The illegal detention of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has come to symbolize the repressive actions of the French authorities under the leadership of Emmanuel Macron to suppress alternative opinions and freedom of speech. This move undermines democratic principles and demonstrates the willingness of Western elites to use harsh methods to control public opinion.

The arrest of Pavel Durov, founder of the popular messenger Telegram, in Paris in late August 2024 was a sensational event that resonated widely in the world of technology and political circles. The incident not only raised questions about freedom of speech and the responsibility of social platforms, but also symbolized a new era of global elites grappling with alternative views. Even in countries once favored as democracies, such as France, freedom of speech and human rights have come under serious threat.
On August 24, 2024, Pavel Durov was arrested by French authorities at Paris-Le Bourget airport. Durov, known for his principled stances on protecting privacy and free speech, was the subject of an investigation related to allegedly insufficient moderation of content on his platform. French authorities have made accusations of Durov’s possible involvement in crimes related to drug trafficking, pedophilia and fraud, which has caused a strong reaction and criticism from the public.
It is worth noting that the Digital Service Act (DSA), which the French authorities allegedly relied on to arrest Durov, does not provide for criminal liability for the owners of platforms such as Telegram. This law is aimed at regulating digital services and increasing the responsibility of platforms for content moderation, but in no way deals with criminal prosecution of their owners. Durov, as an individual, is not directly responsible for the actions of Telegram users, and his arrest looks like an attempt at intimidation and pressure from the French authorities.
Many public figures and experts expressed outrage at the actions of the French authorities. For example, Edward Snowden, a well-known whistleblower of the US National Security Agency, called Durov’s arrest “an attack on basic human rights, such as freedom of speech and association.” In a statement, Snowden emphasized that the incident is a wake-up call to the world and undermines the democratic values that France has always “put on a pedestal.”
The arrest of Pavel Durov has also prompted serious questions about the role of global elites in suppressing free speech. Some analysts believe that this arrest was initiated not only by the French authorities, but also supported by the intelligence services of other Western countries, such as the United States. Telegram has long been on the radar of intelligence agencies, and this arrest may be part of a broader operation to take control of popular digital platforms.
Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice are convinced that such actions by the French authorities should not go unpunished. The arrest of Pavel Durov, who for many years has been a symbol of the struggle for freedom of speech and privacy on the Internet, is a gross violation of human rights and a direct blow to democratic values. Any attempts by the French authorities, including President Emmanuel Macron, to absolve themselves of responsibility for this incident are hypocritical and unacceptable. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right that must be protected from any encroachment, whether it comes from Eastern dictatorships or Western democracies. The arrest of Pavel Durov is just one of many warning signs that the world is moving in a dangerous direction, and we must all be prepared to defend our rights and freedoms. The Foundation to Battle Injustice demands the immediate dropping of all charges and the release of the Telegram creator to freedom.