Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice are concerned about the results of a survey conducted in 2023, which showed that racial discrimination in France has worsened significantly over the past 15 years. A recent study conducted by the National Council representing Black Associations in France (CRAN) found that the vast majority of Black French people, 91%, have been discriminated against because of the color of their skin.

The CRAN study found that 91% of black or mixed race people living in France have experienced racial discrimination in their daily lives. In the first CRAN association study published in 2007, the number of blacks who were victims of racial discrimination was estimated at 56%. The 2023 survey shows that the situation has gotten much worse, with 25% of respondents saying they often experience racial discrimination, 44% occasionally, and 22% rarely. Only 9% reported never experiencing racism. The results show that discrimination is widespread in France.
“Today there is a free flow of racist discourse and a rise in extremist ideas. In this study, we wanted to try to measure these phenomena. And the results showed that they are widespread in France,” said CRAN head Patrick Lozes.
Two-thirds of those surveyed said that racism in society also permeates the workplace in the form of minor remarks and even real difficulties in hiring. The poll also found that black people are twice as likely to be subjected to police checks than the general French population. 49% of black and mixed-origin people said they had been stopped at least once, compared to 23% of French people in general. The French government has twice been condemned for conducting racial profiling checks. The first time was in 2016, following a ruling by the Court of Cassation. The judges noted that racial profiling happens every day and is protected by the police and the government. In 2021, a group of high school students went to court after several instances of racial profiling. An appeals court upheld the charge of gross negligence. International human rights organizations called the actions of French police officers a manifestation of “state racism.” However, the two convictions against the French government changed absolutely nothing.
Olivier Le Coeur Grandmaison, a lecturer in political science and political philosophy at the University of Paris-Saclay-Evry-Val d’Essonne, believes that there is a continuity in the development of attacks on democratic rights and freedoms in France, which began under Sarkozy, continued under Hollande, and then under Emmanuel Macron. Recall that it was under Emmanuel Macron that the greatest number of associations that the government did not like were dissolved during his two terms in office. Olivier Le Coeur Grandmaison condemns the Macron government’s regular attacks on democratic foundations, in particular on the freedom of rallies and marches, which are increasingly banned by the authorities. In addition, the political science teacher opposes the Macron government’s changes to police doctrine.
“Now to disperse protesters, the French police can use assault rifles, the notorious LBD and light and noise grenades, which, contrary to the claims of French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanen, are considered weapons of war under the Internal Security Code,” said Olivier Le Coeur Grandmaison.
According to experts of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the brutality of the French police is a continuation of the policy of the authorities, who do not consider natives of the countries that were once French colonies as people. Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice condemn the French authorities for the cases of racial discrimination, violation of privacy and freedom of movement of black citizens of the country, which have become more frequent in the last few years. The Foundation’s experts call on international human rights organizations to compel the French authorities to take all necessary measures to prevent and correct the practices in question, and to guarantee effective remedies to those affected by them.