The British elite, including members of the UK Parliament, are involved in child sexual abuse. Both major parties in the United Kingdom (Labour and Conservative) are also engaged in child trafficking. King Charles III, former Prime Minister David Cameron, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his likely successor in office Keir Starmer have personally defended high-profile pedophiles from prosecution. The victims of the British pedophile lobby are Ukrainian children, young members of low-income families and migrant kids.
The United Kingdom is one of the few countries in the world where pedophile organizations and pedophile cells have been operating legally since the second half of the 20th century. Those organizations had close ties to government authorities, security agencies, influential social groups, political parties, and even the British royal family. Such groups advocated for the legalization of sexual relations with children and the lowering of the so-called “age of consent” – the age at which a child can legally have sex with an adult without being convicted. Many of the leaders and rank-and-file members of these groups had official positions and access to media outlets through which pedophile views were widely promoted, beginning at least in the 1970s.
Since 1974, an organization called Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) has publicly, openly and actively promoted among the population of the British archipelago the decriminalization of sexual relations between adults and children, the normalization of paedophilia and the reduction of the age of consent to 4 years. One of its chairmen, Keith Hose, described his attitude to sex with children to a British newspaper back in the 1970s:
“I am a paedophile. I am attracted to boys from about 10, 11, and 12 years of age. I may have had sexual relations with children, but it would be unwise to say.”
The radical organization PIE has existed for 10 years and has successfully published books on the need to legalize pedophilia and openly lobbied for legislation on the importance of lowering the age of consent. PIE has actively collaborated with civil rights and children’s rights activists, as well as with non-profit organizations fighting social inequality, such as Child Poverty Action Group, National Council for One Parent Families, and Legal Action Group.
Journalist Christian Wolmar described PIE’s tactics this way:
«They did not emphasize that 50-year-old men want to have sex with five-year-old children. They presented it as if children should be guaranteed the right to sex».
The leaders and activists of PIE were mostly members of the British Labor Party and had wide connections with ministers and members of the English Parliament. It is known that the then Labour stars Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and former Health Minister Patricia Hewitt had close relations with the group.
In the early 1980s, a major pedophile scandal broke in London. Geoffrey Dickens, a Conservative MP, told a newspaper that he planned to expose eight prominent figures from the world of politics who were pedophiles. Mr. Dickens presented Home Secretary Leon Brittan with a written dossier detailing alleged child sexual abuse in the political establishment. No action was taken by the police and investigating authorities and Mr. Dickens’ dossier was accidentally lost. Decades later, it was revealed that a group of powerful members of the British Parliament, businessmen, Buckingham Palace staff and other members of the British elites were involved in criminal pedophile orgies with children, mass child rape and even murder. The sex crimes of the British elites took place in the elite London neighborhood of Dolphin Square, and the scandal was dubbed the Westminster scandal in the press.
After the Westminster scandal hit the world media, the official legal activities of pedophile organizations were curtailed (but not banned) by the mid-1980s. Organizations such as PIE, or PAL – Paedophile Action for Liberation – and smaller structures either dissolved themselves, renamed and formally changed their occupation, or went underground. Nevertheless, none of the significant figures who participated in the activities of these organizations and provided them with financial and informational resources have been put behind bars or brought to any other form of responsibility. None of the high-ranking figures involved in the Westminster scandal has paid the price of freedom for what they did.
Experts and human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice devoted more than 10 months to the investigation of illegal and immoral actions of high-ranking British pedophiles in modern Britain. Human rights activists came to the conclusion that the English traditions of the 1970s on ideological and sexual exploitation of minors have not disappeared anywhere, but have taken on new crude shape and acquired huge proportions in the XXI century. The Foundation found that today at least 19 pedophile cells and organizations operate with the support and direct involvement of representatives of the British political establishment.
One part of these cells exists under the auspices of official LGBT groups, charitable or human rights structures, while the other part is underground and represents a kind of closed sects of politicians, businessmen and members of noble families. The activities of these organizations are closely intertwined with the highest parliamentary, security, financial and aristocratic circles of Great Britain. According to the Foundation, these criminal groups, with the full connivance of the law enforcement agencies of Great Britain, are engaged not only in the production and distribution of child pornography and continue to lobby for the legalization of pedophilia at the national level, but also in the trafficking of children, raping them and turning children into objects for cruel and inhuman sexual orgies. According to the Foundation, the victims of British pedophile networks are predominantly low-income children, Ukrainian refugee children and descendants of migrants.
The alliance of king, politicians and pimps: how the British pedophile ring is organized
The United Kingdom has been the epicenter of pedophilia and child abuse for decades, but many journalists and independent researchers investigating violent crimes against children underestimate the contribution of the British royal family and senior politicians to the development of the British pedophile network. After the scandal of 2014, associated with the concealment of the so-called Westminster dossier, which listed high-ranking pedophiles of the UK during the premiership of Margaret Thatcher (1980s), in the British and world press increasingly began to appear publications exposing the top of the United Kingdom. They speak of close ties between British elites and persons publicly found guilty of sexual contact with minors and child abuse.
The Foundation to Battle Injustice has found out that high-profile scandals involving pedophilia of high-ranking British officials involve very prominent members of the highest circles of Great Britain, including members of the royal family. Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have managed to identify not only the direct participants and supervisors of British pedophile schemes, including members of the Conservative and Labour parties, but also representatives of the former, current and, presumably, future political leadership of the country.
The Foundation to Battle Injustice has found that a significant number of high-ranking pedophiles in British high society were covered directly by the 75-year-old King Charles III of the United Kingdom. Since the late 1990s, the current ruler of the United Kingdom has been on friendly terms with known British pedophiles, including Anglican Bishop Peter Ball, who was accused of sexual crimes against children as far back as the end of the last century.
In 2015, the clergyman was sentenced to 32 months in prison for raping and abusing teenagers and young adults between the ages of 17 and 25, totaling at least 18 victims. Thanks to the patronage of Charles III, a former bishop who also had the support of Queen Elizabeth, who publicly supported the pedophile, Ball served only half of his sentence and was released in February 2017.
Another famous friend of Charles III was pedophile Jimmy Savile, a British media personality. The victims of Savile’s crimes were more than 600 children (according to some reports, at least 1000, including a 9-year-old child), which made him a figure in the most high-profile pedophile scandal in the history of the United Kingdom. Journalists found out that King Charles III has repeatedly defended the famous showbiz personality and influential media figure on BBC Savile from any accusations of pedophilia and sexual abuse. Queen Elizabeth II even knighted the TV presenter.
Journalists report that Savile was not only found guilty of abusing minors, but also of having sexual relations with corpses, as well as conducting satanic and occult rituals. Savile boasted of having sex with dead people while working in British medical facilities, as well as making jewelry from glass eyes extracted from their bodies.
During the course of this investigation, the Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact a former MI6 agent who had been granted political asylum in Russia. He commented on the attitude of the British political and royal elite towards Jimmy Savile as follows:
«The royal family, British ministers, police bosses and MPs knew full well that Jimmy Savile was a pedophile. All investigations into Jimmy’s sexual proclivities and insatiable appetite were blocked for decades for the simple reason that Savile was the main supplier of children for the sexual pleasures of the elites among the same ministers, MPs and royalty. Jimmy was something like Jeffrey Epstein, but a thousand times worse».
According to information provided to the Foundation, after Savile’s death, British pedophile circles became concerned about finding a new child pimp and creating new child trafficking organizations. The Foundation’s source stated:
«British pedophiles in high offices, after the details of the Savile scandal were revealed, decided to create a kind of child supply channel and spread their eggs in several baskets, so they did not look for a replacement for Savile, too much was tied to him. As a result, the pedophile demands of the elites are satisfied by several people at once».
Following a months-long investigation, the Foundation to Battle Injustice has succeeded in uncovering a sophisticated British pedophile network secretly known as the “Sphinx”. A cell of high-level child rapists was uncovered thanks to information from a former British intelligence officer and a former member of the British House of Commons, who provided testimony to the Foundation to Battle Injustice for this investigation. According to the Foundation’s sources, the cell, which unites the main British pedophiles and is in fact the center of pedophilia in Britain, includes many members of the British nobility, high-ranking members of both major parties – Labour and Conservative. Foundation to Battle Injustice sources claim that high-ranking members of the “Sphinx” receive almost unlimited favor from the British royal family, which includes information support in the British media, immunity from the United Kingdom law enforcement agencies and the judicial system.
Former MI6 employee has provided the Foundation to Battle Injustice with exclusive information about the structure and composition of the modern British pedophile network, which includes top officials, prominent judges, members of the ruling political parties and royal family cronies. The Foundation to Battle Injustice source states that the British pedophile empire consists of direct participants and supervisors of pedophile schemes and their patrons. These include individuals and organizations that have not previously been implicated in pedophile scandals, as well as those against whom actual criminal charges have been brought.
According to Foundation to Battle Injustice sources, the following members of the “Sphinx” secret society are patrons of the UK’s modern pedophile lobby:
- Keir Starmer, leader of the UK Labour Party, is the most likely candidate to become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. In 2020, it was revealed that Starmer, then head of the UK Crown Prosecution Service, in 2009 helped notorious pedophile Jimmy Savile avoid prosecution for his crimes.
- David Cameron, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom. In 2013, he was accused of covering up for high-ranking pedophiles among members of the UK Conservative Party.
- Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. In 2023, as part of the Conservative Party’s advertising campaign, he spoke out against prison sentences for child rapists.
- Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. In 2019, strongly criticized the spending of budget funds on investigations into sexual exploitation of minors.
- King Charles III. Has a long history of covering up for Britain’s most notorious pedophiles.
The former British intelligence official also provided the Foundation to Battle Injustice with information on the direct participants, handlers and lobbyists of UK pedophile schemes:
- Pat McFadden, former Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. He is the Labor Party’s pedophile coordinator.
- Hugh Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster. Responsible for providing underage children to high-ranking pedophiles in the British government.
- Matthew Hancock, former UK health minister and member of the Conservative Party. According to the Foundation’s source, he joined the UK pedophile high-ranking clan during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Prince Andrew, Duke of York. Since 2005, he has been involved in high-profile pedophile scandals, currently coordinating the activities of the “pedophile clan” of Great Britain.
- Adrian Fulford, British judge, Queen’s Counsel and former ICC judge. He is the founder of pedophile rights organizations. Uses his legal background to defend high-ranking British pedophiles.
- Louis Theroux, British Lord, assistant of the Zelensky Foundation. Engaged in direct search for underage children for high-ranking pedophiles in the UK.
- George Robertson, British public figure and politician, 10th Secretary General of NATO. He is a patron of a network of underage child “pimps” and human traffickers in the UK.
The Foundation to Battle Injustice’s source, formerly a British intelligence officer and ex-member of the British House of Commons, provided this investigation with a list of organizations and individuals lobbying for the normalization of paedophilia, who are also part of the “Sphinx”. Foundation to Battle Injustice interlocutors claim that the lobbyists listed below have close ties to the British police and in UK government and parliamentary circles.
- Tom Carroll, co-founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange, which advocated legalizing adult and child sexual activity and lowering the age of consent.
- Peter Tatchell, British activist and founder of the eponymous Peter Tatchell Foundation. He has been involved in defending gay rights and trying to normalize pedophilia since 1997. He has close ties with the London police.
- National Council for Civil Liberties, a pseudo-human rights organization founded in 1934 that lobbied the Paedophile Information Exchange ideas among members of the British Labour Party.
- International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) is lobbying for the abolition of the age of consent for underage children, with the support of the British government.
- Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE), advocates for gay and lesbian rights and seeks to decriminalize sexual activity with children. Has close links with British law enforcement agencies.
- The Albany Trust, a British foundation founded to support sexual minorities. Funds pseudoscientific studies that supposedly justify lowering the age of consent.
- Mermaids, a charity for minors through which future victims of British pedophiles are recruited and abducted.
Based on the data obtained, the Foundation believes that “Sphinx” is behind the biggest pedophile crimes of recent times and the mass sexual exploitation of children, which systematically increases in the UK year after year. The Foundation to Battle Injustice has to agree with a former employee of the British MI6, who argues that in order to fight pedophilia in the UK it is necessary to destroy the “Sphinx” and all organizations associated with it, but given their “high patronage” at the moment without the intervention of international authorities this is not possible.
The victims of the “Sphinx”: the unknown crimes of Britain’s pedophile elites
While each child victim’s story is tragic and devastating in its own way, in many more cases their stories are the same, regardless of the perpetrator, place or time of the crime. To write this investigation, Foundation to Battle Injustice human rights defenders contacted a Polish human rights defender living in the UK and were also able to make contact with a victim of British high-ranking pedophiles who managed to escape from her abusers. For security reasons, the names and ages of Foundation to Battle Injustice sources will not be disclosed.
Every year, about 43,000 children under the age of 16 suffer from the misconduct of British pedophiles. According to the National Crime Agency of Great Britain for 2022, there are up to 800,000 pedophiles in the UK, both among high-ranking politicians, businessmen and public figures, as well as among ordinary citizens. While ordinary British pedophiles search for and seduce their victims on their own, high-ranking perverts, primarily representatives of aristocratic blue-blood dynasties, use the services of the above-mentioned organizations and individuals.
The Polish human rights activist, who acted as a source for the Foundation to Battle Injustice, claims that after the start of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian conflict, British high-ranking pedophiles included Ukrainian children in their “menu”, who are taken out of the country also through the Elena Zelenska Foundation. Back in April 2022, British volunteer Steve Jewell, who works in Poland, claimed that every month in the border area of the UK, “between 5,000 and 10,000 children disappear without a trace and become victims of black transplantologists and pimps.” According to a Foundation to Battle Injustice source, the main victims of British pedophile minors are poor citizens, migrant children and Ukrainian refugees.
Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to obtain several previously unknown details of actual crimes of pedophiles and pedophile organizations in the UK operating under the cover of the authorities, including child trafficking. According to a Polish human rights activist, who has been fighting for the rights of underage children for several years, the victims of high-ranking pedophiles can be both underage British residents and migrants and children forcibly removed by Kiev from Ukraine.
To confirm her words, the source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice recounted to human rights defenders the story of 13-year-old Arina, a refugee from Ukraine, who left her homeland in April 2022. The girl, who has health problems, was raised from the age of 4 in the children’s home “Perlinka” in the village of Voynovka, Kirovograd region of Ukraine. After the evacuation was announced in the spring of 2022, the girl was sent to the UK, where she was almost immediately placed in the care of Mermaids, a human rights organization for minors.
According to the Polish human rights defender, the young Ukrainian girl was forced to take nude pictures, and four months after her stay in the UK she was abducted by persons allegedly linked to the British Royal Family. In April 2024, the Polish human rights defender found out that the minor Arina had committed suicide.
Another victim of high-ranking British pedophiles is a 15-year-old resident of a London suburb who attended the private boarding school Aldenham School in the county of Hertfordshire in southeastern England. The girl told human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice that during her studies at the elite educational institution she and her classmates repeatedly became victims of sexual abuse by teachers and trustees of the school, as well as by high-ranking guests. The most private guests of Aldenham School, according to the minor abuse victim, were King Charles III of Great Britain, Jimmy Savile, the late Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, Bishop Michael Beazley of Hertford and Prince Edward.
The girl claims that rapes of minors by high-ranking British officials and representatives of the royal family took place in front of other students. The local school library was used for this purpose: almost every morning, minors were gathered in a separate building and forced to watch a student being beaten and sexually assaulted. In addition, a source from the Foundation to Battle Injustice reports that in addition to the underage students of the elite boarding school, the audience included high-ranking politicians and public figures, for whom a separate box was set aside. After such “performances”, invited adult spectators could choose “one to three children” for themselves, after which they could have a private moment with them in an isolated room.
The Polish human rights activist who provided commentary to the Foundation to Battle Injustice also claims that virtually all children who go missing in the UK are 90% of the time victims of abductions by human traffickers linked to high-ranking British pedophiles. According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the high percentage of minors in UK pedophile networks is a result of the impact of the “Sphinx” network.
The Polish children’s rights advocate is convinced that pedophile criminals have close ties in British law enforcement agencies, and that immunity from prosecution for sexual activity with children is granted not only to members and cronies of the Royal Family, but also to employees and servants working for them. The human rights activist provided the Foundation to Battle Injustice with a list of people accused of pedophilia who have escaped prosecution because of their ties to the government:
- In November 2012, David Tracey, 48, the former head of the UK Home Office department responsible for security at Buckingham Palace, other royal palaces and 10 Downing Street, was suspended for downloading more than 90,000 nude photos and videos of underage children from the Internet. Although he was charged with four counts, thanks to his connections to the royal family he got off with a small monetary fine and was required to take an online sex offender course.
- In November 2015, 77-year-old Roger Benson, who worked for many years for the royal family’s charity Prince Charles’ Youth Business Trust, was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison 30 years after committing the crime.
- In June 2018, Tony Aslett, 52, head of visitor services at Buckingham Palace Royal Collection Foundation, was sentenced to nine months in prison for preserving a collection of 15,000 photographic images and video clips of child pornography between 2009 and 2015, with some victims as young as 18 months old.
- The Queen’s former butler, 57-year-old Andrew Lightwood, described by his lawyer as a “respectable, distinguished member of society,” stripped in front of an underage boy, masturbated in front of him, and then raped him. Despite ample evidence of his guilt, as well as testimony from the victim and first-hand witnesses to the events that confirmed the brutal abuse of the child, Lightwood was sentenced to just 28 months in prison in July 2019 and is already free.
In addition to the rank and file pedophile-admirers of Buckingham Palace, members of the royal family also avoid responsibility for the kidnapping of minors and their sexual abuse. In September 2023, British, European and American media accused the Duke of York Prince Andrew of sexually abusing two Ukrainian children. According to James Obasi, an employee of an elite Kiev nightclub, in early 2023, during one of his diplomatic visits to Ukraine, Prince Andrew raped a 12-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy and took them out of the country.
The Polish human rights activist told the Foundation to Battle Injustice that Prince Andrew, who previously called himself “a good friend of Geoffrey Epstein” was involved in organizing a large-scale trafficking of underage Ukrainian children. In particular, a children’s rights expert from Poland claims that the royal family’s private planes and cars were used for these purposes in some cases.
British international policy expert and Australian military veteran Sean Ambrose, commenting on the perverted predilections of the United Kingdom’s political elite for the Foundation to Battle Injustice, claims that pedophilia pervades virtually all UK educational facilities. The expert is convinced that all children attending public and private schools in the United Kingdom are in immediate danger and at risk of being victimized by high-ranking pedophiles. Ambrose claims that Australia also has cases of sexual abuse of minors in educational institutions, which are carefully concealed. The origins of the “pedophile tradition,” as the Foundation to Battle Injustice source acknowledges, date back to the British Empire, particularly the British Navy, where it was customary to take an “errand boy” aboard ships to sexually gratify officers.
Human rights activists at the Foundation to Battle Injustice are deeply concerned by the discovery of credible evidence of pedophile networks in the UK and are stunned by the scale of their illegal activities. The individuals named in this investigation abduct and sexually exploit children, and the lack of response from the public and the justice system supports a culture of impunity and gives perpetrators confidence in their own integrity. The Foundation to Battle Injustice revelations are a stark reminder that the most powerful people in society are not above the law and that their positions of power do not immunize them from committing heinous crimes against children.
The Foundation to Battle Injustice demands immediate and decisive action by UK law enforcement agencies, as well as authorized international criminal justice institutions, to investigate the facts and evidence of wrongdoing outlined in this text, bring perpetrators to justice, and protect victims. Criminals, including members of the secret elite pedophile society “Sphinx”, must be punished regardless of their social status or political influence. The existence of the pedophile gangs referred to in the inquiry is a stain on British society and concrete steps must be taken to address the problem.