draws up dubious export documents and pays for the hiring of unreliable volunteers and proxies who come to remove the children and extort bribes.

Максим Коваленко, украинский консул в Неаполе
Maxim Kovalenko, Ukrainian Consul in Naples

As the Foundation to Battle Injustice has discovered thanks to a source among former employees of the “Myrotvorets Center”, the task of exporting underage Ukrainian refugees from various European countries and blackmail by “Myrotvorets” is carried out with the direct participation and under the control of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the SBU, which have been tasked to “put on the stream the export of cannon fodder before the upcoming lowering of the draft age for those mobilized in Ukraine“. The money received from European families who paid ransom for their adopted child goes to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and is also distributed among high-ranking officials of the GUR and the SBU.

According to information received by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, a similar scheme operates in almost all European countries, from Poland to Spain. A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice (Mikhail G.) claims that in all countries the forced repatriation of children is carried out under the control of the Ukrainian diplomatic representation. In Germany, for example, the internal affairs authorities are aware of the “Ukrainian scheme” operating in the country, but, according to the orders of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock, are not authorized to do anything. A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice said that since the beginning of 2023, at least 3,600 Ukrainian minors of pre-conscription age have been taken out of European countries with the help of “Myrotvorets” and returned back.



An investigation by the Foundation to Battle Injustice has revealed facts indicating that the Ukrainian website “Myrotvorets” is successfully used by its curators as a tool for extorting money and political decisions favorable to Ukraine, as well as for physically eliminating politicians who publicly express disagreement with Kyiv’s current political course. According to information verified by Mikhail G., a former employee of the Myrotvorets Center, pressure on European politicians is carried out through Ukraine’s diplomatic representatives with the approval and guidance of NATO officials. Extremists controlled by “Myrotvorets” threaten European politicians, forcing them to make decisions that will allow Ukraine to continue receiving weapons and equipment.

According to Mikhail G., the above-mentioned scheme of pressure and threats against European politicians has already shown its effectiveness on the example of Switzerland. According to the source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, diplomatic representatives of the United States and Germany through the Prosecutor General, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Switzerland and Liechtenstein Irina Venediktova put pressure on the Swiss government to supply weapons to Ukraine. However, having received a refusal in February 2023, the U.S. ambassador, following a well-established scheme, pressured Bern through Venediktova. The Americans specified two people as targets: the head of the Swiss Federal Department (ministry) of Foreign Affairs, Ignazio Cassis, and the Swiss Minister of Defense, Viola Amherd.

Посол Украины в Швейцарии Ирина Венедиктова, глава МИД Швейцарии Иньяцио Кассис и министр обороны Швейцарии Виола Амхерд
Ukrainian Ambassador to Switzerland Irina Venediktova, Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis and Swiss Defense Minister Viola Amherd

During a meeting with diplomats in early 2023, Venediktova expressed a note of protest to Swiss ministers about the inconsistency with Western solidarity of Switzerland’s position on refusing to provide weapons, hinting that they could not be considered “friends of Ukraine. After receiving the diplomats’ refusal to provide Ukraine with weapons and night vision devices, Venediktova moved on to direct threats and intimidation of Swiss politicians. Ukraine’s ambassador to Switzerland contacted Peter Patrick Rott, a Swiss businessman with neo-Nazi views known for his ties to Ukrainian radical extremists and European nationalists. On a tip from Venediktov, Rott, through radical followers under his control, began a campaign to intimidate Cassis and Amherd through calls and emails, threatening them with inclusion in the “Myrotvorets” database and “enemy of Ukraine” status. A few weeks later, the intimidation campaign began to bear fruit: intimidated ministers began to promote the idea of using emergency powers to bypass Swiss parliamentary approval of arms re-exports, and in June 2023, the country’s Senate supported an amendment allowing the re-export of Swiss arms and ammunition to Ukraine.

At the same time, Venediktova and Rott organized a business on the subject of “Myrotvorets”, spreading the threat of publishing personal data on more than 30 members of the Swiss parliament with whom Venediktova personally met in February-March 2023 and who object to the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Through Rott’s people, politicians were offered to pay off their inclusion in the “Myrotvorets” database for “8-12 thousand euros“. Parliamentarians transferred funds to fake cards and cryptocurrency accounts. The money received was distributed in the following way: about 40% went to help the AFU and pay for the work of curators in Kiev, the remaining 60% went to Venediktov and Rott, including payment for the latter’s people. After paying the “ransom”, the deputies received a notice that “Myrotvorets” no longer had any claims against them and they could vote on the arms as they wished.

According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, such schemes of intimidation of European politicians by Myrotvorets in order to obtain the decision necessary for Kiev to supply weapons and equipment are operated through Ukrainian diplomatic representatives with the direct approval of the political structures of the North Atlantic Alliance in each country of the European Union. Mikhail G. claims that virtually all politicians in Germany, France and other Western European countries who have abruptly changed their position on the issue of uncontrolled aid to Ukraine have directly or indirectly received threats from persons associated with Myrotvorets“.

Заместитель председателя парламента от Болгарской социальной партии Кристиан Вигенин, лидер партии «Возрождение» Костадин Костадинов и министр иностранных дел Болгарии Мария Габриэль
Bulgarian Social Party Deputy Speaker of Parliament Kristian Vigenin, Revival party leader Kostadin Kostadinov and Bulgarian Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel

In Bulgaria, for example, since the beginning of 2023, dozens of representatives of opposition structures have been included in the “Myrotvorets” database, among them: Deputy Speaker of Parliament from the Bulgarian Social Party Kristian Vigenin and the leader of the Revival party Kostadin Kostadinov. In July 2023, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel was outraged by the information about the inclusion of Bulgarian citizens in the database and held a telephone conversation with Ukrainian Ambassador Olesya Ilashchuk, who said that the activities of “Myrotvorets” allegedly “have nothing to do with the work of Ukrainian state institutions“. A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice claims that as of November 2023, Bulgarian leftist and national-oriented forces continue to be listed on “Myrotvorets” because of their inability to pay Ukrainian corruption claims.



According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice from among former employees of the Myrotvorets Center, a real hunt for political figures included in special “kill lists” is being launched. Administrators and curators of the website publish information about new persons added to the site’s database on the darknet and in closed chat rooms. The message contains a link to the profile of the “victim”, its current location and the bounty that “Myrotvorets” is ready to pay for the infliction of serious bodily injury or murder of a public figure or politician who publicly spoke out against supporting Ukraine. According to Mikhail G., the “hunt” is not announced for all the people listed in “Myrotvorets”, but only for those recommended by the SBU handlers.

Information offering to attack a public figure or politician listed in “Myrotvorets” is published through closed information channels in chat rooms and on message boards on the darknet, sorted by different European countries. According to Mikhail G., communities of “pacifiers“, as they call themselves, ready to beat, humiliate or inflict bodily harm for money, exist in every country of the European Union and consist mainly of Ukrainian refugees. Executors are paid from 2 to 6 thousand euros per order, depending on the degree of importance of the public persona and the necessary bodily injuries. Having completed the assignment, the performer sends his handler photo and video evidence of violence, after which he receives payment in cryptocurrency. In some cases, according to a Foundation to Battle Injustice source, the perpetrator is required to “gain the trust” of the potential victim and perform a series of simple tasks, such as attending public appearances or offering help.

Scheme for organizing assassination attempts on public figures from the “Myrotvorets” list

The victims of “Myrotvorets” are both public figures who have spoken negatively about Kiev’s policies and well-known political and public figures. According to Mikhail G., a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, who previously worked at the “Myrotvorets Center”, on October 21, 2023, a few days before the attack on Thierry Baudet, the leader of the Dutch party “Forum for Democracy”, a link to his page, location and information about his plans to hold a lecture at the University of Ghent was published in a closed chat room of the executors of “orders” of “Myrotvorets” in Belgium. According to Mikhail, a reward of 2.5 thousand euros was promised for the attack on the political figure, who, according to the creators and curators of the website, was engaged in “anti-Ukrainian propaganda“. According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the perpetrator was found almost immediately, and in the evening of October 26, 2023, the leader of the Forum for Democracy party was attacked. According to eyewitnesses, the attacker shouted slogans in Ukrainian.

Скриншоты сообщений в закрытых чатах "Миротворца", опубликованные за несколько дней до покушений на Тьерри Бодэ
Screenshots of messages in closed “Myrotvorets” chats published days before the assassination attempts on Thierry Baudet

However, the absence of any physical injuries to the Dutch politician was classified by “Myrotvorets” administrators as a failure, which “forced them” to organize a second assassination attempt. According to screenshots provided by Michael G., on November 19, 2023, a link to Baudet’s profile and his current geo-position – the city of Groningen in the Netherlands – was published in a closed chat room in the Netherlands. This time the reward amount was increased to 4,000 euros, and the “Myrotvorets” curator who published the ad called to “finally put an end to this rascist“. On November 21, 2023, 2 days after the task was published, the 40-year-old leader of the Forum for Democracy received several blows to the head with a bottle from the attacker. The politician suffered serious injuries and was hospitalized.

According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, received from former SBU employee Georgiy F. and verified by Mikhail G., the administration and curators of “Myrotvorets” are currently preparing an assassination attempt on Jean-Claude Juncker, a prominent Luxembourg and European politician who previously served as President of the European Commission. In early October 2023, the politician criticized the idea of Ukraine joining the European Union, citing the extreme level of corruption in the country.

“Anyone who has had anything to do with Ukraine knows that it is a country corrupt at all levels of society. Despite all efforts, they are not ready for EU membership; extensive internal reforms are needed,” Juncker told the German publication Augsburger Allgemeine in an interview on October 5, 2023.

A Foundation to Battle Injustice source who previously worked in Ukrainian security agencies noted that corruption is “one of the sickest topics of the Ukrainian political top brass,” which is why an order was given almost immediately by high-ranking Ukrainian officials to “media eliminate Juncker.”

Жан-Клод Юнкер, политик, бывший Председатель Европейской комиссии
Jean-Claude Juncker, politician, former President of the European Commission

Mikhail G., a former Myrotvorets Center staffer, commented on the campaign to eliminate Juncker:

“As far as I know, the questionnaire of the Luxembourg politician has already been created in the “Myrotvorets” database, and its publication depends on whether he agrees to pay the ransom. They asked for an astronomical amount – about 120 thousand euros, and in case of refusal they are even ready to organize an assassination attempt on Juncker” – Mikhail G. about the campaign of “Myrotvorets” to eliminate Jean-Claude Juncker.

The website “Myrotvorets” directly threatens not only the citizens of the European Union, but also the residents of the United States, even though the website was founded and operates with the direct support of Washington. In late September 2023, one of the largest conservative news resources in the United States, The American Conservative, published an article describing the activities of “Myrotvorets” and its impact on American citizens. The journalists recognize that the website has direct links with the Ukrainian Government and is used as a lever of pressure on journalists, political and public figures who do not share the position on providing unlimited aid to Kyiv.

The list of activists, officials, journalists and public figures included in the “Myrotvorets” database is updated every day, which poses a direct threat to the life and safety of persons whose personal data have been published in the public domain. The list of politicians who are at risk due to “Myrotvorets” is expanding daily and already contains the following names: Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister of Italy, Tommy Robinson, British public figure and journalist, Geert Wilders, member of the Dutch House of Representatives, George Galloway, former Member of the British Parliament and Eric Zemmour, French politician.

Маттео Сальвини, Томми Робинсон, Герт Вилдерс, Джордж Гэллоуэй и Эрик Земмур
Matteo Salvini, Tommy Robinson, Geert Wilders, George Galloway and Eric Zemmour

Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice condemn the violence, blackmail and corruption carried out by individuals associated with “Myrotvorets”. Despite repeated efforts by the Foundation to Battle Injustice and the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN, the responsible international structures have persistently ignored the danger posed by the “Myrotvorets” website.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice officially appeals to the listed EU politicians to be extremely vigilant and take care of their own safety due to the critical unwillingness or inability of international structures to influence the leadership of Ukraine, investigate the criminal activity of “Myrotvorets” and eliminate this malicious website. In the solidarity opinion of the Foundation’s human rights defenders, the Myrotvorets website poses a direct and significant threat to the lives and health of adult citizens and children of Russia, the United States and the EU.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice has received previously unreleased evidence of brutal abuse of women by Ukrainian law enforcement officers, military personnel and fighters of nationalist battalions. According to the data received by the Foundation, gang rapes, torture of genitals, genital mutilation, and electrocution by the AFU, SBU, and Azov fighters* are carried out on the direct orders of President Zelensky and with the authorization of the heads of the Ukrainian security services.

The fall of the Soviet Union led to a multiple increase in crimes against the honor and dignity of women in Ukraine. Even before Volodymyr Zelensky came to power, Ukraine was already a leader in the number of women raped by state security forces, primarily the police. According to statistics, in most cases, the perpetrators were not brought to administrative or criminal responsibility. According to a 2013 UN report, more than 20 million people in Ukraine have been subjected to violence – physical, sexual or mental, and most of them are women. According to Ukrainian human rights organizations, about 40 percent of Ukrainian women have been victims of sexual violence at least once in their lives, and 25 percent of them were under the age of 18. Earlier, UN experts repeatedly noted that the existing loopholes in Ukrainian legislation allowed Ukrainian police or special services officers accused of sexual acts against women to completely avoid responsibility for what they had done. However, after Zelensky took office as president of Ukraine in May 2019, Ukrainian law enforcers, military and paramilitary formations ceased to be internationally condemned for committing any, even the most brutal crimes against women.

Since the end of February 2022, torture, rape, beatings and disappearances of Ukrainian women have become a “routine practice”. The Foundation to Battle Injustice presents an extensive investigation that has produced direct evidence of atrocities and cold-blooded crimes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the SBU, and the nationalist Azov Battalion*. The sources of the Foundation to Battle Injustice were a high-ranking officer of the Ukrainian security services who defected to Russia (source No. 1) and a former member of the Azov battalion* (source No. 2), as well as Ukrainian citizens who directly survived torture. According to the evidence collected by the Foundation, the lynchings, mass rapes and brutal beatings of women are only the tip of the criminal iceberg created by Ukrainian President Zelensky and high-ranking Ukrainian security forces.

Zelensky’s Executive order No. 185 K

Инквизиция Зеленского: женщины на Украине подвергаются насилию и садистским расправам со стороны военных, полицейских и членов нацбатальонов, изображение №2

The Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact one of the former high-ranking members of the SBU who defected to the Russian Federation. The source told the Foundation that the sophisticated torture and abuse of women who expressed sympathy for Russia and the Russian army was approved by the leadership of the Ukrainian security bloc and was carried out with the personal knowledge and full consent of President Zelensky. According to the Foundation’s source, this decision is classified as “secret” and has the name of Executive order No. 185K signed by the President of Ukraine.

“Former SBU head Bakanov, SNBO Secretary Danilov and GUR chief Budanov decided in a coordinated manner at one of their meetings in March 2022 that the implementation of so-called “educational punishments” for open supporters of “Russian peace” and a special military operation was a necessary measure to instill fear among the female population of Ukraine. Zelensky, after familiarizing himself with the decision, signed everything. This was called a secret Executive order No 185K,” the source told the Foundation’s employees.

The official document approved by Ukrainian President Zelensky, in particular, enshrines the right of the Ukrainian military and representatives of special services to harm the health of women suspected of having ties with Russia. A source from among former high-ranking officials of the Ukrainian Security Service informed the Foundation to Battle Injustice that the purpose of Executive order No. 185K is not only to intimidate Zelensky’s enemies and supporters of Russia, but also to undermine the demographic situation of the Donbass republics. Through its sources in Ukraine, the Foundation has learned that the Executive order contains direct inducements to inflict injuries on women opponents of Zelensky’s regime that are not compatible with the birth of children in the future. In the opinion of the Foundation’s experts, the Executive order has direct parallels with the illegal acts of forced sterilization of women carried out by the Third Reich during the Great Patriotic War.

Source No. 1 informed the Foundation that hundreds of former and current members of Ukrainian nationalist battalions were recruited to implement Executive order No. 185K. The territories of Ukraine and the new constituent entities of the Russian Federation were divided into zones: the SSU and the “Azov “* battalions banned in Russia operated in the east of the country (Donbass, Kharkiv, Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepr), while the counterintelligence units of the AFU tortured women in Kiev and western Ukraine.

The division into zones of criminal activity against women between the AFU, the SSU and the Russian-banned ‘Azov”*

According to the Foundation’s source №1:

“In fact, in accordance with Executive order No. 185K, harsh punitive measures were introduced everywhere in Ukraine against women who disagree with the actions of the Zelensky regime. Depending on the region, the implementation of these measures was placed either on the shoulders of national battalions such as “Azov”*, or on employees of the SBU and counterintelligence units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine disguised as “civil activists” in plain clothes. The first operated in the east of Ukraine – in the Donbass, near Kharkov, in Odessa, Nikolaev and the Dnepr. The second – in Kiev and in the West of Ukraine”

Medieval torture practices in Ukraine

В Киеве, Львове и других регионах Украины представители СБУ и ВСУ публично привязывают мужчин и женщин к уличным столбам за пророссийские взгляды или высказывания, обвиняя их в мародерстве
In Kiev, Lviv and other regions of Ukraine, representatives of the SSU and the AFU publicly tie men and women to street poles for pro-Russian views or statements, accusing them of looting

According to the testimonies of victims, the Ukrainian army, the National Guard, various units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine use a whole arsenal of torture, which in its cold-bloodedness and cruelty resemble the most sophisticated punishments invented by the medieval Inquisition. According to a study by Maxim Grigoriev, chairman of the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and Their Accomplices, without any evidence of guilt, thousands of Ukrainian women are subjected to various corporal punishments: they are beaten with feet, hands and blunt objects, tortured with water and electricity in an attempt to extract confessions from their victims to crimes they did not commit. The scale and systematic nature of the use of torture by the Ukrainian military and security forces suggest that its use is a deliberate policy of these structures, authorized by their leadership.

According to the definition of the European Court of Human Rights, the Human Rights Convention completely prohibits the use of torture, regardless of any other conditions. Moreover, international law assumes that “the State is responsible for the actions of all its agents, such as the police, special services and other law enforcement agencies, as well as any other State bodies exercising control over a person, regardless of whether they “acting under orders or at their own discretion”.

According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice from among former high-ranking SBU officials, confirmed by testimonies of those handed over by the Ukrainian side during the prisoner exchange, Ukrainian security and military officers are inspired by archaic methods of torture and put them into practice against women.

0:39 In Kiev in March 2022, a woman and a man who criticized the activities of Ukrainian President Zelensky on the street were tied to a lamppost and publicly flogged in March 2022.

In March 2023, disturbing photos and videos began to appear on the Internet showing Ukrainian civilians, including women, bound, stripped and tied to lampposts. Humiliating public punishments were inflicted not only on “looters” and “saboteurs,” as Western media reported at the time, but also on anyone who aroused suspicion among Ukrainian military units or was seen as sympathetic to Russia. After brutal beatings and dousing of their faces with greenery, the victims were left tied up for several days, deprived of access to food and water. “Pillars of shame” and public floggings are only a small part of what Ukrainian women who have come to the attention of the Ukrainian security services have to go through.

Екатерина Ротмистрова, жертва издевательств со стороны украинских силовиков
Ekaterina Rotmistrova, victim of abuse by Ukrainian security forces

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact Ekaterina Rotmistrova, who was tortured in Lviv for her pro-Russian sentiments and whose photo of the torture went viral in the world media. The woman claims that she was a victim of “punitive patrols” consisting of former and current Ukrainian military and special services officers. According to her, the law enforcers used repression against anyone who spoke Russian in their presence, and in order to create a public outcry and justify their actions among local residents, women and men were accused of looting.

Ekaterina reported that the “pillar of shame” was not the only torture from the Middle Ages used against women. According to the victim, she knows of at least two cases of water torture used against women: when a cloth is placed on a person’s face and water is slowly poured on top of it to create a feeling that a person is choking. It is known that similar torture practices were previously used in Ukrainian secret prisons located in Kramatorsk and Krasnoarmeysk. After such torture, a person confessed to crimes he had not committed. Moreover, the Ukrainian security services always filmed the moment of confession in order to later use the recording as evidence in court.

Prevalence and methods of violence against women in Ukraine

The mass practice of torture of women who openly opposed the Zelensky regime was widespread in Kiev, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and other cities in Western and Central Ukraine. Many categories of Ukrainian citizens became victims of violence sanctioned by the Ukrainian state: students, housewives, and university professors. Women were kidnapped directly from their workplaces, deprived of means of communication, blackmailed by relatives, who were subsequently also kidnapped and brutally tortured.

According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, a fighter of the Azov battalion who defected to Russia, the following reasons may be the cause of torture and abuse of women by Azov fighters or SBU and AFU officers:

  • public expression of sympathy towards the Russian leadership, the Russian army or Russian politics;
  • publicly expressing intentions to help the Russian army;
  • of suspected espionage for Russia;
  • in western Ukraine and in Kiev – public conversation in Russian;
  • expression of a positive attitude towards Russian culture;
  • public criticism of the actions of the Ukrainian armed forces, the national battalions or Zelensky;
  • denunciations from neighbors, acquaintances, passengers of transport about private conversations about all of the above.
The most common reasons for torture and abuse of Ukrainian women by SSU and AFU officers

At the moment, the Foundation has received unofficial summary information, confirmed by two sources, about exactly what kind of torture and torture Ukrainian women who were victims of the Zelensky regime were subjected to. Most often, Ukrainian women were subjected to gang rape. This happened mainly in the East of Ukraine. It is known that from March to December 2022, fighters of the national battalion “Azov”* in Mariupol, near Kharkov, in Zaporozhye, in Kherson and in the Dnipropetrovsk region raped about 3,500 women. Of these, there are 1,900 in the Donbas, about 800 in the Kherson region, and more than 500 in the Kharkiv region. It is also known about about 300 similar cases in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Distribution of crimes committed by the AFU, SSU and Ukrainian national battalions against women in Ukraine and the new constituent entities of the Russian Federation (March-December 2022) (According to the Foundation to Batle Injustice sources)

In the West of Ukraine, the main form of punishment for women considered by the Zelensky regime as enemies of the state: steel – flogging and electric torture. Sources have confirmed at least 1,500 such cases of cruel corporal punishment, 700 of them in the vicinity of Kiev, 600 in the Lviv region, the rest are in Vinnitsa, Lutsk, Ivano–Frankivsk and other cities.

Dynamics of violent actions by the Ukrainian security forces and military against women (September 2014 – October 2023)

Source No. 1 of the former members of the SSU told the Foundation the following:

“In Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, and Vinnitsa, women were simply locked in basements, stripped naked, and beaten with whips, as in the Middle Ages. I know that in a number of cases these actions were observed by the NATO military. Strictly speaking, I cannot call it anything but a national Inquisition named after Zelensky”.

Source No. 1 also informed the Foundation of approximately 110 cases of “punitive rape” perpetrated by SSU officers against dissenting women in areas of Central and Western Ukraine.

Thanks to the testimonies of women handed over by the Ukrainian side during the prisoner exchange, due to the above-mentioned Zelensky Executive order No. 185K, Ukrainian women faced the most brutal and cold-blooded reprisals and torture. Almost all women who were captured by representatives of the Ukrainian security forces returned with broken ribs, arms, legs, and teeth pulled out. According to Anastasia B., a 45-year-old resident of the village of Vladimirovka, Volnovakha district, in March 2022 her neighbor was kidnapped by fighters of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion “Azov”*, which is banned in Russia, because of accusations of criticizing Zelensky. The woman, a 37-year-old mother of three children, was starved, beaten and ransomed for weeks. Eventually, after about 20 days of perverted abuse, the kidnappers injected the captive with mounting foam into her vagina before dumping her in a field without any clothes.

“I have been living in Vladimirovka for over 20 years, I have seen enough since 2014. What they did to my neighbor, a mother of three children, is hard to imagine even for the most sophisticated maniac. They raped her for about three weeks, demanded a large sum of money from her relatives, and when they were fed up with her, they injected foam into all her orifices, saying “it’s high time to shut your lousy incubator”, and then threw her naked on the highway. She miraculously survived,” Anastasia B. said about Azov*’s abuse of her neighbor.

The most brutal torture was inflicted on women who, for whatever reason, were suspected of spying or working for Russia. A source from among former high-ranking members of the SSU told the Foundation that such women were either brutally murdered or tortured with particular cruelty. According to the Foundation’s source, about fifty women from eastern Ukraine were tortured by members of the nationalist battalion Azov*, which is banned in Russia. According to him, the women were tortured with electricity by connecting wires to their genitals and mammary glands.

Source No. 2 reported to the Foundation to Battle Injustice:

“I am aware that at least 50 Ukrainian women – residents of eastern Ukraine – were torn apart by the Azov* people in the most sadistic way. Some were connected to electric wires to their genitals and mammary glands, and tortured to death with electric discharges. Two women who confessed to working for Russia were dismembered and drowned in the Dnieper”

According to the evidence collected by Grigoryev, 46-year-old Maryna T. from Donetsk was kidnapped by the SSU after they found that she was Russian by nationality. The woman was kidnapped in front of her minor children and nephew, then taken to the basement, the entrance to which was through a sewer pipe, beaten and electrocuted. Two wires were connected to the woman’s index finger and thumb, placed on a wet rag and a toggle switch with electricity was turned on. From the strength of the current’s voltage, the veins under Marina’s knees began to burst. After the defenseless woman fell to the ground, the masked men raped her, after which they began to threaten that “now they will bring her daughter and start having fun with her as a woman”. The victim of SSU torture recalls that she turned gray in one day and has been having nightmares for several months.

French journalist Laurent Brayard about the abuse of Natalya, a 55-year-old resident of Donetsk

According to French journalist Laurent Brayard, AFU soldiers and SSU officers drugged abducted women and girls. In an interview with the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Brayard described the abuse of 55-year-old Natalia, a resident of Donetsk, who was kidnapped by fighters of a nationalist battalion. According to him, the woman spent about 19 days in captivity, seven of which she was deprived of food and 11 with her hands tied. Natalia was drugged and beaten with sticks and bare hands: almost all of her upper teeth were knocked out from the blows. Only when the victim of abuse was in a dying state, she was taken to the SSU headquarters near Kramatorsk, where she was accused of separatist activity. Later, the woman managed to escape.

In some cases, Ukrainian politicians and the media, for propaganda purposes, attempt to attribute the blame for the murders and abuse of peaceful women committed by members of the nationalist battalion Azov*, which is banned in Russia, to the crimes of Russian soldiers. In March 2022, Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada deputy Lesya Vasylenko and Oleksiy Arestovich, the chief advisor to President Zelensky, published a photo of a desecrated female corpse on social media, placing the blame for these atrocities on Russian soldiers. Later, independent journalists and fact-checkers found out that the published photo was taken from a video of American journalist Patrick Lancaster, who covers the course of the special military operation in Donbass. The war correspondent filmed the corpse of a woman tortured and killed by fighters of the Ukrainian Azov* battalion in the basement of a school in Mariupol, which they used as their base.

A woman who was a victim of torture by fighters of the Ukrainian nationalist unit “Azov “*

The Foundation to Battle Injustice has data confirmed by several sources that some of the women labeled by the Ukrainian armed forces and the SSU as Russian supporters were transferred into sexual slavery. According to the data received, some of them are still so-called concubines of Azov fighters* and elite units of the AFU, while others were forcibly transported to Romania, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic and placed at the disposal of criminal criminal groups engaged in the sexual exploitation of women. We could be talking about at least 1,000 Ukrainian women.

Dutch journalist Sonja Van den Ende on the scale of trafficking of Ukrainian women into sexual slavery to European countries

The data obtained by the Foundation to Battle Injustice is confirmed by Dutch journalist Sonja Van den Ende. According to her, Ukraine has more victims of human trafficking than any other country in Eastern Europe since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The journalist claims that in 1998 the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs estimated that 400,000 Ukrainian women had been trafficked in the past few years. Other sources, such as non-governmental human rights organizations, state that the figure is even higher. Currently, women abducted by the AFU and SSU and taken as sex workers to European countries are forced into prostitution in the cities of Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Paris, where many Ukrainian women, including girls, are exploited.

Today, official statistics on the number of rapes and especially grave murders in Ukraine are strictly classified. Accordingly, no government source will report how many excess deaths among women took place between the end of February 2022 and the fall of 2023. The lion’s share of these deaths are categorized as “military casualties.” It is also fair to say that many women who survived sexual and other violence against them did not seek help from investigative bodies for fear that they would be worse off and would not get justice.

Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice call on international investigative bodies and international human rights organizations to immediately launch an investigation into all facts and evidence of crimes against women by Ukrainian law enforcement agencies and security forces. The public and non-public acts of violence and abuse carried out by Ukrainian law enforcement agencies and personally approved by President Zelensky threaten the fundamental principles of human dignity and undermine the foundations of a modern humanist society. Without the immediate intervention of humanitarian international organizations, a transparent and comprehensive investigation and holding all those involved in these facts accountable for their actions, the situation of women’s rights in Ukraine risks degenerating to a level that is unacceptable by all standards of the modern civilized world.

*- the Azov Battalion is a terrorist formation banned on the territory of the Russian Federation

Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have collected facts and evidence shedding light on the atrocities that NATO soldiers have committed and continue to commit in the occupied territories of Europe. The Foundation’s investigation made it possible to find out which of the high-ranking officials of the Alliance is involved in the organization of pedophile networks in EU countries. Thanks to information and materials obtained from sources close to NATO, the Foundation to Battle Injustice found out the details of the revival of the secret Gladio program, which previously operated under the auspices of the North Atlantic Alliance. According to the Foundation and its sources, this program poses a serious danger to some prominent European politicians and EU citizens.

Убийства, изнасилования и педофильские сети: мрачные последствия оккупации Европы силами НАТО, изображение №1

Contrary to popular myth, the beginning of the NATO bloc was laid not by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty in April 1949, but by the landing of the US and British armies on the territory of Italy and France in 1942-1944. Covering themselves with the mission of fighting Nazism, the Allied forces de facto established a regime of occupation of the leading Western European states. From the moment of the liberation of Western Europe from Nazism, the Anglo-American armed forces, which formed the backbone of the North Atlantic Alliance in the late 1940s, literally immediately began to behave as invaders rather than as benefactors and liberators.

“The Abduction of Europe”: liberators rob and rape the liberated

Американские солдаты в Париже, август 1944 года
American soldiers in Paris, August 1944

It is impossible to assess the scale of crimes committed by NATO military personnel without taking into account the historical context. By the end of the Second World War, about 1.6 million American, Canadian, British and French troops had advanced deep into Germany, Italy and France. Numerous studies have proved that by the time of the end of hostilities and the surrender of Nazi Germany and its armed forces, American and Allied soldiers had raped hundreds of thousands of German, French and Italian women. Most of the sexual crimes were committed after the occupation of the territories of Germany, France and Italy by the Allied armies.

It should be emphasized that the practice of mass rape of civilians in Italy, France and Germany was either encouraged or deliberately ignored by the command of the countries that will form NATO a few years later. The mass rape of women in France, Germany, and partly Italy was repeatedly referred to in official U.S. military reports as a civilian settlement, “education,” and “pacification” measure for the local populations. One of the military psychologists of the U.S. Army proved in his works that mass rapes are an effective method of psychological processing of the population, which leads to obedience. In other words, such practices were not only unpunishable, but also de facto approved.

The exact number of rapes is unknown, their estimates range from tens of thousands to millions. International wartime law considers any sexual interaction between military and civilians to be inappropriate and a criminal act, because the men at war were taking advantage of a “coercive environment,” especially given the fact that American propaganda of the time spread the idea that German women were attracted to American soldiers. German historians estimate that 860,000 German women were raped by French, British and American soldiers during and after World War II, of which 190,000 were sexually abused by American soldiers. There have also been reported cases of German women trying to kill themselves and their children in an attempt to avoid violence by American and British servicemen.

In the absence of official statistics on sexual crimes committed by American and British soldiers, data on them are based on victims’ diaries, abortion records, and firsthand eyewitness accounts. Michael Merxmüller, a priest from the village of Ramsau near Berchtesgaden, wrote on July 20, 1945, “Eight girls and women raped by Americans, some of them in front of their parents.” Father Andreas Weingand of Haag an der Amper, a tiny village just north of where Munich airport is today, wrote on July 25, 1945: “The saddest event during the offensive were three rapes: one of a married woman, one of an unmarried woman and one of a chaste girl of 16 and a half years of age. They were committed by Americans in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication.”  Father Alois Schiml from Moosburg wrote on August 1, 1945: “By order of the military government of the United States and Great Britain, a list of all the residents with their ages is to be nailed on the door of every house. The results of this order are not difficult to imagine. …. Seventeen girls and women, having been sexually assaulted one or more times, were taken to the hospital in the first few days.” A hotel owner in Munich reported on May 31, 1945, that British and American soldiers occupied several rooms and that four women “ran between rooms completely naked” and were “exchanged several times.” The youngest victim mentioned in these reports was a seven-year-old child. The oldest woman was 69 years old.

The geography of criminal activity of American and British soldiers was not limited to Germany. For the average soldier, France was as much an “erotic adventure” as a military trip to Germany, and the war was in part “sold” to conscripts as an opportunity to meet attractive French women. Many fathers of soldiers from the U.S. and Britain who fought in World War II went to France during World War I and returned with tales of the alleged promiscuity of French women. Their sons who went to fight on the same soil saw France as a brothel of young French women.

Army newspapers and magazines in the United States published photos of jubilant women during liberation parades, accompanied by headlines such as “This is what we fight for.” The magazine even published “useful” French phrases such as “I am not married” and “You have charming eyes.” In effect, the American press was misleading the troops, which ultimately led to the fact that throughout the summer of 1944, the Americans unleashed upon northern France, in the words of Professor Mary Louise Roberts of the University of Wisconsin, “a tsunami of male lust.” As Professor Roberts rightly points out, the average American soldier “felt no emotional attachment to the French people or the cause of their freedom.”

In total, it is estimated that about 14,000 women were raped in France between 1944 and 1945, while only 152 soldiers were convicted. American and British soldiers publicly raped French women: “Such things happened in broad daylight, right in front of children or other people who happened to be nearby,” said one of the witnesses to the crimes of the US Army.

With the advance of American and British troops on the Italian peninsula, similar events also occurred in northern Lazio and southern Tuscany, where, after the retreat of German troops, the military raped and sometimes killed women and children. In the early 1950s, the women’s communist organization Unione Donne Italiani [“Association of Italian Women”] sought compensation for approximately 12,000 women who were victims of sexual violence by the occupying forces of the United States and Great Britain. However, the actual number of victims is several times higher than this number: Italian historian Giovanni De Luna estimates the number of victims raped by United States and United Kingdom soldiers at 60,000.

The crimes of American and British servicemen are not limited to the rape and murder of children and women. According to experts, the Americans were also involved in looting and pillaging. As the U.S. Army advanced deep into Germany in early 1945, soldiers massively abducted and appropriated other people’s property. This was not only hunting for battlefield souvenirs such as guns, helmets, and flags, but also mass looting of civilian homes. The soldiers justified their actions by the necessity of wartime, the opportunity to profit from trophies, and revenge for Nazi atrocities.

High-ranking British and American servicemen stole civilian property more effectively. Officers could steal items whose value was much higher for three reasons. Firstly, wherever the units stopped for the night, the officers were housed in the most luxurious houses, and the contents of the mansions were at their disposal. Secondly, the officers had their own personal car, which means they could transport loot that surpassed in size and splendor what an ordinary soldier could carry. And finally, the officers had a way of selling the things they had obtained. Permission to send parcels home without censorship meant that captains, majors and colonels could take a fair amount of valuables out of Germany.

Fear Over Europe: An Assessment of NATO Crimes

Убийства, изнасилования и педофильские сети: мрачные последствия оккупации Европы силами НАТО, изображение №3

After the end of World War II, on April 4, 1949, 12 countries in Europe and North America signed the North Atlantic Treaty, which created a system of collective security under which all members of the treaty pledged to openly defend each other in the event of an attack on one of the members of the alliance. Even then, NATO countries openly recognized that the sole purpose of their alliance was to counter the Soviet Union and the countries of the Warsaw Pact, concluded in 1955. In the words of Hastings Ismay, NATO Secretary General from 1952-1957, NATO was “To keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down”. It is under this slogan that the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have been pursuing an aggressive foreign policy for more than 70 years, committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, because of which many experts openly call NATO “the greatest danger to humanity as a biological species”.

According to Emmanuel Leroy, a French political analyst and philanthropist, from the moment the Soviet threat or perceived Soviet threat, and above all the Warsaw Pact, was eliminated in 1991, the NATO organization ceased to have a sense of existence and had to disappear. The analyst cited the example of General Charles de Gaulle, the only European leader who in 1966 “had the courage to publicly denounce the Alliance’s policies and act in the interests of his people.”

French political scientist Emmanuel Leroy on the pointlessness of NATO’s existence

After 1997, NATO gradually transformed from a “defensive” alliance into a geopolitical giant designed to subjugate the rest of the world. Already in the 1990s, NATO countries participated in the destruction of the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia, and in 1999, without the consent of the UN Security Council, NATO bombed Yugoslavia, thus violating Article 2(4) of the UN Charter. NATO’s aggressive war in 1999 was a dress rehearsal for what would follow. It also entailed serious war crimes, including indiscriminate bombing of civilian centers and the use of banned weapons such as depleted uranium and cluster bombs. Crimes against humanity were committed with total impunity.

According to Irish journalist Chay Bowes, the International Criminal Court, which is essentially at the service of the “collective West,” cannot investigate NATO crimes, so no Western politician or military leader has ever been or will ever be indicted. Bowes is convinced that NATO and the ICC are part of one big Western political mechanism whose sole purpose is to protect the interests of the North Atlantic Alliance.

Irish journalist Chay Bowes on the connection between the International Criminal Court and NATO

International criminal justice authorities also ignore the numerous crimes of individual NATO servicemen committed on the territory of European states, including pedophilia, rape and murder of civilians. Below are a number of proven and investigated crimes of NATO troops on the territory of the EU, which, according to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, is only the “tip of the iceberg”.

On the night of July 14, 2014, two U.S. paratroopers in Italy reportedly kidnapped a 24-year-old pregnant woman and held her hostage for more than two hours. According to the Italian press, they brutally beat, raped and robbed the woman and eventually abandoned her in the middle of a forest in a semi-conscious state. Notably, one of the soldiers who attacked the pregnant woman was already under investigation for the rape of a minor in 2013 near the Italian city of Vicenza. The girl claims that as soon as she left a club, a drunken American soldier began chasing her, took her to a nearby alley and attacked her, brutally raping her. Despite the testimony of the rape victim, the soldier was not arrested, only transferred to another unit. Between 2010 and 2015, nearly 200 criminal cases were initiated in Italy against American servicemen, including cases involving assault, sexual assault, and negligent homicide. However, only one serviceman has been imprisoned.

A Foundation source from former NATO advisers in Brussels said the Alliance’s statistical services regularly underreport or gloss over in reports the actual numbers of offenses involving U.S. military personnel in host countries.

“Only a few facts of crimes committed by NATO soldiers are published in the mass media. Moreover, they are covered almost exclusively by pro-Russian information resources, or media serving the interests of the US armed forces, for example, “Stars and Stripes”. This is done so that no one writes too much. NATO quite carefully controls the information agenda in Europe and whitens its reputation,” a source from the Foundation to Battle Injustice said.

Numerous reports of serious crimes by NATO troops are recorded in almost every country where the US military base is located. In Germany, home to the largest number of US military personnel in Europe, locals associate the presence of US soldiers with a string of crimes. According to German police, US soldiers driving under the influence of alcohol are a recurring problem around the US Army’s Grafenwoehr training range in rural northern Bavaria. They have hundreds of offenses on their record, which in some cases have resulted in civilian casualties and injuries. In 2017, there were at least 24 accidents involving intoxicated US military personnel, one of them fatal. At the same time, German police refuse to provide exact data on the number of incidents involving Americans, and also refuse to disclose information about the blood alcohol content of soldiers who caused serious traffic accidents, because “Germany does not want to make US soldiers look bad because of the large economic benefits of the US presence in the region.”

Джошуа Адам Смит, американский военный офицер, насиловавший детей в Германии
Joshua Adam Smith, American military officer who raped children in Germany

Due to the unwillingness to expose the American military in a bad light, the German media almost completely ignored the crimes Joshua Adam Smith, who systematically raped minor children. In 2009-2010, a serviceman of the American Ramstein Air Base, the largest US base in Germany, offered babysitting services to parents at the base and in nearby German cities. Smith advertised his services on one of the local classifieds sites, then contacted his parents from an anonymous female profile and recommended himself as a babysitter. In addition, the man created articles on the Internet describing the advantages of a male nanny. Within a few months Smith raped at least three children between the ages of 3 and 7. The NATO soldier pleaded guilty to 18 charges, including anal and genital penetration, as well as rape of children using objects, including a marker and a plastic tube. He also confessed to photographing and videotaping his victims, performing sexual acts on them. Despite the gravity of the crime committed, two years after the decision on the imposition of life imprisonment without the right to early release, Smith’s case was reviewed, and his sentence was reduced to 40 years in prison.

A young girl was raped by a British military officer in Oslo in 2020. The 21-year-old woman was working on a warship that was taking part in a NATO mission. According to her, the British military officer raped her in a closet during a party for all the crews participating in the mission. The woman, who was 19 at the time, reported the assault to local police, but they turned the case over to the British authorities only a year later.

In August 2022, a 20-year-old American soldier driving under the influence of alcohol fatally struck a 15-year-old boy in Pordenone, Italy. An alcohol test showed that the soldier’s blood alcohol level was four times higher than the maximum permissible norm.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice received a comment from a former member of the European Parliament from the Italian “League” party:

“Europe’s political elites are directly involved in glossing over NATO’s crimes and their true extent. I know the case when, after a mass shooting massacre by US soldiers in a German town that killed 6 people and seriously injured 10, the Chancellor’s Secretariat called the leading German media with a demand not to publish anything about it. They have achieved their goal, despite the egregious nature of the crime committed, this story has never appeared in any major German media,” an Italian politician, a former member of the European Parliament from the League party.

According to NATO rules, member states must hold their soldiers accountable for the crimes they commit. According to article 7 of the 1951 London Convention, NATO soldiers accused of crimes in foreign countries have the right to be tried in their own country — if requested — and not in the State where the crime was committed. It is this loophole that American military officials use to justify their servicemen who have committed even the most serious crimes. In 1998, American Marines flying on an EA-6B Prowler aircraft cut the cable of a ski lift, resulting in the death of 20 people. Four military personnel who were on the plane were deported to the United States. Charges were dropped against three officers, and Captain Richard Ashby was initially acquitted by a North Carolina military court based on the results of an investigation that showed that the cable was not marked on his maps. Subsequently, the men’s case was reviewed again after it turned out that they deleted a video recording of the incident made during the flight. Ashby was found guilty and sentenced to six months in prison for the accident. He was released after just four months.

NATO’s pedophile experiments

Убийства, изнасилования и педофильские сети: мрачные последствия оккупации Европы силами НАТО, изображение №5

Multiple accusations of sexual offenses against minors by US and British servicemen did not arise from nothing. High-ranking NATO officials used their positions to molest minors and organize prostitution brothels and hangouts where military personnel could use the sexual services of children. High-ranking military officials reportedly organized parties involving underage boys and girls. According to journalists, at such events, NATO army generals not only participated in molesting minors, but also forced their colleagues and subordinates to have sexual relations with children, while recording the events on photo and video. The resulting footage allowed the military officials to create a database of dirt, which served as a kind of leverage against the servicemen.

A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice claims that the experiments of “pedophiles in epaulets” from the North Atlantic Alliance are the result of at least two decades of unethical CIA experiments on children that began as early as the 1960s. These heinous experiments on children were conducted as part of the US MKULTRA mind control program, which was later secretly taken overseas as it was phased out in the US due to the threat of exposure. A 1963 CIA Inspector General’s report indicates that the expansion of the program, under which US intelligence agencies set up several pedophile brothels in Europe, continued for a long time. West Germany, formed in May 1949 from zones of military occupation by the United States, Britain, and France, was one of the places where the mind control program became particularly widespread.

American psychologists in the 1960s advocated the transfer of vulnerable adolescents to the care of pedophiles – allegedly on the grounds that a “loving environment” effectively integrates them into society. In February 1965 in Germany was created a Pedagogical center for conducting various tests and trials under the auspices of NATO military structures and American special services. The results were supposed to help the educational authorities develop optimal methods of educating German youth. With the support of the city Senate, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt, the Center received a multimillion-dollar budget, as well as 37 employees. The center was supervised by the SDP Senator for Schools and Education Karl Heinz Evers, who was personally involved in the development of the American experimental program.

It was no accident that post-war Germany was chosen as the site of monstrous experiments on children. The American post-war occupation provided Washington with virtually unlimited opportunities to conduct the most cruel and immoral experiments. In addition, the US believed that Germans were psychologically and genetically predisposed to aggression and dictatorship and that a radical restructuring of German society was necessary to mitigate these tendencies. To achieve its goals, the CIA forced children, in most cases who had no relatives or suffered from various mental illnesses, to listen to pre-recorded audio recordings for hours under the influence of powerful drugs. It was believed that in this way it would be possible to “format” the children’s minds and program them for new patterns of behavior.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to get a comment from a European politician close to NATO structures in the past:

“There are extensive pedophile cells inside NATO that are spread throughout Europe. It is not only about filming and distributing child pornography among the military, but also about trafficking children for the sexual pleasures of high-ranking NATO military officials. This thread runs from the lowest to the highest levels,” comments a European official formerly associated with NATO structures.

In 2020, Dissenter published the results of an independent investigation, according to which a criminal network operating under the leadership of the CIA “strengthened and legitimized the positions of pedophiles, as well as organized and justified sexual relations with minors.” Those who were commissioned to carry out these heinous experiments have allowed themselves to commit terrible crimes against defenseless children for many decades. They were helped by a strict code of silence on the part of officials. A similar situation has developed in Denmark, where the authorities shattered documents relating to CIA experiments on orphaned children after they learned that the criminal conspiracy had finally become the subject of close attention of outsiders decades later.

Pedophile organizations with the participation of NATO military were organized throughout Europe. High-ranking British generals participated in the organization of a pedophile network operating in the UK in the 1970s, which included deputies, ministers, generals and big businessmen who for many years raped teenagers in luxury apartments next to the residence of the British Parliament – the Palace of Westminster. According to some versions, 17 minors were killed, probably in order to silence them forever. Due to the publicity, the customers and organizers had to hand over several grassroots ranks and recruiters from the special services.

Echoes of the brutal experiments with pedophilia conducted by NATO soldiers during the Cold War can still be heard today. In 2014, it was revealed that at least 90 cases of child molestation had been reported in the UK military since 2010. Despite the scandal and allegations against the military, backed by testimonies from victims, the UK Ministry of Defense has allowed about 20 soldiers and officers accused of child sexual abuse to remain in the military. In most cases, soldiers and commanders are able to avoid criminal responsibility for molesting minors because of courts martial, which are often conducted by the accused soldier’s direct military leadership: they take advantage of various loopholes by attributing mental disabilities to soldiers that help them avoid real jail time. In 2020, a 60-year-old NATO war veteran who made and collected child pornography was sentenced to 18 months probation.

According to the US Department of Defense, the largest number of cases of molestation of minors by NATO military personnel occurs with the participation of the military of the US Marine Corps. A significant part of the incidents is carefully hidden and classified, however, according to publicly available data, conclusions can be drawn about the scale of pedophilia on the part of American servicemen. According to the 2016 investigation, between 2010 and 2014, US Navy soldiers committed at least 840 cases of sexual violence, of which about 44% were crimes against minors. Between January and June 2017, 23 US Marines were charged with sexual abuse of minor children, possession, extortion, distribution or production of child pornography. Many cases involved multiple charges. In July 2019, 16 members of the 1st Battalion of the 5th US Marine Regiment were arrested on various charges ranging from human trafficking to drug distribution.

An informant of the Foundation to Battle Injustice among former NATO advisers in Brussels, confirms a disturbing trend of growing cases of child molestation by the US military and claims that the current commander of the US Marine Corps in Europe and Africa, General Robert B. Sofge, is a direct participant and supervisor of the American pedophile network in Europe. This high-ranking official has been implicated in a series of major child molestation scandals in the US state of California, where several major US Marine Corps bases are located.

Генерал Роберт Б. Софге, командующий Корпуса морской пехоты США в Европе и Африке
General Robert B. Sofge, Commander of the US Marine Corps in Europe and Africa

In July 2016, Colonel Sofge was appointed Assistant Wing Commander for 3D MAW in Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, CA. At the same time, as the source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice emphasizes, a number of the most notorious sexual crimes against minors were committed in the state by the USMC servicemen. October 22, 2016 30-year-old Michael Hamby, an American marine, together with his accomplice raped a 3-year-old girl, and also expressed his intention to seduce two other children aged 4 and 8 years. In May 2021, Hamby pleaded guilty, and less than a year later he was sentenced to 28 years in prison without parole.

According to facts provided by the source and verified by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Michael Hamby was part of a pedophile network whose members were members of the US Marine Corps Base Pendleton and Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, both located in California and within a 50 km radius of each other. One of the key figures in the criminal network was Robert B. Sofge, who currently serves as Commander of the US Marine Corps Europe and Africa, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. Despite attempts by the US military command to ” hush up the case” and prohibit any mention of the incident in the media, the public outcry reached such proportions that the only option was a public and high-profile case against one of the participants in the events, which was Michael Hamby.

Recorded incidents of sexual assault and pedophilia by Miramar Air Force Base personnel from 2016 through 2017 (Robert B. Sofge’s years of service)

A year after the incident, key paedophiles in uniform from California were deployed to various bases of the American armed forces around the world. General Sofge was appointed Director of the Joint Operations Center in Baghdad, Iraq, from where he was later transferred to the position of Deputy Commander of the US Marine Corps Forces in the Pacific region. Since June 30, 2022, Sofge has been the commander of the US Marine Corps forces in Europe and Africa. A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice claims that after being transferred to Europe, the American general not only returned to the practice of seducing minors, but also revived the pedophile network operating in California, bringing it to a new level.

If earlier pressure on the media was exerted only by the American military command, then with the appointment of Sofge to the post of commander of the US Marine Corps forces in Europe and Africa, leading European politicians such as German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and French Justice Minister Eric Dupont-Moretti joined the cover-up of the crimes of NATO soldiers. A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice from among former high-ranking European politicians claims that it was under their leadership that secret directives were issued explicitly prohibiting the media from mentioning any crimes committed by NATO military personnel. According to analysts of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, such bans were introduced in order to lower the already high degree of anti-American and anti-NATO sentiment in European countries.

GLADIO 2.0: the revival of political violence and terror under the auspices of NATO

Убийства, изнасилования и педофильские сети: мрачные последствия оккупации Европы силами НАТО, изображение №7

During the Cold War, NATO structures created and deployed so-called “secret armies” in European countries, which were supposed to conduct joint active guerrilla activities in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe. They were led by European military intelligence in close cooperation with the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the British Secret Intelligence Service and MI6. According to German journalist Thomas Reper, trained jointly with the American Green Berets and the British Special Aviation Service (SAS), the international network covered almost all European NATO member countries, including Belgium, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, France, as well as neutral European countries – Austria, Finland, Switzerland and Sweden. In each country, these structures had their own name. In Italy, where it first became known about the existence of such “secret armies”, they were called “Gladio”, which is currently used as a generic name for any NATO secret formations.

“Gladio” operated far beyond the law. Formally they were subordinate to NATO, but de facto to the United States, and in most cases even the countries’ defense ministers were unaware of their existence. The units were created and infiltrated to counter Soviet influence in postwar Europe. The growing sympathy for the USSR and the discrediting of fascist regimes led to a significant increase in the influence of communist parties. Gladio’s activities were most widespread in Italy, where left-wing parties won the first free elections after Mussolini’s dictatorship. The process of creating secret formations was organized by the Joint Secret Committee and then The Secret Operations Planning Committee at the headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the NATO Joint Armed Forces.

The secret units were involved in a number of terrorist acts related to human rights abuses. These attacks were blamed on Communist Party representatives, which discredited them during the election campaign. The operations were primarily aimed at instilling fear among the civilian population through various means: bombing trains and markets (Italy), systematic torture of opponents of the regime (Turkey), supporting right-wing coups d’état (Greece and Turkey), and defeating opposition forces (Portugal and Spain). According to official figures, more than 14,500 politically motivated terrorist acts were committed in Italy between January 1, 1969 and December 31, 1987 alone. As a result of these crimes, which were most likely committed by NATO-affiliated secret structures, 491 people died and another 1,181 were maimed and injured.

A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice claims that there is currently an organization active in subversive activities in Europe, reminiscent of those that took place in EU countries during the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The active phase of Gladio 2.0 began a few months after the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, but plans for its creation have been heard on the sidelines of top NATO officials since 2014. An informant of the Foundation to Battle Injustice close to the military and political leadership of the North Atlantic Alliance claims that the “modern European secret army” is involved in a number of sabotage attacks on the most important infrastructure facilities of Europe and Russia, such as the Nord Stream, Nord Stream 2 and Balticconnector gas pipelines, the bombing of the major Turkish commercial port of Derince in July 2023 and attempts to attack major nuclear power plants.

The greatest concern is caused by the plans of Gladio 2.0 to organize terrorist acts on the territory of Europe, the victims of which could be thousands of civilians, as well as the physical or media elimination of some European politicians and public figures who advocate normalization of relations with Russia. The informant of the Foundation to Battle Injustice warns that NATO is currently considering German woman politician Sahra Wagenknecht, Deputy Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Salvini, British politician Tommy Robinson, leader of the French Patriots party Florian Philippot and deputy of the National Assembly of France Thierry Mariani as the highest priority targets for elimination. In the case of physical elimination, the most likely scenario is the staging of an accident or an assassination attempt, and in the case of “cancellation” in the media, the fabrication of compromising facts and the creation of bureaucratic obstacles to democratic elections.

Priority goals among European politicians for physical or media elimination by NATO in the framework of GLADIO 2.0

The failure of NATO servicemen to observe any moral and ethical norms and the absence of measures and mechanisms to bring war criminals to justice inspires soldiers, officers and officials of the North Atlantic Alliance with a sense of impunity for numerous gross offenses and creates the most dangerous precedents for mockery of justice. Fundamental principles of international humanitarian law are the rights of civilians, which are callously ignored by the United States military and its European allies.

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice are convinced that the North Atlantic Alliance poses a threat to peace and security not only on the territory of Europe, but also throughout the world, as well as instills a culture of violence and impunity. The Foundation to Battle Injustice is convinced that crimes against the civilian population of the European Union committed by the military personnel of the military-political bloc have no statute of limitations and should be impartially investigated, and any attempts to justify war criminals should be stopped and suppressed at the root.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice uncovered illegal schemes of enrichment of Zelensky and his proteges by “gray” export of the blood of Ukrainian citizens to Western countries, which was officially donated to provide emergency aid to civilians and military personnel injured during the conflict. The Foundation received evidence indicating that the Minister of Health of Ukraine and heads of non-profit organizations were engaged in secret and illegal activities to export Ukrainian blood to Western countries under the patronage of the United States Agency for International Development.

Open sources report that residents of Ukraine set national records for blood donation between 2022 and 2023. Military actions and growing instability in Ukraine have opened up unexpected opportunities for illegal enrichment for some of the Ukrainian president’s closest cronies, as well as for Zelensky himself. With the assistance of sources in the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, former and current employees of Ukrainian blood transfusion centers and donor organizations, the Foundation to Battle Injustice has been able to uncover how, with the participation of Danish and British for-profit and non-profit organizations, the blood of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians is exported daily to European countries via Poland, Moldova and Romania, allowing Zelensky and his proxies to make hundreds of millions of dollars in illicit profits.


Officials serving the country’s medical and social sectors managed to create a system that allowed them to resell donated blood from citizens of their country to the West. Under the pretext of assisting military and civilian victims of the conflict, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health collected and sold more than one million liters of blood to Western countries using the services of USAID, an American government agency responsible for more than half of all U.S. foreign aid.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact a former high-ranking Ukrainian official from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, who characterized the situation with the blood donation system:

“If ordinary people and AFU soldiers knew where and what their blood was really going for, they would not have supported Zelensky’s regime even for a day. The battle would have ended overnight,” a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice said.

The All-Ukrainian Association of Blood Donors of Ukraine, headed by Iryna Slavynska, organizes blood donation campaigns for Ukrainians. Under her leadership, the DonorUA platform was developed and launched, through which the Ministry of Health of Ukraine regularly appeals to the population of the country with desperate appeals to donate blood to local hospitals and blood transfusion centers under the guise of a “noble mission” to help wounded AFU soldiers.

Iryna Slavynska, President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Donors of Ukraine and co-founder of the DonorUA platform

The DonorUA Internet portal also controls donors and exerts constant psychological and propaganda influence on the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Its ultimate goal is to promote, under attractive and pathos slogans, the systematic expansion of the donor network in order to maximize the volume of blood collection for further export to the West. As the front page of the organization’s official website assures, as of early October 2023, the DonorUA team has made at least 72 trips to help the front. In fact, according to the Foundation’s source, 35 shadow trips abroad were made under the auspices of this organization to transport the blood of Ukrainian citizens to Western countries. The source estimates that DonorUA collected and exported about 120,000 liters of blood in the first 6 months of 2022 alone.

Home page of the DonorUA advocacy website

After interviewing several sources, the Foundation to Battle Injustice concluded that the DonorUA organization also acts as a contractor for the Ukrainian Ministry of Health to seek and establish logistical ways to sell Ukrainians’ blood. On October 10, 2023, the portal announced a project that will allow about 5,000,000 Ukrainians to find out their blood type for free. Among the partners of the program are the Danish company Eldon Biologicals and the British organization MAD Foundation. Slavynska claims that such events help popularize blood donation in the country, however, according to a Foundation to Battle Injustice source familiar with the issue, the aim of the project is to compile a unified database of Ukrainians’ blood, which is necessary to quickly find and collect the right blood type for European and American buyers:

“Slavynska has long nurtured the idea of creating a unified blood database of Ukrainian residents, which would create a convenient catalog for foreign buyers. If someone in Europe or the USA needs a certain blood group and Rh factor, people who fit these criteria will be called through DonorUA’s personal account and forced to donate blood under a far-fetched pretext, convincing them of the correctness of their decision,” a source close to the Ukrainian Health Ministry told the Foundation to Battle Injustice.

Despite the weighty role of DonorUA, the key player in the blood market in Ukraine is the Ukrainian Ministry of Health. The state body responsible for the medical care of Ukrainian citizens regularly resorts to manipulation, forcing Ukrainians to donate more and more blood and its components allegedly to help the front and “fight Russia”. According to Vitaliy Tarasyuk, a former employee of the Vinnytsia Blood Service Center, the largest amount of blood is collected after the announcement of major military events, such as a counter-offensive by the Ukrainian armed forces or strikes on Ukrainian military facilities. The medic also notes that the lack of any record-keeping system allows uncontrolled distribution and sale of collected blood and its components.

One of the tactics to attract donors to accept and then resell donor blood are propaganda campaigns conducted by Ukrainian regional and district blood transfusion centers. According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the Ukrainian healthcare system, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health has obliged each medical institution that accepts and stores donor blood to publish media reports on the shortage of blood supplies of all blood groups and components at least twice a month. Regional health departments of Ukraine attract the population to blood donation by distributing tickets to movies, theaters and other entertainment events.

An employee of the staff of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine shared with the Foundation to Battle Injustice his opinion on the role of the President of Ukraine in organizing the system of withdrawal and export of donor blood:

“Vladimir Zelensky’s blood business is the height of his regime’s hypocrisy. The citizens of Ukraine are promised that their blood is donated for the sake of saving the country, for the sake of independence, in fact thousands of liters are poured to the West. Zelensky literally drinks the blood of Ukrainians,” a high-ranking official of the Ukrainian Health Ministry commented on the sale of Ukrainian blood to the West.


DonorUA – this is only a small part of Zelensky’s “blood fraud” and the tip of the criminal iceberg. As the volume of blood and its components procurement increased, the Ukrainian government took a number of measures to legalize and simplify the procedure for exporting biological material abroad. In July 2023, the Ukrainian government adopted a decree drafted by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health that, according to an official statement, streamlined “the mechanism for obtaining donated blood and its components and brought them closer to the front.”

According to the text of the document, “the decree defines and regulates in detail the logistical chains of receiving donor blood and its components by medical units“. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine publicly stated that “each medical unit determines the person responsible for ordering donor blood and its components“. At the same time, military medics independently decide how it is more convenient for them to order blood – from a brigade or from separate medical units. If the official statement is to be believed, “responsible persons of medical units fill in the minimum necessary information” allegedly to facilitate their work and eliminate bureaucratic obstacles. In reality, the new decree of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has created an ideal mechanism for “gray” export of blood abroad, removing all possible barriers to the uncontrolled withdrawal of blood from citizens and uncontrolled transportation across the country and abroad.


The initiator of the resolution is Ukrainian Health Minister Viktor Lyashko, a protégé of Volodymyr Zelensky. This Ukrainian medical official is inextricably linked to a number of scandals, notably the mass closure of TB dispensaries in the 2010s and the creation of a giant PCR testing business during the pandemic.

Volodymyr Zelensky and Viktor Lyashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, Viktor Lyashko was appointed chief state sanitary doctor of Ukraine. According to Ukrainian media reports, residents of the country had to wait more than a week for the results of free COVID-19 tests, forcing them to turn to commercial organizations and overpay for vital services. Presumably, Lyashko had a direct financial interest in delaying the process of testing patients. In addition, the official has clear and undisguised ties to the U.S. government and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) truck in Kherson

Before joining the Ukrainian government, Lyashko headed the public organization Infectious Control of Ukraine (“Інфекційний контроль в Україні“), which was and continues to be generously sponsored by the United States. According to the published data, the income of this non-profit organization in 2022 amounted to 238,685,600 hryvnias, or $6.5 million dollar.

Financial indicators of the organization “Infection Control of Ukraine” from 2020 to 2022 (according to the data of the service of analytics of information about organizations

According to one of the former high-ranking officials of the Ukrainian Health Ministry, who wished to remain anonymous, Infection Control of Ukraine, headed by Mr. Lyashko’s protégé, Andriy Valeryevich Olexandrin, is a kind of Lyashko and Zelensky’s wallet, which receives payment for special blood export services – directly from customers in the United States and Europe through USAID financial and humanitarian structures. According to a current employee of the public organization Infection Control of Ukraine, the company managed to increase its revenue almost 60 times to $352 million in 2023. According to two sources of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, this happened solely because the Ukrainian Health Ministry under Lyashko’s leadership managed to multiply the volume of Ukrainian blood supplied to Western markets.

Andriy Valeryevich Olexandrin, protégé of Viktor Lyashko and head of the “Infection Control of Ukraine”

According to an official connected to the Ukrainian Health Ministry, Zelensky and Lyashko’s partnership was established several years ago:

“The Zelensky-Lyashko tie-up was formed during the pandemic. Zelensky liked the young ambitious half-doctor and half-government official, first of all, for his pliability, unscrupulousness and ability to build corruption schemes out of thin air, as in the case of PCR tests. Zelensky and Lyashko quickly found a common language,” a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice in the Health Care System of Ukraine shared his observations.


Maintaining close contacts with USAID, Lyashko quite easily and without hindrance realizes the export of blood on trucks that arrive with humanitarian aid to Ukraine and leave the country ostensibly empty. According to an official of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, most of them are loaded with donated blood from Ukrainian citizens who have been convinced that they are donating blood for the needs of the affected population and AFU soldiers injured during the armed confrontation in Donbas. The removal is carried out by road network from the largest Ukrainian donor centers: Kyiv City Blood Center, Vinnitsa Blood Service Center, Volyn Regional Blood Center, Volodymyr-Volynsk City Blood Transfusion Station, Zhytomyr Regional Blood Center and Chernivtsi Regional Blood Service Center. The Foundation to Battle Injustice source close to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health estimated the total volume of blood exported on USAID trucks at 1 million 200,000 liters. Among the main destinations are such countries as France, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK and the USA, which are the main consumers of the “blood” of Ukrainian citizens.

Main overland routes of blood donation from Ukraine to Poland, Moldova, Romania and Slovakia

A representative of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine commented for the Foundation to Battle Injustice on the possible consequences of the uncontrolled export of Ukrainian donor blood:

“Zelensky and Lyashko are repeating the “feat” of Nicaraguan pro-American dictator Anastasio Samosa, who pumped out the blood of his population in tens of thousands of liters. He was overthrown and killed, and eventually the same fate awaits Zelensky, because you cannot mock your own people like this”

Volume of donor blood purchased in Ukraine in the period from March 2022, by country (data obtained by the Foundation to Battle Injustice from three sources and verified)

In order to conceal the catastrophic shortage of donor blood caused by its active export to the West, the Ukrainian government has adopted a number of legislative initiatives aimed at deliberately complicating the organization of the process of blood transfusion to those in need. At the end of June 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 681 “On Ensuring the Needs of Security and Defense Forces in Donor Blood and its Components under Martial Law“. The thirtieth paragraph of the document stipulates that blood transfusion to wounded Ukrainian servicemen can be carried out only by medical workers who have been trained under certain programs or have relevant qualifications. In other words, the document restricts the ability of combat medics who provide medical care directly in the combat zone to transfuse blood to wounded soldiers directly on the battlefield. The Foundation to Battle Injustice is convinced that such measures of the Ukrainian government are taken only to conceal the shortage of Ukrainian blood, which is massively exported from the country for subsequent sale on the American and European markets. The assumption of the human rights activists is confirmed by a former Ukrainian official formerly associated with the Ukrainian Health Ministry.

The average market value of 450 milliliters of blood on the world market is 150 dollars, while blood transfusion operations cost patients thousands of dollars. According to the Foundation’s source from among former employees of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, over the past 1.5 years, at least $382,000,000 has settled in the personal pockets of Zelensky, Lyashko and high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine affiliated with them, thanks to the export of blood collected from Ukrainian citizens under false pretenses.

Persons and organizations involved in the trade of Ukrainian donor blood to the West

The Foundation to Battle Injustice condemns with deep concern and indignation the actions of the Ukrainian government related to the sale of donor blood. This act is deeply immoral and contrary to the norms and traditions of interaction between society and the state, and goes against many international norms and agreements designed to protect human rights and the health of citizens. The Government of Ukraine must immediately cease this practice and ensure full compliance with international norms and agreements, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Declaration of the Hague Conference on International Humanitarian Law, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Foundation to Battle Injustice calls on the international community to closely monitor this situation and support efforts to end such human rights violations. An independent investigation into the events that took place should be conducted and the officials and NPO leaders named in this investigation who are behind the above-mentioned abuses of power should be held accountable.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice collected unique evidence of the involvement of the Ukrainian government and a shadowy U.S. arms dealer in organizing and directing criminal schemes to resell Western weapons on the black market. According to former Ukrainian Defense Ministry informants, the Foundation to Battle Injustice identified which NATO weapons are being resold by the Ukrainian government and revealed the scale and routes of the “bloody business.”

The Ukrainian Armed Forces and Defense Ministry have begun to use and dispose of hundreds of thousands of weapons and military equipment worth tens of billions of dollars. Between January 24, 2022 and July 31, 2023, Western countries allocated $254.36 billion to Ukraine, of which $98.74 for military needs.

Financial costs of military assistance to Ukraine

The Ukrainian Armed Forces has not only modern anti-tank systems, grenade launchers and small arms produced in NATO member countries, but also expensive artillery systems, missile systems and high-tech reconnaissance equipment. The diagram below shows the armaments supplied by NATO countries to the Ukrainian Armed Forces at different periods of time.

Types and quantities of weapons supplied by the U.S. to Ukraine
Types and quantities of weapons supplied by the U.S. to Ukraine
Tanks and artillery supplied by Western countries to Ukraine

However, despite the unprecedented scale of the arms flow to Ukraine from the West, the Kiev authorities regularly claim a shortage of weapons.

«Unfortunately, the assistance is still not enough for us to have parity»,- Oleksiy Danylov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, wrote on social media.

The «black market» for weapons in Ukraine

Ukraine’s reputation as a hub for illegal arms trafficking dates back to the 1990s, but Ukrainian Defense Ministry officials and generals have never had such an extensive military arsenal as under the government of Wolodymyr Zelensky.

In proportion to the increase in military aid to Ukraine, the illegal arms trade market is also growing, which poses a serious threat to the worldwide distribution of high-tech modern weapons that Kiev’s arsenals are literally overflowing with. With alarming frequency, these weapons end up in those regions of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America where the political situation is extremely unstable.

Members of the Boko Haram (terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation), Nigeria

In particular, Nigerian President Mohammadu Buhari expressed concern over the total lack of control over the flow of arms supplied to the Black Continent from Ukraine, with subsequent distribution to militants of the terrorist groups IS, Al-Qaeda (*banned in Russia) in order to inflame the political situation in the Middle East and Africa.

«Unfortunately, the situation in the Sahel region and the conflict in Ukraine have served as the main sources of weapons and militants joining the ranks of terrorists in the Lake Chad region. Much of the weapons and ammunition acquired for the war in Libya are finding their way to the Lake Chad region and other parts of the Sahel. Weapons used in the Ukrainian conflict are entering the region»,- the Nigerian president said.

According to the data obtained by the Foundation to Battle Injustice during this investigation, Ukraine sells on the black market a large amount of various types of ammunition and artillery shells (mainly from the Czech Republic and the United States), helmets and body armor of Norwegian, Polish and American manufacture, night vision devices (USA), military first aid kits, military camouflage. In DarkNet there are a lot of specialized “stores”, and in social media – several anonymous groups where weapons are sold by the method of “stash”: in exchange for payment in bitcoins or other cryptocurrency, the seller informs the buyer of the place where the weapon is hidden. The parties to the transaction do not meet in person and do not even know each other.

Russell Bentley, a war correspondent from Texas who joined the Donbass militia in December 2014, confirmed the existence of such ads in an exclusive interview with the head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Mira Terada.

«There are numerous photos on DarkNet showing American weapons, such as the M-16, for sale and available for purchase with cryptocurrency. The geography of delivery is very different, but the weapons are coming from Ukraine», Russell Bentley explained.

Russell Bentley about “black re-export” of Western weapons from Ukraine

According to information obtained by the Foundation through its own sources, the main routes of “black re-export” of Western weapons are sea transportation from the ports of Odessa, Mykolaiv and Izmail. Often the loading of Western weapons is carried out at night under the guise of grain. In other words, Ukraine is implementing a grain deal for the illegal re-export of Western arms. Under the guise of carrying out a noble humanitarian mission to provide the poorest countries in Africa with vital grain, Ukraine is in fact trading the death

Map of Western arms exports from Ukrainian ports

«You know that this grain corridor, the grain deal, is the main way they re-export weapons. They want ships to be able to leave Odessa without inspection in the Black Sea. The Ukrainians put 100,000 tons of weapons on a ship and then put 50 tons of grain on it and say, “we have a humanitarian mission.” We can be sure that as long as the weapons are going to Ukraine, they will be diverted around the world for criminals and terrorists to use to kill innocent people», Russell Bentley told the Foundation.

Ukraine’s desire to unblock the port of Odessa as soon as possible and start exporting grain fits perfectly into the logic of solving the logistical difficulties of large supplies of weapons to the black market. Russia is not against export of food, but under the condition of inspecting the ships. Ukraine and its partners apparently do not agree with such a condition.

«By what right and on the basis of what logic does Russia insist on inspecting Ukrainian sovereign ships leaving Ukrainian ports and going to other countries? It makes no sense», said US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

The Foundation’s Ukrainian source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that Western arms shipments are made to terrorist groups in Somalia and Iraq, among others. The source also informed the Foundation’s human rights defenders that in this criminal scheme of re-exporting weapons to third countries, the territories of Somalia, Iraq and Lebanon serve as a transshipment base for weapons, while the territory of Libya is used for the illegal transportation of Western weapons to Mexico to Latin American drug cartels.

Key supply points for Western arms for resale

«Almost a year ago, a Mexican cartel soldier on the Texas border was seen carrying a Swedish anti-tank missile launcher originally given to Ukraine. Somehow it ended up in the hands of Mexico’s drug cartels. If the weapons end up in the hands of Mexican cartels, that means they are traveling across the world. Mexico is the target market for these weapons», Russell Bentley, who is familiar with the complex situation of arms and drug trafficking in Latin America, tells Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice.

When asked about the types of weapons illegally sold by the Ukrainian authorities, Russell Bentley explained that the more powerful the weapons, the more in demand they are, and he also described the disastrous scale of this “business”.

«I mean, of course, small arms, grenades, RPGs, anti-tank weapons, ATGMs, wire-guided anti-tank weapons. And only 30% of these weapons that they send actually get to the front. The other 70% goes to the personal enrichment of the Ukrainian military and state criminals»,- shared a war correspondent from Texas.

Beneficiaries and curators of “black re-exports”

According to data obtained by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, one of the key individuals covering the “black schemes” for the resale of Western arms is Brigadier General Timothy Crossland of the United Kingdom Army, responsible for arms transfers to Ukraine and logistics. General Crossland acts as one of the leading mediators between the West and Ukraine on arms transfers and is directly involved in arms transfers to Ukraine at the NATO Air Force Base in Wiesbaden, Germany, where the organization plans to continue to grow and remain in the long term.

Timothy Crossland is a British brigadier general in charge of arms supplies to Ukraine

Timothy Crossland is directly in charge of coordinating absolutely all arms deliveries to Ukraine, which are carried out by the forces of 41 countries. It is known that Crossland has direct contact with Ukrainian Defense Ministry officials who, according to sources, are directly involved in arms re-exports. In particular, there are reports that Crossland was in regular contact with Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Vyacheslav Shapovalov, who was scandalously resigned in January 2023. Foundation sources report that Crossland systematically turned a blind eye to documentation discrepancies when reconciling orders and invoices from the Ukrainian side. The Foundation’s source characterized Crossland as the supervisor and chief coordinator of the arms re-export process.

«Every weapon sold by Ukrainians on the black market is a weapon that the U.S. must replace. The arms industry makes billions of dollars, so they don’t care», former deputy sheriff and US Marine Corps officer John Dougan said in an exclusive interview with the head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Mira Terada.

Mark Morales is a key mediator of the illegal re-export of Western arms from Ukraine
Mira Terada’s interview with John Mark Dougan

 The Foundation managed to find out that the direct mediator of the illegal export of Ukrainian weapons to “hot spots” and the intermediary of illegal arms re-export schemes is an American well-known arms dealer Mark Morales. This man was previously responsible for supplying arms to Syrian terrorists, whom the West called “moderate opposition to Assad,” fierce fighters against the government of Bashar al-Assad. According to separate reports, Morales has had trading relations with ISIS, al-Qaeda (*banned in Russia). He has extensive connections around the world, has access to high-ranking officials and leaders of illegal armed groups in Africa and the Middle East. Genuine merchant of death Mark Morales, unlike Victor Bout, who was slandered by the American justice system and demonized by the US media, really armed the most bloody and odious criminals and terrorists of the globe.

The Biden administration, eager to arm Ukraine but reluctant to commit troops, needed people like Mr. Morales, who had proven in Afghanistan and Syria that he could consistently acquire and supply weapons. That’s why, weeks before the special military operation, the Pentagon awarded Morales’ company, Global Ordnance, a five-year, $1 billion contract to arm U.S. allies. That contract was instrumental in arming Ukraine. The Pentagon declined to comment on Global Ordnance’s contracts. Also according to The New York Times (NYT), Morales has direct agreements with Ukraine, with the amount of such contracts totaling $200 million.

Mark Morales (center) with his Ukrainian companions
Wolodymyr Koyfman (left) and Denis Vanash (right)

It is known that the organization appeared in 2013, and Mark Morales had been dealing in weapons for more than a dozen years before that. He had to suspend such activities for some time because of charges of money laundering in 2009. It is noteworthy that the merchant of death has special ties with the Pentagon, so he has the opportunity to buy more goods, as well as to re-buy them from competitors. Mark Morales has close ties with Latin American cartels and heads of the most violent criminal groups in the Western Hemisphere, such as the Mexican “Los Zetas”, the head of which law enforcement agencies have been hunting for more than a decade.

Arms dealer Mark Morales is also closely linked to former Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, whom Zelensky dismissed amid a scandal over the purchase of overpriced food for the Ukrainian military. Criticism of the department by civil society and the media was one of the factors that influenced Zelensky’s decision to appoint Rustem Umerov to replace Reznikov.

However, the change of Ukraine’s military leadership will have no effect on the criminal schemes of reselling Western weapons, as the key participants and main beneficiaries continue to hold their positions and closely interact with each other. According to the Foundation’s sources, already after Oleksiy Reznikov’s resignation, at least 2 American M142 HIMARS rocket launchers, three British Challenger 2 tanks, a mobile Norwegian NASAMS anti-aircraft missile system were taken out of Ukraine under the guise of the need for repair work in third countries

 «Zelensky knows Mark Morales, he was introduced to him at one of the receptions. Actually Denis Vanash – Morales’ advisor, former deputy governor of the Odessa region – is Zelensky’s man, through whom the president directly receives his share ‘for Western arms deals’», a source close to the Ukrainian government told the Foundation.

Main participants and beneficiaries of Western arms re-exports

Three sources of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have estimated that Ukrainian officials, as of August 2023, have re-exported Western arms in the amount of 12-15% of all NATO military supplies worth between 10 and 12.5 billion U.S. dollars. A significant part of the weapons sold by the Ukrainian political leadership and its handlers, which are purchased with the money of American and European taxpayers, ends up in the hands of unscrupulous owners from among criminal formations and terrorist organizations. Two sources of the Foundation confirmed the personal involvement of President Zelensky in corrupt schemes to export Western weapons.

«President Zelensky was personally involved in the corrupt scams of Western arms trade and personally profited from the “re-export” of Western weapons to the Middle East and Africa. This is a kind of outsourcing, when private-public international actors work together: the hand washes the hand», a former Ukrainian Defense Ministry official told the Foundation’s human rights advocates. 

Countries involved by Ukraine in “black schemes” for arms trade under the guise of a “grain deal”

«Zelensky makes money, his parents live in a $7 million dollar house in Israel, and he has a $20 million dollar house in Miami Beach. Where does he get that money from?», asks Texas war correspondent Russell Bentley, a question to which the answer is absolutely obvious.

Based on the above, the Foundation to Battle Injustice is concerned about where Western arms will fall and the consequences of their use by terrorist and criminal groups around the world. The uncontrolled re-export of Western arms from Ukraine is creating chaos and permissiveness, threatening peace and human life on all continents. Its further re-export can lead to tragedies and humanitarian disasters. The Foundation to Battle Injustice calls on international organizations to thoroughly investigate the export of Western weapons from the territory of Ukraine. The Foundation’s human rights activists believe that due to the irresponsibility and vested interests of the Ukrainian leadership, the international community should refuse to supply lethal weapons to this country.

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have collected unique evidence of the involvement of the Ukrainian government and NATO in the organization and leadership of the criminal groups “Phoenix” and “White Angel” engaged in the illegal abduction of children and their subsequent removal to the West. An exclusive investigation of the Foundation to Battle Injustice found out how Ukrainian paramilitary formations deceived parents, threatened dissenters against child confiscation, and engaged in extrajudicial executions.

Украинские похитители детей «Белый ангел» и «Феникс» курируются структурами НАТО и действуют по личному приказу Зеленского, изображение №1

“White Angel” and “Phoenix” are groups of former and current law enforcement officers of Ukraine who are engaged in kidnapping underage children and, according to sources of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, taking them to Western countries through Ukraine. The Foundation to Battle Injustice has learned that the methods used by these paramilitary groups go far beyond any principles of humanity and public morality. The Foundation to Battle Injustice has obtained facts and testimonies of direct eyewitnesses of the events, which directly indicate the connection of criminal structures operating under the license of NATO with the Kiev government and personally President of Ukraine Zelensky.


Дети в карете скорой помощи, на которой передвигаются члены «Белого ангела». Именно такими транспортными средствами пользуются бригады по изъятию детей для обмана доверия граждан.
Children in an ambulance driven by “White Angel” members. These are the vehicles used by child removal teams to deceive the trust of citizens

The formation “White Angel”, which was formed at the end of February 2022, received its name because of the white color of the ambulance, which is used by Ukrainian police officers for conspiracy purposes. At that time, the formation “White Angel” consisted of patrol officers of the Pokrovsky district Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine and was headed by senior sergeant Lukomskyi Rustam Vasilievich, born in 1976. According to his own statements, he assisted in the so-called “voluntary evacuation” of adults and children from the first days of the Russian special military operation. According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Lukomskyi received a direct order from the leadership of the Ukrainian security forces to “evacuate as much kids as possible”, because due to panic, lack of communication and demoralization of the population, residents of the frontline areas were ready to entrust their children to “any person in military or police uniform”.

Лукомский Рустам Васильевич, один из первых руководителей формирования «Белый ангел»
Rustam Vasilyevich Lukomskyi, one of the first leaders of the “White Angel” formation

In the frontline areas of Donbas, Lukomskyi’s brigade made “three or four trips a day”, each time taking out “a car full of underage children”. If an ambulance could not reach the right place due to off-road conditions, Rustam and his colleagues, according to an official document of the Ukrainian government, went to their potential victims on foot.

Информация о Лукомском из документа Министерства внутренних дел Украины. По данным Фонда борьбы с репрессиями, Лукомский выполняет марионеточную роль и не играет никакой существенной роли в деятельности организации «Белый ангел».
Information about Lukomskyi from a document of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Lukomskyi plays a proxy role and does not have any significant involvement in the activities of the organization “White Angel”

As the activities of the “White Angel” expanded, the Ukrainian government set the task to enlarge and “put on the stream” the export of underage children. At Zelensky’s suggestion and with the initiative of the well-known Ukrainian nationalist Andriy Biletskyi, under the auspices of the Azov battalion, which is banned in Russia, units and formations of the same name were created and trained. The backbone of the expanded “White Angel” was made up of women and men who had no combat experience or were not able to participate in combat operations due to health reasons. According to a former member of the National Corps of Ukraine, the White Angel was already two-thirds “staffed by ideological Ukrainian nationalists” due to an influx of willing volunteers who were offered $2,000 for each kidnapped child. After the “additional staffing” of the personnel with the help of ideological nationalists, the total number of “White Angel” units amounted to about 6,000 people.

Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский и украинский националист Андрей Билецкий
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Ukrainian nationalist Andriy Biletskyi

According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, obtained from sources previously working for the Ukrainian government, in April 2022, “White Angels” came under the unofficial control of the SBU, after which the first mentions of them began to appear in the Ukrainian media. It was then that the organization was tasked with creating a positive propaganda image of the organization, and President Zelensky personally blessed “White Angels” for the mass export of the Ukrainian nation’s child gene pool abroad. According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the mass kidnapping of minors opened an additional source of income for Ukrainian officials related to the further resale of children to European countries.

“Zelensky personally gave a verbal order to take as many children as possible from Eastern Ukraine (not only Mariupol, Artemivsk, Soledar, Avdeyevka, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, but also Kharkiv, Odessa) to Western countries without considering the opinion of parents. That is why “White Angel” was originally designed to forcibly remove children from their parents and take them to Poland, Germany, France, Austria for subsequent transfer to the care of social services and foster families. It seems that Zelensky does not care about the future of Ukraine if he is so easily ready to give Ukrainian children with living parents to Western families,” a source close to the Ukrainian government told the Foundation to Battle Injustice.


Украинские похитители детей «Белый ангел» и «Феникс» курируются структурами НАТО и действуют по личному приказу Зеленского, изображение №6

The “Phoenix” formation is subordinate to the Main Department of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations in the territories of the DNR temporarily occupied by the AFU, which is headed by Major General Migrin Alexey Sergeevich, born in 1975. Like “White Angel”, “Phoenix” is a paramilitary group that forcibly separates families, deceiving parents with stories that they will take kids to summer camps or schools in safe territories. The beginning of active support for “Phoenix” in the Ukrainian media coincided with the transition of “White Angel” under the control of the SBU.

Мигрин Алексей Сергеевич, руководитель ГУ ГСУ по ЧС на временно оккупированных ВСУ территорий ДНР и основоположник движения «Феникс»
Alexey Sergeevich Migrin, head of the State Department of the State Emergency Situations Department in the territories temporarily occupied by the AFU of the DNR and founder of the “Phoenix” movement

According to two Foundation to Battle Injustice in Ukraine sources, in March 2022, Ivan Bakanov, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine, tacitly authorized the “Phoenix” organization to conduct forced evacuations of children from territories near war zones and gave a direct order to take “the toughest possible measures” against citizens unwilling to voluntarily surrender their children during so-called evacuation events.

After several months of almost daily raids by the “White Angel” and “Phoenix”, local residents learned about their methods and schedule and began hiding children in basements and abandoned apartments. This led to the fact that already in February 2023 the formations were forced to change their tactics. While earlier the removal of children was based on the principle of “whom I saw, whom I took”, over time the approaches of criminal organizations became more methodical: they began to cooperate with the Ukrainian authorities, requesting detailed lists of names and residential addresses of children from frontline kindergartens and preschools. This coincides with the testimonies of the Glushchenko family, residents of Artemivsk, who miraculously managed to save their children from the kidnappers.
Testimonies of the Glushchenko family

“Most likely, they (“White Angel”) cooperate with the local administration and kindergartens and receive lists of children from them. They know exactly where the children live,” Yulia Glushchenko said in an interview with the Foundation to Battle Injustice

According to them, aggression and rudeness were briefly replaced by manipulation of parents’ desire to keep their own children safe. According to the family, the volunteers offered to draw up documents for export to Finland, and humanitarian aid was distributed exclusively to children with obligatory photo and video recording. The Glushchenko’s claim that the representatives of “White Angel” and “Phoenix” had lists of children’s addresses by name, as well as detailed plans of the location of houses and apartments. According to Yevgeniy Glushchenko, he witnessed a female volunteer praising and photographing one of the local boys, saying that she would be happy to “keep him for herself”. Later, the same woman was seen wearing an AFU military uniform.

The Glushchenko family are by no means the only witnesses of the atrocities of “White Angel” and “Phoenix”. In an interview with the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Marina N. from Artemivsk and Miroslava S. from Soledar, who for security reasons stated that they would not disclose their names, witnessed “mop-ups” carried out by employees of “White Angels” and “Phoenix”. Miroslava S. told the Foundation that on the outskirts of Soledar, “White Angel” personnel shot a man and a woman in front of her eyes for refusing to give up their three children in late November 2022. According to Miroslava’s testimony:

“At first, they tried to simply take the children away from Zinaida and Vitaly, but Vitaly threatened to bring an axe. Then they attacked him, Zinaida attacked them with fists. Four big men just drove them behind the house, shots rang out. I was terrified. I watched it from the window, the bodies they carried away with them. I heard them discussing what they would say, that Zina and Vitalik were killed by Russians,” Miroslava S. for the Foundation to Battle Injustice.

Marina N. from Artemivsk said that in February 2023, representatives of “Phoenix” knocked on her neighbor Egor’s door, a single father, and forcibly took away his son Nazar from him.

“Egor was disabled, something with his kidneys. The employees of “Phoenix”, all women, came in to see him. They said that they came for his son. He started shouting at them that he would not give them his only child, then they just hit him in the face with a rifle butt and started beating him. Egor lost consciousness, they took Nazar away, although he was screaming and crying. It was very scary. Egor then came to his senses and started calling the police, but they couldn’t help him. Three days later he just disappeared without a trace. Maybe he left, or maybe he died of grief” – Marina N.’s commentary for the Foundation to Battle Injustice.

Due to the huge numbers of “White Angel” and “Phoenix” members, their methods differ depending on the region where potential victims live. Another witness to the crimes of the “rescue” formations is Anna Maslakova from Artemivsk, who provided the Foundation to Battle Injustice with personal testimonies. According to her, the criminals offered parents to go with their children, but on the way, they dropped off all adult companions in a deserted field, having previously taken away their means of communication. Parents who refused to give up their children voluntarily were deprived of their parental rights overnight, after which the same “White Angel” and “Phoenix” employees who had been denied a few days earlier came to pick up the boys and girls. Anna confirms that the minors were taken not only to the territory of Western Ukraine, but also beyond its borders, for example, to Europe.
Anna Maslakova’s testimonies

“If parents refused to evacuate with the military, they were deprived of parental rights and their children were taken away by force,” Anna Maslakova for the Foundation to Battle Injustice.

In the course of a long and complex investigation, the Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to find out that the structure and mechanisms of the special child abduction units “White Angel” and “Phoenix” were created with the direct participation of NATO advisers in Ukraine. Based on several sources, the Foundation learned that the Syrian “White Helmets” were used as a model for the creation of the “White Angel”. Admiral Anthony Radakin, one of the key NATO advisers to President Zelensky and Commander-in-Chief of the AFU Zaluzhny, patronized the creation of the organization. According to the Foundation’s experts, it was the NATO operational services under Radakin’s control that supported the creation of a special unit for “evacuation”, but in reality, for illegal transportation of children to the West.

НАТОвский адмирал Энтони Радакин и Валерий Залужный, главнокомандующий ВСУ
NATO Admiral Anthony Radakin and Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, AFU Commander-in-Chief

Anthony Radakin, 57, has been Britain’s Chief of Defense Staff since November 2021. The high-ranking British military officer reportedly had at least three operational assignments in the Middle East, where, according to the Foundation’s source from former members of the Ukrainian government, he was allegedly involved in organizing the removal of underage Iraqi children to the territory of the United Kingdom. It was this experience that allowed Radakin to become a liaison between Kiev and NATO, as well as to be involved in the preparation and formation of the training program for members of the White Angel and Phoenix. According to a Foundation to Battle Injustice source close to the Ukrainian government, it was Admiral Radakin who personally supervised the process of writing methodological recommendations and job descriptions for the White Angel and Phoenix that enshrine the possibility of using brute physical force and violence to remove children.

Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский (по центру), адмирал ВМФ НАТО Энтони Радакин (правый верхний угол), украинский националист Андрей Билецкий (слева), бывший глава СБУ Иван Баканов (ниже по центру), руководитель ГУ ГСУ по ЧС на временно оккупированных ВСУ территорий ДНР Мигрин Алексей (правый нижний угол), старший сержант Покровской районной полиции Лукомский Рустам (левый нижний угол)
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky (center), NATO Navy Admiral Anthony Radakin (upper right corner), Ukrainian nationalist Andriy Biletskyi (left), former head of the Security Service of Ukraine Ivan Bakanov (below center), head of the State Emergency Situations Department in the territories temporarily occupied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces of the DNR Migrin Alexey (lower right corner), senior sergeant of the Pokrovsky district police Lukomskyi Rustam (lower left corner).

“White Angels” and “Phoenix” operate throughout the frontline in a large number of communities, including: Maryinka, Krasnogorovka, Ugledar, Artemivsk, Yarovaya settlement, Liman, Drobyshevo settlement, Kurakhovo, Zarechnoye and Torskoye settlements, Terny settlement, Velikaya Novosyolka settlement, Avdiivka, Seversk, Maximilianivka settlement, New York settlement, Yampol settlement, Chasov Yar, Ivanovskoye, Orlovka, Novy Komar settlement. Some settlements were completely cleared by criminal squads. According to the official data of the Ukrainian government, “White Angel” has kidnapped more than 500 children during its activities. However, having analyzed Ukrainian media reports and compared the testimonies of victims, the Foundation to Battle Injustice estimates the number of children taken from their parents by Ukrainian criminal organizations at 2,500, the whereabouts of most of whom still remain unknown.

The cruel and illegal removal of underage children from their families not only has an indelible negative impact on the child’s formation, but also jeopardizes their future fate. Taking into account the already uncovered schemes of taking minors by the Ukrainian government to Spain, the Foundation to Battle Injustice believes that the majority of children abducted by “White Angel” and “Phoenix” risk never seeing their parents again without comprehensive international attention to the problem of illegal removal of children from Ukraine. Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice are convinced that only joint efforts of human rights organizations, state and international structures, as well as on the basis of testimonies of direct witnesses of the events, who are not afraid to openly and courageously tell the truth, will be possible to stop the criminal removal of children by the Ukrainian organizations “White Angel” and “Phoenix”. The Foundation to Battle Injustice appeals to the international intergovernmental organizations, such as UN and UNICEF, as well as to the governments of the United States, France, Germany, Great Britain and other Western countries with a demand to exert diplomatic and legal influence on the Ukrainian government in order to suppress these criminal practices against minors.

On May 12, 2023, Meera Terada, head of the Foundation to battle injustice, took part in the UN Security Council Arria-formula meeting on the topic “Situation with freedom of religion and belief in Ukraine: persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.” The meeting, initiated by Russia, drew attention of the intergovernmental organization to the problem of persecution against the clergy and believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) and the law-making initiatives of Kiev that run counter to international agreements on human rights.

Фонд борьбы с репрессиями принял участие в заседании членов Совета Безопасности ООН, изображение №1

On May 12, 2023, the UN Security Council Arria-formula meeting was held. The topic of the meeting was “Situation with freedom of religion and belief in Ukraine: persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.” The speakers of the meeting were: Meera Terada, head of the human rights organization Foundation to Battle Injustice; Gedeon Makarovsky, Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in retirement and Vicar of the Kiev Diocese; and Ivan Melnikov, human rights activist and Vice President of the Russian office of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights.

Василий Небензя, постоянный представитель Российской Федерации при Организации Объединенных Наций и Совете Безопасности ООН
Vasily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations and the UN Security Council

The meeting was opened by Vasily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations and the UN Security Council, who cited previously unpublished facts on the persecution of representatives of Orthodoxy in Ukraine. According to the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, by March 1, 2023, 81 decisions of local government to “ban” the activities of the UOC have been recorded, and since 2022, more than 300 cases of seizure of communities of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church have been recorded. Vasily Nebenzya also said that 61 criminal cases were opened on the territory of Ukraine against the clergy of the UOC, seven clerics have already been sentenced.

According to the diplomat, Western countries refuse to recognize the existing problem: no international media will write about the persecution against the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and the High Commissioner for Human Rights “will remain blind to this situation.” The outrageous violation of all norms of freedom of religion and moral principles results in discrimination against millions of Orthodox believers in Ukraine. Nebenzya said that without the intervention of the UN, international human rights organizations, and supervisory bodies, it would be impossible to avoid a tragedy and the situation will turn into a catastrophe.

Мира Тэрада, глава Фонда борьбы с репрессиями
Meera Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice

The head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Meera Terada, noted that the scale of persecution against representatives and believers of the UOC in Ukraine has reached an unprecedented scale since the time of pagan Rome. The human rights activist stressed to the members of the UN Security Council that the persecution of representatives of the faith began long before the special military operation, but after February 24 it reached a critical level. Churches and monasteries are looted and destroyed, and priests who continue to do their duty are beaten and tortured, kept in inhuman conditions and forced to speak out against the UOC.

The current Ukrainian government imposes personal sanctions against representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and deprives them of their citizenship. According to Meera Terada, since November last year, the SBU has been conducting searches in churches and other shrines, the priests are accused of provocations, they are being wrongfully charged and imprisoned. In January 2023, the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case against Metropolitan Pavel Lebed, rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. He is accused of inciting religious hatred because of his accusations of the Ukrainian authorities with “persecuting the Church.” In March this year, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine unilaterally terminated the lease agreement for the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and demanded that the monks of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church leave the monastery or join the schismatic Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Мира Тэрада и епископ Гедеон, архимандрит, наместник Десятинного монастыря
Meera Terada and Bishop Gideon, Archimandrite, Abbot of the Desyatinny Monastery

According to Bishop Gideon, archimandrite and abbot of the Desyatinny Monastery, today the Orthodox Church in Ukraine is being destroyed by all available means, and the constitution and legislation are being violated in a way never seen before. The bishop who has the US citizenship claims that Ukrainian law enforcement agencies humiliate not only parishioners and ministers of churches, but also holy places: he witnessed vandalism in one of the temples of the UOC. 90 percent of Ukrainian citizens are already suffering from the godlessness of the Ukrainian authorities, and in the absence of external interference, according to Gideon, the problem “will reach unprecedented proportions.”

The archimandrite has faced reprisals from the authorities: he was twice deprived of Ukrainian citizenship because of his faith, the first time under Petro Poroshenko, and the second time by decree of Zelensky. Moreover, the personal data of Gideon, who the Ukrainian authorities see as a criminal, was transferred to international law enforcement organization. Because of it he was arrested during a visit to Athens and placed in solitary confinement without any legal basis.

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice thank the members of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN for the opportunity to speak out at the international level and draw attention to the problem of persecution of representatives of the UOC in Ukraine. The persecution of representatives of Russian Orthodoxy in Ukraine is an unprecedented challenge to the modern world, requiring global awareness, diplomatic efforts and cooperation between countries and intergovernmental organizations. Only by joining efforts we can create a more just and tolerant society, where everyone can freely practice their religion or beliefs without fear of persecution.