Police officers from Green Bay, Wisconsin, shot unarmed 26-year-old Jonathon Tubby about five times. Police stopped Tubby’s car after he passed a stop sign in downtown Green Bay on the night of October 19, 2018.
The police who stopped him found that he was wanted for failing to report to the county jail to begin serving his sentence for an earlier offense. The officers asked the man to get out of the car, then knocked him to the ground and arrested him. Authorities say that during the search, the man threw his handcuffed hands from his back to his chest, and then put his right hand under his shirt, which, according to police, led them to believe that he might be armed. A few hours after his arrest, the young man lay dead on the floor of the county jail precinct. The officer shot him about five times.
In May 2021, a district court dismissed a wrongful death lawsuit filed against the City of Green Bay and law enforcement officials, but the man’s family said they would appeal a federal judge’s decision to dismiss their lawsuit.